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DBConcurrencyException: Concurrency violation
Hi, We get this exception sometimes, on the home page after restarting the solution. The exception is triggered only once, as it doesn't appear after refreshing or going to another page. What if the reason for this exception? Any clue? Regards, Tomas ...
Tomas Gomez
12/02/2021 14:04:52
Last post: 09/01/2024 09:57:45
Add user to assortments
Hi guys and Happy New Year! I have a requirement to extend the standard Swift functionality of adding new Users and include the assignment of the new user to the same Assortments as the parent user. What would be the best (efficient) way of handling  ...
Adrian Ursu
08/01/2024 16:23:16
Last post: 09/01/2024 09:57:25
Shipping provider not calling after payment step
version 9.16.5 when you have multiple steps on cart if the cart goes until payment step and customer return back to first step, then shipping provider is not calling loggen in users when they change address it calls but for guest users its not callin ...
Shiwanka Chathuranga
03/01/2024 09:16:04
Last post: 08/01/2024 10:00:21
Is NuGet still supported?
Hi, In our team we have a project that was initiated by installing DW as a nuget package. All went relatively fine and the project is working. The problem raises when we try to either update that project or even install newest DW packages on a comple ...
Karol Barkowski
03/01/2024 12:52:35
Last post: 05/01/2024 15:16:53
Show product discount name in sales badge
Hi, I want to show the name of the product discount in Swift's ecommerce sales badge instead of the percentage (see attachment). I'm quite new to this, so can someone tell me which file I need to edit (I think Swift_EcommerceBadge.cshtml) and ...
Caro De Weze
22/12/2023 10:46:21
Last post: 22/12/2023 12:23:43
Index file locked
Hello, I've made some changes in my products and I wanted to rebuild the indexes. And for some reason I started to recieve errors saying that "process cannot access the file", like on the image below. What on earth is going on there? I  ...
Karol Barkowski
21/12/2023 03:35:09
Last post: 21/12/2023 08:53:03
Alternative for SearchEngineFriendlyURLs when using new URL providers?
Hi there, When I set up the following under Custom URLs: a call like this: Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl("Default.aspx?ID=123&ProductID=101244"); gives me the friendly bit for the page part, but not for the ...
Imar Spaanjaars
15/12/2023 14:24:14
Last post: 19/12/2023 12:08:31
Custom item field types?
How can i create custom item field types? ...
Rúni Gudmundarson
12/12/2023 15:48:31
Last post: 15/12/2023 16:56:25
Webapi: Missing forgot password
Dear Dynamicweb, We are working with the new webapi in an app, but needs a method when a user has forgot the password. Is it going to be implemented in the near future? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
20/10/2021 09:09:02
Last post: 14/12/2023 11:18:42
Smart Search issue
Hi, guys A customer has a question about Smart Searches, specifically Has not ordered last 30/60/90 days. They noticed a customer (let's say D) appears only in the 30 day smart search, and not the 60 or 90 day smart search. But that customer has  ...
Sean Meade
07/12/2023 17:33:09
Last post: 11/12/2023 20:51:51
Extend Endpoint Authentication types
Hi, Working with 3rd party endpooints, we were looking for a way to use the Endpoint Manager to store those, but seem to have hit a snag because of the Authentication. Considering the Authentication types, we've came across 2 distinct situations: ...
Mario Santos
30/11/2023 12:32:49
Last post: 06/12/2023 12:48:30
User create flow
Hi guys, We have recently tried to implement a scenario where users should be defined as inactive and the admin would have to activate the users from the back-end The scope was to run some code after the user is activated by the admin. What we have n ...
Adrian Ursu
30/11/2023 16:45:29
Last post: 06/12/2023 11:44:51
Notification subscriber variant option create/edit
Are there any notification subscribers available when updating or creating a new variant option? ...
Martin Moen
29/11/2023 15:33:49
Last post: 06/12/2023 09:51:34
T3: Platform Developer
Hi guys, I would like to create the simplest dll, compile it and insert it into my solution. I'm trying to follow the T3: Platform Developer training. I created a new project and tried to add an extension that I found in the documentation. Is the ...
Tomislav Bušić
05/12/2023 12:06:01
Last post: 06/12/2023 09:15:45
Stripe Checkout
Hi guys, Has anyone implemented the new Stripe checkout logic? In the standard files coming with DW, I have only found some old templates (HTML) using an old version of the stripe javascript. I need to start looking at the new Stripe logic and I am l ...
Adrian Ursu
03/12/2023 10:41:05
Last post: 05/12/2023 12:05:11
AccessUserAddress call for every user you can impersonate causes slow login
Hi, We have a solution where when we log in as a person who can impersonate, there is a db call being made which is made for every user you can impersonate: In this scenario, the logged in user can impersonate 7678 users. Which results in a slow logi ...
Mikkel Hammer
15/11/2022 15:09:24
Last post: 30/11/2023 10:08:46
Activating user notification
Hello, Is there any way to get notified whenever a user in DW gets activated? Thanks, Alexandru Ciobanu .NET Developer, Commergent ...
Alexandru Ciobanu
19/11/2023 13:53:57
Last post: 29/11/2023 13:31:50
ProductViewModel - How to manipulate values after creation?
Hi DW, Is there a way to change the values in a ProductViewModel after it has been created in the ViewModelFactory? The only way I have found sofar is to do the modification in f.ex. the ProductViewDetail.cshtml or ProductViewList.cshtml templates (s ...
Christian Fisker
12/06/2023 12:15:59
Last post: 28/11/2023 13:56:22
Prices from Live integration in Schedule Task AddIn
Hey guys, I have a project with live integratiom, the prices are fetched from an external system . I developed a scheduled task that generates a custom XML with all the active products. I noticed that some of the products don't have prices in my  ...
Alexandru Aliu
01/11/2023 15:12:10
Last post: 22/11/2023 10:12:07
Area.Item is null?
Hi, I have a legacy project (DW9.14.13) that I'm trying to run and add few backend jobs to it. The whole website is already done, deployed and running. So what I did is I downloaded all the files of it and put it in my local project. I also have  ...
Karol Barkowski
21/11/2023 10:40:51
Last post: 21/11/2023 16:20:00