Example 2: Extending the mini cart

Another fun example of extending the Master template could be adding a custom block to the mini cart informing customers about free returns.

If you followed the previous example, you should be familiar with the basics:

  • Open the MasterBlocks/Custom__blocks.cshtml template and define a Block and helper like below:
@{ BlocksPage masterBlocksBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); Block freeReturns = new Block { Id = "freeReturns", SortId = 11, Template = RenderFreeReturns() }; } @helper RenderFreeReturns() { <tr> <td colspan="4"> <div class="u-ta-center u-border u-padding"> <i class="fas fa-truck fa-flip-horizontal"></i><span>@Translate("Free returns, shipping labels provided")</span> </div> </td> </tr> }
  • Use @masterPage.GetBlockStructure() in the Master template to show the available extensibility points
  • Locate the MiniCart section – you want to add the Block after the cart total as below:
Block freeReturns = new Block { Id = "freeReturns", SortId = 11, Template = RenderFreeReturns() }; masterBlocksBlocksPage.Add("MiniCartTotal", freeReturns);

Your mini cart will now include the custom Block in the MiniCartTotal block, below the total (which has a lower SortID) (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 The FreeReturns block as it appears in frontend