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Swift and nShift Delivery (Unifaun)
Hi guys, Is the nShift (Unifaun) shipping provider supported in Swift already or do we need to make some changes to the templates to support it? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
28/01/2022 11:18:56
Last post: 28/01/2022 18:02:23
Ecommerce columns not available
Hi, I cannot implement some Ecommerce columns referenced at the documentation Product List Group Image Product List Group Poster Product List Info They are not available ...
Tomas Gomez
25/01/2022 12:17:21
Last post: 26/01/2022 10:39:57
Product badges
Hi guys, I am wondering if there is any plan for handling product badges (like we used to in Rapido). I am not looking for a ProductFieldBased badge but rather a more generic badge. Like "New" or "Sale". I see there is no property ...
Adrian Ursu
19/01/2022 16:12:10
Last post: 19/01/2022 16:47:26
robots file empty
Hi Dynamicweb, It's our first website with swift, and we don't know if anything has changed regarding robots.txt We have a problem about robots.txt. We want to "disallow" the website until we launch it. So our configuration is: User ...
Cristina Santos
18/01/2022 15:03:12
Last post: 19/01/2022 07:54:53
Transparent Buttons and links in Swift
Hi guys, I have started playing with the latest Swift version. One of my challenges (for the project I am testing it for) is to create simple links instead of buttons and create transparent (border only) buttons. Something like this: Nevermind the ro ...
Adrian Ursu
16/01/2022 11:40:18
Last post: 18/01/2022 10:27:33
Anhor Links in Swift
Hi Dynamicweb. We have a problem when using anchor tags with swift. Whenever we have a link that links to an anchor on the same page as the link, the page immediately scrolls right back up to the top! The behavior can be tested here https://centerweb ...
Daniel Hollmann
12/01/2022 15:55:52
Last post: 17/01/2022 16:03:22
Tel: links in TinyMCE
The TinyMCE editor can detect if you insert an email address: Can it do the same for a phone number? A normal user/editor won't know how to ad a tel: link in the source in the editor. ...
Tina Engelsen Pedersen
13/01/2022 10:40:18
Last post: 17/01/2022 14:31:36
Additional display options for the Text and Image column
Hi guys, I am experimenting with the latest Swift version. In the test I am working with, I have encountered a scenario that is not supported out of the box by the Text and Image column. Currently, we have these options: My scenario would require set ...
Adrian Ursu
16/01/2022 11:46:01
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Error displaying variants in backend in Swift 1.5
Hi guys, I have just installed a plain vanilla Swift 1.5 with DW 9.12.7. I have tried defining a new product with variants and I got the following error after defining the product and the simple variants: What I did: Create a new product and save it ...
Adrian Ursu
15/01/2022 17:31:54
Last post: 15/01/2022 17:41:18
Not possible to move a row
Hi How come it is only possible to copy a row and it's columns, but not move it? And how come it's possible to right click and copy, but not available in the tools menu when you check a row/column? If you somewhere on your website has chosen ...
Tina Engelsen Pedersen
07/01/2022 13:23:08
Last post: 10/01/2022 11:33:39
reOrder function
Hi, I need to add reorder in "my orders" menu with swift. I tried to use order.GetString("Ecom:Order.ReorderID") and string reorderLink = $"/my-account/my-orders?CC{Pageview.CurrentParagraph.ID}=Orders&ReorderID={orde ...
Rivan Chandra
15/12/2021 06:00:04
Last post: 21/12/2021 02:56:21
Product Slider
Hi, After upgrading to Swift 1.4.0 the Slider looks a bit funny on mobile: I have not analyzed this issue very deeply yet, and I know a new slider is being worked on, but is this fixable in this version? ...
Justin Sjouw
10/12/2021 13:27:11
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Default group needed?
I have an example of some unexpected behaviour. We have added some products to PIM and published these to eCommerce. The newly added products are shown with a wrong link in the product overview, instead of the expected: https://mtbmuseum.techteacher. ...
Justin Sjouw
09/12/2021 15:29:17
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Fonts not shown correct
Hi There, I have setup some fonts in the Swift design settings. When I look at the page, the css shows the fonts are correct. But the content reverts back to "Times new Roman". I have rebuilt the solution, forced a refresh, cleared cache, r ...
Justin Sjouw
07/12/2021 08:58:13
Last post: 07/12/2021 16:03:02
Description on formfields #VALUE! error
Hi! I've made a form in Swift and noticed that if you leave the "Description" empty on a formfield, it will display an eror on the frontend. If you put a space there, it will not show the error. Is this intentional or a bug in the defau ...
Anouk van der Veer
23/11/2021 09:26:52
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Addtional properties for Themes
Hi guys, I was wondering if it would make sense to incorporate a few more options in the themes. I am thinking about transparency and borders and an additional foreground color (for situations where you want to have different colors for Heading and S ...
Adrian Ursu
14/08/2021 20:49:25
Last post: 18/11/2021 14:03:48
Possible to disable the visual editor?
Hi We are wondering if it is possible to disable the visual editor in swift and/or be able to add paragraphs like you normally do with the "New paragraph" button? When you try to add a paragraph with the button, it will be displayed in the ...
Tina Engelsen Pedersen
17/11/2021 10:28:40
Last post: 17/11/2021 13:38:56
Scaling of images in the Swift carousel
Hello, Let me start by admitting that my frontend and image processing skills need polishing up, but here goes. I'm wondering how I can improve image quality, even in the detail view my images are a bit blurry. For reference I have put a 1920 wid ...
Justin Sjouw
15/11/2021 14:33:05
Last post: 15/11/2021 16:47:30
Primary image not shown as first image
Hello, I have a product where images are automatically assigned via a scheduled task (with the "Digital asset checkin on products") All files in the folder are connected correctly, and the file with a " -p" suffix is marked as the ...
Justin Sjouw
15/11/2021 14:26:37
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Dependency issue
Hello, I'm setting up a local dev solution with the latest swift release. Somehow I got into a dependecy problem. I have an error around te User object (but I do have a reference to Dynamicweb.Security 11.1.8) : Severity Code Description Project ...
Justin Sjouw
10/11/2021 12:03:49
Last post: 10/11/2021 15:38:38