
File field is used to render a file or image selector of some sort - it comes with a set of extra parameters which allow you to tweak how it behaves (Figure 1.1)

Figure 1.1 File field parameters

The  parameters are have the following uses:




Base directory

Specify the folder to open/upload to when a file or image is uploaded



Limit the user to selecting or uploading only files with particular extensions

Value should be a comma separated list of extensions, e.g. .gif,.jpg,.png

Show as image selector

Renders the field as an image selector instead of a file selector


Use focal point selector for images

If rendered as an image selector, this activates focal points for the field


Allow file upload from frontend

Makes it possible to upload files when using the item creator app


Max files to add

Set the number of image or file selectors to show when this field is used

Defaults to 1