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Reset password notification
Is there a notification subscriber that can be used in order to catch when a password is reset? I have tried to implement a number of notification subscribers by now with no luck. Kind regards, Roald ...
Roald Haahr
28/05/2021 14:14:21
Last post: 21/11/2023 16:15:49
Anonymous carts with webapi/headless implementation
Hi, We have a customer doing there own development and they are using the webapi. The current struggle is that, mimicing their current site, they would allow users to add items to the cart, before they log in. I can see the current endpoint requires  ...
Nuno Aguiar
16/11/2023 13:45:42
Last post: 16/11/2023 19:56:35
Form for adding BOM/configurable products
I'm trying to add a configurable product to the basket, but I'm struggeling with getting the options into the basket. I have this structure: Main product (PROD1) First Config Group Option 1 (OPT11) Option 2 (OPT12) Second Config Group Option  ...
Martin Moen
09/11/2023 15:38:35
Last post: 10/11/2023 12:27:23
Loop most sold products
Hi, I want to call the 5 most sold products and show them in a div among each other. For the products I want to show their image, name and sku. How can I do this? Caro ...
Caro De Weze
09/11/2023 12:20:01
Last post: 09/11/2023 13:37:46
Merge carts (temporary and active)
Hi guys, I have a situation where it would be useful to be able to merge carts, I will explain. I want to create a temporary cart on an Order Context that's different than the regular CartContext. When I am done with making adjustments to the tem ...
Adrian Ursu
31/10/2023 14:51:58
Last post: 01/11/2023 12:25:53
Item Types and view models question
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to deal with custom item types and there's one thing that seems really, really weird. Let's say that I have this simple type defined as a code-first item. All the permissions are set up too in admin, I hav ...
Karol Barkowski
28/10/2023 16:44:58
Last post: 30/10/2023 21:28:44
Collect page content output for sending to external systems
Hi guys, I have a situation where I have to send NewsArtcile content to external sources via custom integration. One of the challenges is sending out the resulting content of the page, considering that the entire content is built using GridRows and C ...
Adrian Ursu
29/09/2023 10:59:49
Last post: 30/10/2023 10:31:13
Serialize/Deserialize Query Expressions
Hi guys, I have a situation where I want to add Query expressions in the SwiftProduct.query programmatically. I have used the QueryService for reading the Query file, I could manipulate the Parameters of the query but I could not find a way to intera ...
Adrian Ursu
29/10/2023 16:47:41
Last post: 30/10/2023 10:29:03
Unit test for a scheduled task
Hi, so I have a scheduled task defined and it's using few of the Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Services classes, like Shops or Products. Now, since whenever I make a change to code, I need to restart my app, it's just very time consuming as it takes a ...
Karol Barkowski
20/10/2023 08:42:24
Last post: 25/10/2023 12:00:49
Scheduled task progress
Hello, I have a working DW website that contains quite a lot of products. Now, from time to time I need to iterate those porducts and make sure that they are in sync with some external data sources. So I've made a scheduled task for that and it w ...
Karol Barkowski
18/10/2023 23:32:00
Last post: 24/10/2023 16:35:56
Price range facet: MaximumValue not working as expected
Hello! I have set up a price range filter and want to get the maximum price for the slider. However, as soon as the query is applied the tag is updated to reflect the current productlist and not the productlist without the query, which I would expect ...
Martin Gammelholm
29/08/2023 14:22:10
Last post: 24/10/2023 11:07:48
ProductInfoViewModelExtensions is missing null checks
Hi, The ProductInfoViewModelExtensions is missing some null checks. I was trying to do this simple line of code and when I navigate to a Product that is Discontinued but has no Replacement Product, I get a missing ProductId error. ProductViewModel re ...
Nuno Aguiar
04/09/2023 19:34:41
Last post: 23/10/2023 17:00:45
Disable Set-Cookie in response header
Hello, is there any way to disable or customize the Set-Cookie in response headers on page level? I need to disable them when using an external CDN provider. ...
Kasper Pedersen
18/10/2023 11:20:16
Last post: 23/10/2023 16:48:30
DW locally on Mac
Hi, I'm trying to get DW running locally on my Mac. Unfortunately the documentation around here is mainly for Windows, so I need some help. Which programs do you recommend to work with to start? Which IIS manager? This is installed by default on  ...
Caro De Weze
17/10/2023 14:45:00
Last post: 18/10/2023 09:09:41
Using webapi token to authenticate in frontend
Hi, Is there a way to use the webapi token to login the user in the frontend? We have this customer building a new frontend in a different CMS (corporate reasons), but still wants to use DW for the checkout process (potentially some other pages - we  ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/10/2023 14:06:07
Last post: 12/10/2023 15:01:04
External Authentication using just back-end code
Hi guys, I am not sure if the title is clear enough, I will detail. I need a way to authenticate in another system but using the regular Sing in form from DW. I was thinking maybe to use some notification in DW, execute my code, and then move on with ...
Adrian Ursu
11/10/2023 19:45:55
Last post: 12/10/2023 13:49:06
Custom logic for creating CSS classes and definitions
Hi guys, I have a request for optimizing the admin's activity where I need to create a set of editable elements that in turn would generate some CSS rules. Something very similar to how the Themes work. I can handle the Itemtype definitions but I ...
Adrian Ursu
12/10/2023 10:52:49
Last post: 12/10/2023 12:55:26
Get Parent page inside loop of ItemPulbisher
Hi i am looping pages in an item publisher, and I am trying to get the parent of the current page inside the loop like this @{ string pageid=@i.GetInteger("ItemPublisher:Global.PageId").ToString(); var page = Dynamicweb.Content.Services.Pag ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
10/10/2023 20:04:05
Last post: 11/10/2023 11:34:48
SQL timeout on users - Custom Fields
Hi DW. We have a large solution with a lot of users in the AccessUser table. We are running DW version 9.14.9 Before going to production with a new feature, we wanted to add a custom field, for all the users. However, the action timed out during the  ...
Daniel Hollmann
05/10/2023 14:44:42
Last post: 05/10/2023 19:40:17
Assign user to group
Hello guys, I am looking for a way to assign a user to an extranet group from the frontend, when the user buys a specific product. I have tried with this approach: user.AddToGroup(groupId); using (var supress = new NotificationContext(NotificationCon ...
Anders Ebdrup
27/09/2023 15:25:08
Last post: 05/10/2023 08:47:03