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Forum » Feature requests
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Add favorite lists to WebAPI
Hi We have a customer running DW 9 headless where we have to implement product favorites. It would be great to have favorite list management added to the webapi so we don't have to create a custom solution for this. ...
Tor Leeberg
09/01/2023 07:57:47
Last post: 18/08/2023 15:40:53
Edit Field Display Groups with many fields
Everyone who have been working with Field Display Groups, where the solution have many fields (>50 fields) most have been in the same situation as me... clicking myself halfway dead! Adding and removing fields works very well with ">" ...
Michael Knudsen
15/08/2023 21:58:25
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Extend Favorite lists
Hi guys, We have been playing around with Favorite lists for a while and now that the DWAPI supports interactions with the lists and products, it became even more useful. This is the reason I am thinking that an extension of the favorite lists would  ...
Adrian Ursu
14/08/2023 12:18:59
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PIM feed - enable paging
Would it be possible to add 'paging' to PIM feeds? Some customers are required to deliver a product feed with 'paging' eg. 500 products per page and currently would this require a custom template. This could be checkbox on the feed to ...
Michael Knudsen
02/08/2023 11:27:20
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Add sort order for GridRowViewModel
Hi guys, Sometimes it would be helpful to know the position of the grid on the page. In my situation specifically, I need to know if it is the first GridRow on the page. But it can be useful to see the position of the grid rows and if it;'s the f ...
Adrian Ursu
16/07/2023 13:10:23
Last post: 17/07/2023 09:10:10
Paginated results in dwapi get carts
The endpoint GET /dwapi/ecommerce/carts returns a list of UserCartsResponse, but the endpoint is paginated and the response doesnt respond with a paginated result i.e. list of results, totalpages. total in result. It would be preferred to have that i ...
Theodor Perrier
12/07/2023 10:17:40
Last post: 12/07/2023 13:37:28
Theodor Perrier
12/07/2023 10:13:43
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Image Selector Item type field with Advanced Settings
Hi, Consider the image field type in items It's quite common to have customers from all technical ranges (editors all the way up to developer-like) that request more advanced settings. So instead of having to always customize templates and/or Ite ...
Nuno Aguiar
29/06/2023 12:03:29
Last post: 02/07/2023 23:08:52
Deployment Tool - free text search
Hi, We often need to deploy pages, subpages and paragraphs with Deployment Tool, we find ourselves searching in the current page for the parent page name for example. It would be great if we have a free text field in filters section that will show/hi ...
Mario Santos
30/06/2023 17:17:18
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Hide dashboards widgets for old stats when old stats is disabled
Hi there, When you customize a dashboard you get lots of widgets that return 0 as their value. That's becuase they target the old tracking using StatsV2. Can those be hidden from the list of available widgets when that old tracking is disabled? T ...
Imar Spaanjaars
29/06/2023 22:01:54
Last post: 30/06/2023 10:02:57
Make Facet "Panel" sticky
Hi, I would like to request a feature that the Navigation/Facet panel can be made sticky, so that it stays visible when a user scrolls down. Unfortunately since the element is a sibling and not a child of the header, using boorstrap sticky-top will s ...
Justin Sjouw
27/06/2023 13:14:59
Last post: 27/06/2023 20:20:32
Facet sorting
My colleagues stumbled upon the facet sorting issue AGAIN. I often create my own templates, so I can sort as I please, but now we are working with Swift and do not want to change templates due to upgrade issues in the future. They now have facet opti ...
Peter Leleulya
01/05/2023 10:30:18
Last post: 26/06/2023 10:53:26
Edit quote prices without VAT
Hi, We are creating a B2B website where the customers are able to make quotes. When these quotes are edited, all prices have to be edited with VAT, which does not make sense from a B2B point of view - at least in Denmark. Could you add an option some ...
Roald Haahr
23/06/2023 11:44:45
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Email marketing - Context specific document attachments
Hi guys, We have received a request to extend the functionality of "Email Marketing" by allowing the attachment of documents based on the context (User). I am not sure if this can be solved already using existing functionality or existing e ...
Adrian Ursu
19/06/2023 11:57:17
Last post: 21/06/2023 16:16:14
Search/Filter User groups in Users section
Hi guys, I have a request for the Users section interface. I am pretty sure it won't make it to the DW9 but maybe you can consider it at least for DW10. I won;t mind if I find it in a 9.XX version though :) We have a few customers with a lot of U ...
Adrian Ursu
16/06/2023 15:32:53
Last post: 16/06/2023 16:09:46
Monitoring > Ecommerce > Variant Options
Hi, Can you please add a query to Monitoring > Ecommerce that identifies multiple options within a variant group that have the same name? Something like this: select VariantOptionGroupId, VariantOptionName, count(1) from EcomVariantsOptions group  ...
Carolee Schuck
01/06/2023 18:40:52
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Error when deactivated discount references active voucher list
Hello! I recently ran into an issue on a 9.13.3 Rapido solution where a deactivated discount was referencing an active voucher list, which threw the following exception error and prevented users from accessing the Ecommerce > Vouchers UI. Since it ...
Melissa Borgmann
20/04/2023 18:51:53
Last post: 01/06/2023 02:20:27
Add default image to PIM Excel export columns for product identification
Hi! We have a customer who wants to be able to add an image to their PIM Excel exports - to be able to identify their products. Product name and product number are not sufficient for them to find the right product. It is only about displaying the ima ...
Allan Iversen
22/05/2023 11:13:35
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Auto-delete task from database when converting to XML
Hi there, Quite often we start with scheduled tasks in the database and then later convert them to XML. That current process is cumbersome: 1. Navigate to page X and find your task and open it 2. Click Save as XML 3. Click Close 4. Navigate to page X ...
Imar Spaanjaars
15/05/2023 21:43:39
Last post: 17/05/2023 09:40:14
Customize panel that shows variants
Option to customize panel that shows variants, especially with long product names it can be really difficult to navigate. When you choose one of the variants, it is also difficult to see where you are and which variant is next in line ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
16/05/2023 12:37:56
Last post: 16/05/2023 12:57:10