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Forum » Swift
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Error from Swift 1.26. Missing column cssdecorations
Hi. We are trying to upgrade swift 1.23 to 1.26 (while updating from 9.16.7 to 9.17.3) We get multiple SQL errors regarding the cssdecorations column, but I cannot find evidence of a migration script in the swift repo example System.Data.SqlClient.Sq ...
Stephen Anthony Jackson
15/04/2024 11:48:00
Last post: 15/04/2024 12:08:36
Related products in cart
Hi In cart I need to access feed of items related products (we have a group with packaging products) so that they can select packaging product and add it to cart from within cart. How can I access feed with all proucts which are in specific related g ...
Ivan Marijanović
11/04/2024 10:28:14
Last post: 15/04/2024 11:37:11
Cleanup script
Does anyone have a cleanup script for Swift solutions? I know the documentation have a section for cleanup, but thats just bullet points stating the obvious places to go cleanup. I would like a SQL script or, a set of SQL commands to run, for a compl ...
Martin Moen
22/06/2022 12:35:00
Last post: 12/04/2024 13:48:17
Checkbox facet selected value misconnected to which facet
Hi, When checkbox facets are selected, we cannot easily determine to which facet is the selected value for if there are more than 1 checkbox facets in same PLP. Could the facet name be added as a prefix OR another identifier? BR, Mario ...
Mario Santos
05/04/2024 16:03:53
Last post: 08/04/2024 12:58:22
Inconsistent approve quote redirect to cart page
Hi, We notice inconsistent redirects on quote approval - quote list vs quote details - - form is missing the redirect input. Quote List ...
Mario Santos
05/04/2024 20:28:29
Last post: 08/04/2024 11:26:29
Hide specific order lines.
I have a customer that needs to charge their customers for special deliveries. These are just added as an additional order line, but is there a way (standard) way to hide the lines for the customer? The checkboxes in the buttom adds two specific item ...
Lars Bo Wassini
05/04/2024 15:13:34
Last post: 08/04/2024 11:09:38
Product group facet with hierarcy
Hi, If I would like to create a facet with product groups and wanted the facet to have the same hierarcy as in eCom. What would a good approach be? I mean a face like here : I was thinking about a ecom n ...
Aki Ruuskanen
27/03/2024 16:06:59
Last post: 05/04/2024 17:23:49
Checkout newsletter signup for users
Hi Dw, In the checkout, there is a checkbox that the customer can check off to sign up for the newsletter. At least there is for anonymous customers. I cannot see how it is supposed to work with signed-in users, as the checkbox is placed on the infor ...
Martin Ottesen
27/02/2024 13:12:04
Last post: 05/04/2024 14:47:54
Swift - Related Articles
Hi, Is there any "out of the box" way to work with related articles in Swift based on tags? I mean, when you are on a article page, we would like to list related articles. Or is it something you need to create yourself? Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
03/04/2024 11:26:55
Last post: 05/04/2024 14:05:07
Duplicated id in cart page
Hi, GoToCheckoutButton id is duplicated in cart page. Swift v1.25.1 ...
Mario Santos
05/02/2024 17:13:13
Last post: 05/04/2024 10:07:25
Multiple Datalists on same Page, error when sorting one of them
Hi, DW 9.17.2, Swift 1.26.0 We have a scenario were we have a page with multiple Datalists, structure as follows Datalists A and B do not have the same columns. Paragraph with Datalist B will output a table with sortable columns. then when we try to  ...
Pedro Meias
24/03/2024 20:24:34
Last post: 05/04/2024 09:39:34
Invalid object name - custom item type
Hi, When I create my own custom item type and change the restrictions, I get the error 'Invalid object name' in the visual editor: I definitely saw that the name and systemName do not yet appear and there's nothing wrong with the object n ...
Caro De Weze
03/04/2024 11:17:33
Last post: 03/04/2024 15:12:29
Hide inventory not logged in
Hi, Can I set a particular row to be visible only to logged-in users? Stock status should be visible to all and stock status + inventory should only be visible when logged in. The easiest way seems to me to set a row to be hidden when you are not log ...
Caro De Weze
03/04/2024 14:25:01
Last post: 03/04/2024 14:28:08
Printable papers in Swift
Hi guys, Is there any plan to convert Printable papers templates from Rapido to Swift? Has anyone merged it already on a Swift solution? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
03/10/2022 13:40:48
Last post: 26/03/2024 19:07:08
Index out of range error when trying to sort product list having more than 1 value on SortBy
Hi Testing on DW 9.16.6, Swift 1.25.1 Test Environment - We are trying to sort a product list having more that one criteria on SortBy. Here is a url example - ...
Pedro Meias
09/02/2024 11:24:51
Last post: 25/03/2024 14:06:28
Order state flow email - Placeholder tag for Recipient email
Hi DW 9.17.2, Swift v1.26.0 We are using Order state emails and we would like to know if there is a placeholder tag for the recipient email - similar to tag EmailMessaging:Recipient.Email in Email Marketing Thank you. ...
Pedro Meias
22/03/2024 07:32:08
Last post: 24/03/2024 20:14:38
Upgrade instructions for Swift
Hi guys, We have some issues with older Swift versions (1.10 or less). We have the need to upgrade at least for the GA4 functionality but in general, we need a solid approach to upgrading Swift from one version to the other considering that upgrading ...
Adrian Ursu
16/11/2022 11:40:14
Last post: 15/03/2024 13:27:10
Cart amount
Hi, After updating to 1.26, the brackets around the number in cart are missing: Is this intentional or have I missed something in the update process...? Justin ...
Justin Sjouw
12/03/2024 15:14:35
Last post: 13/03/2024 16:23:25
Optimizing Page Speed and Component Usage
Hello, I'd like to share some insights and concerns regarding the use of Swift, specifically focusing on its "components" feature. In my recent testing, I noticed a correlation between the number of different components used and the pag ...
Nicolai Jessen
03/10/2023 09:01:48
Last post: 12/03/2024 08:47:43
Row Templates
Hi, I have a small problem i a Swift solution with the Row presets. The problem is that not all are showing. Here is the "Row Template" page with 4 row temaplates. But when in Visual Editor, only two are shown: Any ideas how to fix this? Re ...
Aki Ruuskanen
20/02/2024 11:19:31
Last post: 07/03/2024 09:56:35