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EcomProductUnitOfMeasure data in ProductViewModel
Hi guys., Is there any way I can get data from EcomProductUnitOfMeasure table into the ProductViewModel? Or is some service returning this data based on the ProductId? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
02/10/2023 11:47:00
Last post: 02/10/2023 12:19:51
Intercept exceptions
Hi there, I have a site where a customer gets the following exception when logging in: I think this has to do with loading a cart that doesn't exist anymore but we're not sure. Is there a way I can intercept this exception and perform some lo ...
Imar Spaanjaars
02/10/2023 10:59:54
Last post: 02/10/2023 12:12:05
How to get Item field "Do not include in search" using the API?
Hello, Is there a way we can get the value in item field property Do not include in search using the API? We are using an item published and would like to exclude from the search all fields that have this property set to true. Thank you. ...
Pedro Meias
29/09/2023 03:09:16
Last post: 29/09/2023 13:47:54
/dwapi/frontend/navigations/{areaId} returns hidden page with property ShowInMenu: true
Hi, As title says im wondering why /dwapi/frontend/navigations/{areaId} returns hidden page with ShowInMenu as true. When requesting the api im using IncludeFoldersAndHidden=true but I want to hide hidden pages from the navigation manually via the pr ...
Joakim Sjöbäck
30/08/2023 14:30:17
Last post: 29/09/2023 10:16:35
Cookie Usage DW_Extranet
what was the actual usage of this cookie DW_Extranet in latest dw 9.15.*** because we face some issue on Azure WAF with this cookie DWExtranetUsername=&DWExtranetPassword=&DWExtranetImpersonateUserID=OnOXgI3kDpU= when we have this highlighted ...
Shiwanka Chathuranga
25/09/2023 11:55:52
Last post: 26/09/2023 05:10:55
Custom Add In not showing up
Hi, I wanted to play around with custom add ins a little bit so I found some example that I put into my project. It's the most basic app that I could write: [AddInName("SampleCustomApp")] public class App : ContentModule { public overri ...
Karol Barkowski
25/09/2023 16:49:24
Last post: 25/09/2023 19:58:42
Delete GroupProduct relation using Services?
Hello how do i delete the EcomGroupProductRelation when deleting a product? my code: public void DeleteProduct(string id) { var products = new ProductCollection(); var product = _productService.GetProductById(id, null, true) ?? throw new ArgumentNull ...
René Benjaminsen
23/09/2023 22:53:41
Last post: 25/09/2023 17:29:56
Log user in via code
Hello. I have a client-side fetch to an internal page. That page includes af ICC app i use to get some specific information from BC. I tried to log the user in via the API before calling the internal page. I get the token from the first call but the  ...
Kasper Legarth
13/03/2023 08:59:06
Last post: 20/09/2023 09:04:15
Custom MVC filter
hello, I need to register a custom mvc filter. In a regular mvc app it is trivial and I can do it in the global.asax file. In DynamicWeb 9 however we don't have access to this and if I'm correct, the recommended approach is to use notificatio ...
Karol Barkowski
04/09/2023 15:56:04
Last post: 16/09/2023 23:54:56
Changing customer/delivery address to another country doesn't update default shipping and payment methods
Hi DW, When changing a customer/delivery address to another country via the DWAPI, the default payment and shipping are not updated to use the default methods for that country. Setup for shipping, you can see PostNord is only available in Denmark, an ...
Mikkel Hammer
23/08/2023 11:40:37
Last post: 14/09/2023 13:06:28
GET /dwapi/ecommerce/carts?ByCustomerNumber=true doesn't work
It seems like ByCustomerNumber on Carts doesn't work as intended. Whenever I call it, it doesn't add the OrderCustomerNumber clause to the select statement exec sp_executesql N' DECLARE @DefaultRate float; SET ARITHABORT OFF; SET @Default ...
Tor Leeberg
25/08/2023 09:27:48
Last post: 14/09/2023 12:49:51
Missing CountryCode in PIM Feed
Dear Dynamicweb, We have upgraded a solution to 9.15.10 and afterwards we experience issues with a missing "countrycode" when trying to access a feed - please see this screendump: But when we add a  ...
Anders Ebdrup
17/08/2023 11:03:36
Last post: 14/09/2023 12:46:45
Send additional parameter to quickpay
Hi there, I need to send the deadline parameter to Quick Pay (QuickPay Form - in order to control the time the user has to complete the order (so it matches the reservation time in the cart). I tri ...
Imar Spaanjaars
02/09/2023 22:31:01
Last post: 14/09/2023 11:20:58
Dependency Injection
Hello, I have a custom scheduled task in my project. So I have a class that derives from the "BaseScheduledTaskAddIn" class. Is there any way to use constructor dependency injection in those tasks? Or anywhere in DW in general? So to have s ...
Karol Barkowski
13/09/2023 01:24:12
Last post: 13/09/2023 15:23:32
Delete user via /dwapi
Hello. Is it possible to delete a user/users via the API (/dwapi)? ...
Vincent Gercke
05/09/2023 10:30:45
Last post: 12/09/2023 20:09:41
Add/remove loyalty points via /dwapi
Hello. Is it possible to modify users loyalty points via the API (/dwapi)? I've had a look through the documentation, without any luck. ...
Vincent Gercke
05/09/2023 10:21:47
Last post: 07/09/2023 21:31:44
/dwapi/frontend/navigations/{areaId} returns hidden page with property ShowInMenu: true
Hi, As title says im wondering why /dwapi/frontend/navigations/{areaId} returns hidden page with ShowInMenu as true. When requesting the api im using IncludeFoldersAndHidden=true but I want to hide hidden pages from the navigation manually via the pr ...
30/08/2023 14:30:20
Last post: 04/09/2023 17:51:03
Index custom field type
Hello, I got some issue when it comes to custom field type and indexing. The case is that the customer want to sort products based on the last word in a text field. Because of this we have created a custom field type that get the last word in the tex ...
Alexander Tømmerholen
04/09/2023 13:15:34
Last post: 04/09/2023 15:34:12
Basket - Server side step ?
Hi If I want to create a custom server side step in the basket, and store the new data to the basket/order. How would I go about doing that ? ...
Anders Jensen
04/09/2023 08:34:47
Last post: 04/09/2023 11:14:09
Order StateId change doesn't send the email
Hey guys, We have a project where we try to make the system send an email when the order gets a specific Order State. This works when we do it manually, but it doesn't work when we change the State Id programaticaly . Can anyone guide us to get t ...
Alexandru Aliu
30/08/2023 14:57:12
Last post: 31/08/2023 17:04:10