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How do I use system emails in Swift?
Hi, A quick Swift question – How do I use the email layout in the system email page below? I can’t find anything about it in the documentation. Swift version 1.19 Dynamicweb version 9.15.2 Kind regards Roald ...
Roald Haahr
17/03/2023 08:56:08
Last post: 12/02/2025 08:17:06
Swift_LocationsMap - geolocation from groups
Hi, in DW9 we can get addresses/geolocation from groups in usermanagement to show pins on the google-map. But it seams that this is not possible with the DW10 item Swift_LocationsMap. I can only get pins on the map, if I have users with geolocations. ...
30/01/2025 11:31:45
Last post: 11/02/2025 22:22:43
Pageupdater moves content
Hi, Im trying to use the pageupdater from swift with a querypublisher app, so when i search i would like to update the table list and not the whole page. My action goes to my page where only the query app is on. It has this as template: Designs/Swift ...
Andreas Rundgren
03/02/2025 15:26:01
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Partials with Models in an App Template file
Hi, Just wondered if this was possible. I was just reading this: and wondered if there is a way that we can use Partials/Includes in a .cshtml file that allows model p ...
Joseph Vause
14/08/2024 14:44:45
Last post: 29/01/2025 13:30:20
og:url with ensure unique paths for each area
Hi, We are running into an issue where metatag og:url is getting the scheme and host duplicate in output. We solution has multiple websites with primary domains set. With this setup, the Pageview.SearchFriendlyUrl returns the full url including http ...
Mario Santos
27/01/2025 12:13:25
Last post: 27/01/2025 12:55:29
Jonas Nielsen
21/01/2025 14:42:30
Last post: 23/01/2025 10:10:54
OrderLineReference always empty
Hi, The field OrderLineReference is always empty in the EcomOrderLines table. Is there any parameter that can be used so when adding a product to the cart this value has the right data? DW version 9.17.11 ...
Cátia Torego
13/12/2024 15:56:00
Last post: 15/12/2024 19:51:51
Template: VoucherForm.cshtml
in Swift 1.26.7 There has been a change in the templata \Designs\Swift\eCom7\CartV2\Step\Helpers\VoucherForm.cshtml, that courses it always to return an errormessage if the Voucher code applied is a discount. As you can see the discount is applied to ...
Kenneth Radoor
13/12/2024 13:37:41
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Slider item theme inheritance
Within the Slider item type (Designs/Swift/Paragraph/Swift_Slider.cshtml), it appears the that an assigned Slider Item theme is inherited to any other Slider Items that do not have a theme assigned. Theme inheritance logic elsewhere within the platfo ...
Melissa Borgmann
12/12/2024 23:49:28
Last post: 13/12/2024 11:22:57
Attribute value only visible after save (short description)
Hi, Setup DW 10 SWIFT Excel import via PIM Issue When importing a short description to a product it's only visible on the frontend after a save in the backend Tried to fix via - Reindex - Flush caches Reproduce 1. Import a product's short des ...
Davy Capiau
26/11/2024 13:44:12
Last post: 27/11/2024 03:12:37
Error preventing display of productlists
Hi. We're getting an error when trying to display a productlist in swift: Error executing template "Designs/Swift/Paragraph/Swift_ProductListComponentParagraph.cshtml" System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter ' ...
Jóhannes Þorkell Tómasson
21/11/2024 20:13:40
Last post: 22/11/2024 13:45:38
Estimated release date for Swift 2.0
Hi guys, Any information about the planned release date for Swift 2.0 and the corresponding DW10 version? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
21/11/2024 10:38:45
Last post: 22/11/2024 09:43:23
Order of facets
Hi, I want to adjust the order of filtering on the category page. Now this example is listed alphabetically, but that does not make sense here: The sizes must be arranged from smallest to largest. Where can I set this or what adjustments do I need to ...
Caro De Weze
28/05/2024 11:12:03
Last post: 19/11/2024 14:04:17
Wishlist in related products list
Hi, If I'm not mistaken, it is not possible to add the wishlist button to the related products list like this? Has anyone done this before? Seems like something good to add as standard. Kind regards, Caro De Weze ...
Caro De Weze
07/11/2024 11:03:54
Last post: 15/11/2024 12:25:28
meta property="og:image:alt"
Hi DW It's not possible to insert alt text on the og:image on page settings. The alt text comes from website Open graph settings. See dump. /Suzi ...
Suzi Louring
14/11/2024 16:03:23
Last post: 14/11/2024 16:17:34
website setting breaks languagePicker with No layout selected error
Hi there. when setting the website setting "The selected domains can only reach this website" checkbox to true, the languagepicker in preferences modal throws an error "No layout selected for website" and it is not possible to cha ...
Christoffer Rosendahl Frede
06/04/2022 11:12:59
Last post: 07/11/2024 15:37:30
Minor bug in AddressDeliveryAnonymous_v2.cshtml
in the file \Templates\Designs\Swift\eCom7\CartV2\Step\Shared\Helpers\AddressDeliveryAnonymous_v2.cshtml, where your trying to get the ID of the checkoutpage string userCheckoutPage = Pageview.CurrentParagraph.Item["CheckoutUserPageLink"] ! ...
Kenneth Radoor
06/11/2024 15:43:00
Last post: 06/11/2024 16:45:46
Auto play not working on Iphones
Hello, For one of our customers we are using the itemtype "Media" on the productpage. We are displaying both images and videos. This work fine everywhere expect on Iphones. The videos will not start automatically as it does everywhere else. ...
Alexander Tømmerholen
04/11/2024 10:57:09
Last post: 05/11/2024 13:33:22
Clarification needed regarding 'Frequently Bought' setting for related products slider
Hello, I'm looking for clarification regarding the queries/logic that drive the standard related products slider ( options in DW 9 + Swift, specifically relating ...
Melissa Borgmann
03/11/2024 22:34:54
Last post: 04/11/2024 23:04:54
Rich Text Editor in DW10 Swift
Hi DW, I was wondering if there is a way to like in DW9 get a rich text editor on our elements that allows for HTML editing. Or if this has been swapped to a new editor for good? DW 10: DW 9: Br Martin ...
Martin Ottesen
24/01/2024 08:36:39
Last post: 30/10/2024 13:36:18