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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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Assortments for Current User
Hi Guys, Is there any way to list the assortments that apply for the current user? I have a situation where a user is seeing thing is not supposed to and I suspect an incorrect assortment allocation. I don't have an easy access to database (Firehose) ...
Adrian Ursu
13/01/2017 13:45:58
Last post: 16/01/2017 08:11:39
How can I loop "empty" facets
The problem is that my current facets loop, only shows facets that have values. That's fine as long as there is 1 or +1 results. But not what I want when there is no result, because I want the user to get the option of selecting all options/facets (e ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
13/01/2017 17:01:15
Last post: 14/01/2017 07:49:44
Recurring Order at checkout
Hi, During the checkout process we're able to set a order to be a recurring order. I've set the recurring options (interval, interval unit, end date, etc...) and updated the cart, checking the database and the order was set as a recurring order succe ...
Mario Santos
19/10/2016 13:11:44
Last post: 12/01/2017 14:06:19
Error copying/modifying website
I am unable to create a new site by copying the standard site. When I try to copy the Standard site the following error occurs: "Error happened while executing operation! Area was not copied". As a side-note, I can create a new site, but when I try t ...
Espen Strømsnes
05/01/2017 14:32:54
Last post: 12/01/2017 13:56:16
404 Productdetail page not found
Hi, Problem In our ecom section of Dynamic Web we have a shop in 2 languages with a group tree -> See 01 EcomGroupsSettings.png Whitin this 2 languages the group has several products -> See 02 EcomGroupsNavigation.png The frontend uses for each ...
Sander Veltman
02/01/2017 13:53:54
Last post: 11/01/2017 14:59:07
Batch creation of gift cards
Is it possible to create a batch of lets say 50 gift cards without having to actually buy them? ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
11/01/2017 08:54:45
Last post: 11/01/2017 09:26:21
Does product search in backend not search custom fields?
Hi Does it not search custom fields? Br Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
09/01/2017 18:57:49
Last post: 10/01/2017 10:06:41
Compare products
Hi As I understand, the product compare functionality in dw works as follows: If a query string on a productpage contains "?compare=" followed by a comma separated string of product ids the compare template is used. After upgrading to dw9 the address ...
Thomas Schroll
24/11/2016 14:50:29
Last post: 10/01/2017 01:42:14
Order prefix for order context
Hi, Is there a way to set different order prefix (and auto-numbering) foreach order context? Thanks, Mário ...
Mario Santos
05/01/2017 12:20:26
Last post: 05/01/2017 12:22:27
Sorting the variant groups
Hello, Is there a way to sort the variant groups so that they appear in a certain order (especially on a group or product basis) ? For example, I might want to select VariantGroupA, then VariantGroupB for a certain product, but for another product Va ...
Gaëtan Di Caro
04/01/2017 13:06:47
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Repositories using queries with Match All field expression doesn't affect calculated facet count for field
Hi! I have found out that if we use queries with Match All field expression for specific fields, the calculated facet count for these fields are incorrect. The facet count for other facets used at same time are correct - only facet count for Match Al ...
Allan Iversen
04/01/2017 08:43:30
Last post: 04/01/2017 09:46:02
Folder as a custom field for products
Hi We have an ecommerce solution that we want to be able to select a folder as a custom field, but from what I can see - it is not possible to create a folder custom field. Is this correct? What we want to use the folder for, is because the products  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
28/11/2016 14:25:57
Last post: 02/01/2017 13:29:03
Product item type
Hello DynamicWeb I have a custom item type that i have made with code first. I have then created some paragraphs with different information, and would like to convert these paragraphs into products. Said in another way, i would like to be able to hav ...
Casper Andersen
02/01/2017 11:45:44
Last post: 02/01/2017 13:10:20
Querystring parameter to change product list template
Hi, We sometimes have to display different product lists views that are more than just css changes. Unfortunately this means an entirely different HTML structure. Sometimes this means the developers use querystring parameters to render A, B or C, how ...
Nuno Aguiar
26/12/2016 19:09:52
Last post: 27/12/2016 10:19:58
Changing currency symbol
Hi there, When I create a new currency, the section Settings is readonly. For French (Switzerland) it shows CHF as the currency code (which is correct) but lists fr. as the Currency symbol. The custom wants to display CHF instead of fr. Since I can't ...
Imar Spaanjaars
19/12/2016 16:56:10
Last post: 20/12/2016 08:55:21
Adding wildcard search to Repository
Hi, Is there any way to support wildcard searches? e.g. searching for "he" will match "hello". I know that you can develop another analyzer but I would prefer not breaking all keywords down to N-gram terms as I know lucene supports wildcards. Best Re ...
Søren Heide Larsen
03/10/2016 12:59:46
Last post: 15/12/2016 13:49:01
Default Variant Option in different languages
Hi Guys, In the project that I'm working we have 3 languages in Ecommerce( English (main language), French (Canada), English (Canada)). When I set the default group and the variant combination in the main language all the data come throw all the lang ...
Bruno Sousa
07/09/2016 17:14:56
Last post: 15/12/2016 13:23:55
Free shipping discount with Gift Cards
Hi, We have a customer that wants to set up Free Shipping for orders over $50 using a specific shipping method. So far so good, until we add a gift card. The order (prior to the gift card) is +$50 and the discount is triggered, but as soon as we plac ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/12/2016 19:34:29
Last post: 15/12/2016 10:54:02
Forms for editors - How to let the user decide the recipient e-mail address
Hi is it possible to let the user who fills out the form, decide where to send the form by providing af email in a field? I see the option "Get from E-mail field" on the sender but not on the recipient. Regards Kim ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
13/12/2016 15:12:05
Last post: 13/12/2016 15:54:39
Is it possible to make a Email CC-field in Ecom order checkout?
Hi DW Is it possible to add a Att. e-mail field to the ecom checkout, that will send an cc-mail and thereby send two identical e-mails to two differnt people? ...
Mads Poulsen
13/12/2016 13:59:54
Last post: 13/12/2016 14:33:14