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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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EcomProduct Not updating custom fields in Language Versions
We are using Dynamicweb.dll, updating an older site, adding a stand alone Norwegian site alongside the current English version. This is not a language layer under the English site. We are using the Ecommerce system and localising Products to  ...
Kevin O''''Driscoll
20/09/2016 10:28:33
Last post: 20/09/2016 16:12:40
Creating a new cart with a unique cart context
I have a situation where each browser session needs to have a unique cart, even if it's the same user. This is for a Punchout situation where we're supporting adding items to the cart and then passing the pick list back to the Punchout system. For th ...
Scott Forsyth
19/09/2016 06:21:17
Last post: 20/09/2016 09:39:13
What does "Capture State" = "Not supported" mean?
We have a customer that has one order marked as OrderComplete = True, but with Capture State = "Not supported". Normally the capture state is "Not captured" on orders when using the DIBS payment service. What does this state actually mean, and why is ...
Espen Strømsnes
15/09/2016 12:59:21
Last post: 15/09/2016 15:32:15
Variants listed as products
Hi guys, We are having variants listed as products in the "All products" but in the group itself don't. Please see screencast. Reproduced in DW Version: and Best regards, António Ramos ...
António Ramos
20/07/2016 10:40:00
Last post: 15/09/2016 11:12:28
Lucene summaryfield search and special charcters.
Hi Dynamicweb We are using the Lucene index builder for handling the products and searches in the solution, but we now have a request from our customer about special characters. The searching is done with a SummaryField created on the index through t ...
Jeppe Jakobsen
09/08/2016 15:50:11
Last post: 12/09/2016 13:21:06
Cart Context
Hi guys, I'm having quite a problem. I've created 3 context carts all in the same shop and properly configured them but somehow, when I'm trying to add a product to the cart, It won't add anything. It just refreshes to the same page. Am I doing anyth ...
Dinis Figueira
08/09/2016 18:41:15
Last post: 12/09/2016 12:00:02
Orders losing payment options
Hi there, We have a site where every now and then the order is not passed to a configured checkout handler but is instead handled by the DefaultCheckoutHandler. After some triubleshooting we found that these orders had LANG1 as their language (which  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
11/09/2016 14:49:54
Last post: 12/09/2016 10:58:12
Update OrderLine Quantity
Hi Guys, It's possible to update the product quantity of an orderline from product list page? I've tried to use cartcmd=updateorderlines but it doesn't work. BR, Bruno ...
Bruno Sousa
09/09/2016 12:51:55
Last post: 09/09/2016 13:41:40
Products with two variants (size and color)
Hey guys I'm using the new index on a solution and on the product list each color variant is rendered by using the "color - First variant in group" expression, which works fine. But I want to show which sizes is availible on each color variant, both  ...
Jakob Westhausen
07/09/2016 09:00:06
Last post: 08/09/2016 08:35:09
Custom share on cart url
Hi, On this event, when you click Sign Up, the event is added to the cart. On the checkout page, I want to add an facebook share, which also seems to work. The problem is, when I share the page, and go to facebook and click on the link, the cart is e ...
Michael John
06/09/2016 10:29:16
Last post: 06/09/2016 11:52:49
Make shipping options unavailable for specific users
Hi there, I have a shipping option (using the Fee Rules) as well as a custom shipping provider that I would like to hide for all users except for those in a specific group. How can I do that? For the Fee Rules I can select a group but that only affec ...
Imar Spaanjaars
05/09/2016 15:13:41
No replies yet
Gift Card vs Voucher Code in Database
Hi, We are submitting GiftCards and VoucherCodes in different fields (EcomOrderGiftCardCode and EcomOrderVoucherCode), but in the database they seemed to be stored in the same column. We figured that when using Integration and did not notice the diff ...
Nuno Aguiar
23/08/2016 16:31:37
Last post: 01/09/2016 09:02:21
RE: Having more filters at E-comm>Orders page
Hi any body can help me. thanks Our customer had additional fields like VIP Card number, Assignee - the staff that are taking care of fulfilling this orders. etc. The would like these fields to be searchable on the admin panel e-comm>order page. m ...
Pang Lin
26/08/2016 02:36:25
Last post: 30/08/2016 02:52:14
Relation groups - default on group level
Hi, In our DW implementation we have defined two relation groups (Management Center -> eCommerce-> Product Catelog -> Relation Groups). On a eCommerce group editing form we can define default related products following the relation groups bu ...
Adnan Catovic
25/08/2016 14:07:13
Last post: 25/08/2016 14:41:54
Getting an error when rebuilding cart after being idle
Hi there, I get the following error when I restart a session on a site for a user that has an existing cart. Upon loading it, Dynamicweb crashes with the following: An item with the same key has already been added. The stack trace points to this: Sys ...
Imar Spaanjaars
24/08/2016 21:35:09
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RE: Default shop on eCommerce group
Hi, Is there a way to assign a default shop to a eCommerce group and have all products inherit the assigned shop to a group? Also, all product added to the group should have the default shop assigned allready (after that was done on a group level). T ...
Adnan Catovic
24/08/2016 13:58:14
Last post: 24/08/2016 14:39:37
Currency rate per country
Hi, We are bullding a website with 8 languages (1 per country) with multiple currencies. Everything works great taking the rates into account, but they need the rate amount to be different per country. Here's what they have: 4 languages that sell in  ...
Nuno Aguiar
23/08/2016 18:41:38
Last post: 24/08/2016 12:34:24
Canonical product urls from multiple pages
I have 2 questions: 1. Is it possible to have the product urls without group names, for example and 2. I have multiple category pages with different groups attached /category-page-1 /category-page-2 Now I have a page that  ...
Davor Zlotrg
23/08/2016 11:57:48
Last post: 23/08/2016 15:28:00
Stripe Error
Hi Guys, In the project that I'm working now we are getting an error when using Stripe as payment method, where the error says invalid positive integer and happens when we insert a discount (voucher or gift card) that is bigger than the order total.  ...
22/08/2016 15:33:06
Last post: 22/08/2016 16:44:25
PayPal Express SSL/TLS error
Hi guys, We are getting this error when connecting to PayPal Express: [7/25/2016 9:51:12 AM]: Order CART733: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. (Total:169.95, orderline total:$169.95; Orderlines:2 - Products:1, Discount ...
Terri Donahue
25/07/2016 19:26:35
Last post: 22/08/2016 15:57:35