Developer forum

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product into the basket using the url parameters
I'am trying to put at product into the basket using the url parameters. But are also using parameters to hold other values. The problem is that when I redirect the browser to http://mydomain/Default.aspx?ID=8&VareNr=1938&farve=NAVY&produc ...
17/06/2009 13:25:28
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Forum attachments
Hi, I have been trying to get a forum to work with attachments with 2MB or more. I had to have the same KB value in requestLengthDiskThreshold and maxRequestLength to work, but the system does not allow me to have a bigger maxRequestLength. Is 2MB th ...
16/06/2009 01:18:51
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Go live - custom modules
I have made a custom module and have used the Dynamic Developer Guide. Now the module is ready to go live; but this paragraph in the developer guide is rather empty....... How to get the custom module developed in my own little sandbox (on my local w ...
15/06/2009 09:05:15
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Automatically registering users in eCom
I've been tasked with implementing automatic user registration in DW eCom based on an URL string and am wondering what the best way of implementing this is. The purpose is that the external site is giving away prizes in a competition and our eCom sit ...
28/05/2009 11:45:47
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Import/Export - generates some empty lines in my output
Hey folks, I have a problem with the Import/Export module, and i hope you guys can help me out. What i've made so far is a pipeline that grabs an XML order file, generated with the "Export orders from DB to XML", and converts it to a CSV fi ...
27/05/2009 16:32:29
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Integration module - Create Variant Groups
Hi, I wan't to create my ecom variant groups from a csv. file. What tabel/tabels is nessecery to use? And what fields are called for? /Rasmus ...
27/05/2009 11:35:40
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Column 'ParagraphPreview' does not belong to table Table
Hello I made a clean install on DW version with MS SQL. I can create Pages but when trying to create a paragraph i get the error: [ArgumentException: Column 'ParagraphPreview' does not belong to table Table.] System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColu ...
19/05/2009 12:39:44
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eCom groupmenu - sort listing
I have inserted the group from eCom in my left menu. I would like to have them listet as they are in the backend, but the only seem to be listet alphabetic. I have used the standard "LIClean_leftmenu.xslt" template for my menu. ...
12/05/2009 09:02:16
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eCom Nav xslt
Hi, Im trying to display all sub-groups of a group in the eCommerce. My structure like this: Group Group Subgroup Subgroup Group Subgroup Group My XLST returns something like this (<xsl:copy-of select="/"/>): <Groups> <Group  ...
07/05/2009 17:03:13
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File upload, when entering customer information
Hi all! Does anyone know if it is possible to make a custom field or something, which would enable the customer to upload a file to the server. The link to that file would then be displayed, when the backend administrator browses through that specifi ...
07/05/2009 09:55:34
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Dynamicweb.Templatev2.Template template filename
I use the OrderTemplateExtender. When it fires, i'd like to know what template is currently loaded (the Filename, f.e. relative to the templates folder). Is this possible? I see that Path is private? Kind regards Sjoerd Westerhof ...
06/05/2009 13:57:11
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Cancel Added Product
<p>On adding the product to the cart, the &quot;Dynamicweb.Notifications.eCommerce.Cart.Line.Added&quot; fires. How can I cancel the product from being added to the cart.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I can't find and ...
07/04/2009 16:29:41
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Adding multiple products
Hi Iam trying to add multiple products with the help of checkboxes. The following form works perfectly with an input type set as " text ", but what I really want here is checkboxes. I´ve tryed changing the type but it wont work. What  ...
01/04/2009 09:30:53
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Study of the Developer Forum
Hi guys I work in Dynamicweb's marketing department. I also study at Aarhus School of Business (ASB) where I am currently writing an assignment user innovation. In this assignment I am focusing on the extent to which this forum is a source for innova ...
25/02/2009 23:39:54
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Study of the Developer Forum
Hi guys I work in Dynamicweb's marketing department. I also study at Aarhus School of Business (ASB) where I am currently writing an assignment user innovation. In this assignment I am focusing on the extent to which this forum is a source for innova ...
25/02/2009 23:38:58
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Dealer Locator Set Language
Hi there, I've been working with the Dealer Locator Module for quit some weeks in different projects. I've got a question (or maybe an enhancement request) concerning the various views for dealers. When you enter a new Dealer into the system you can  ...
23/02/2009 12:12:50
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Product Gallery
hi! how can I get the products found via search, to be showed in the page where they are published? the are just shown in the same search page? -jan ...
12/02/2009 12:41:40
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Meta keywords and description
When I look at the source of a productpage the meta tags look like below. <meta name="Keywords" content=""> <meta name="Description" content=""> Is it possible to programatically add meta keywords a ...
10/02/2009 22:55:37
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How to connect to an extern Sharepoint
Is it possible to use Sharepoint Connector module to connect to an external hosted Sharepoint solution ? Will all given feature, i.e. AD login, work on the external hosted ? Are there other obstickals i should be aware off ? ...
23/01/2009 12:56:31
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Order Import via the Import / Exporte module
Hej Guys, i'm trying to import some order from an XML document into Dynamicweb, but nothing happens even if i get no errors. I inserted me XML below, it contains one order with one orderline. The solutions in running the latest application from the d ...
08/01/2009 11:36:41
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