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Using the new search in swift for pages not products.
Hi DW. I have to create a page for a customer that does not have any products, but a lot of content pages. I have tried to examine the new search functions with typeahead in Swift, and it seams that this search only will work with products and a prod ...
Daniel Hollmann
14/10/2021 16:48:57
Last post: 03/03/2022 11:01:42
Issue with displaying product variant as being included in a favorite list
Hello, I'm implementing the Favorites list and I have the following scenario: 1. I need to add a variant to a favorite list (multiple list scenario). This works 2. When clicking the favorite icon and the offcanvas list appears, none of the lists  ...
Daniel Voicu
02/03/2022 14:26:23
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swiffy-slider missing file in swift version v1.6.1
Hello everyone we have just installed a fresh new solution with swift version v1.6.1 and there seems to be an 404 error on a swiffy-slider.min.css file. the website checks for the file in this path: /Files/Templates/Designs/Swift/Assets/css/swiffy-sl ...
Christoffer Rosendahl Frede
18/02/2022 09:33:41
Last post: 28/02/2022 12:56:26
Small bug in eCom menu
Hi, On this website you can see that when you click the + sign to expand a category, the first click does not work, but the second click does. Once you have expanded and collapsed a category the function does wortk in 1 click. I think this might be a ...
Justin Sjouw
28/02/2022 12:38:02
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Default order fields not sent to ERP?
Hi, I have a default Swift installation connected to Business Central with order arriving correctly in BC via Live Integration. However Swift has the ability to add a "Preffered Delivery Date" and a "Reference". This works fine in ...
Justin Sjouw
28/02/2022 12:31:56
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Facet overrules search
Hi, On this website How would I achieve that the facets work on top of a search result? Right now if I search for "oedipus" as an example, I get 30 results. With 3 options available to filter on Alco ...
Justin Sjouw
15/02/2022 13:13:19
Last post: 23/02/2022 08:49:29
Issue getting the stock unit name from stock matrix
Hello, I'm trying to get the Stock Unit Name value from stock matrix using the API because I understood there is no other way to get it now. This is my code to get the other values : ExpectedDelivery and Stock. Using this I can get the UnitId but ...
Daniel Voicu
14/02/2022 17:14:14
Last post: 16/02/2022 16:30:18
Inc/Ex VAT in cart and checkout
Is there a way in Swift that determines what is shown in the cart and checkout? I have a site where it now shows "Inc VAT" on both the cart and checkout. But the prices are Ex. VAT so I would like to show that. ...
Justin Sjouw
14/02/2022 12:36:07
Last post: 14/02/2022 16:09:04
Issue with getting radio box values
Hello, I'm having issues getting the values from the product whenever the values are not string. In my configuration, the value that I'm trying to output is a collection of radio boxes. I'm attaching screenshots of how the values are disp ...
Daniel Voicu
11/02/2022 11:29:40
Last post: 11/02/2022 16:56:02
Facet not working
On this website I added some facets, but might have done something wrong. I compared it to another Swift install but I still can't find it. When you click a facet (other than sorting) the page is refre ...
Justin Sjouw
10/02/2022 17:01:03
Last post: 11/02/2022 16:22:44
Bug with gtag script?
Hi When inserting Google Analytics ID in website settings, it doesn't output a correct gtag script. In the default Swift_Master.cshtml the gtag is implementet like this: But it should be implemented like this? ...
Tina Engelsen Pedersen
10/02/2022 10:02:00
Last post: 11/02/2022 14:46:05
Issues with creating variants from interface
Hello, I'm having issues when creating variants from interface. I get the error from the image I've uploaded. Are you aware of it, and what should I do to fix it? ...
Daniel Voicu
09/02/2022 10:03:51
Last post: 10/02/2022 09:26:22
Search results
I have a post in the general section about search results and facet options (see: in which I mention my swift demo setup. The search result of my demo ...
Peter Leleulya
09/02/2022 08:44:12
Last post: 10/02/2022 02:56:18
Error in My Favorites
Hello, I added the favorites as described in the swift documentation. I can check favorites in the product list (heart icon gets checked), but the list is generating an error. Looks like something to do with prices? But prices are filled in correctly ...
Justin Sjouw
08/02/2022 13:27:59
Last post: 09/02/2022 16:06:04
Easy way for Swift compatible form styling
Hi, Just checking before I do a lot of work. Is there a way to let the standard Forms for editor comply more with Swift styling? Right nog the form look like this, which is not good for the overall site look & feel ;-) Thanks, Justin ...
Justin Sjouw
08/02/2022 16:56:48
Last post: 09/02/2022 15:54:07
My Swift demo setup has alternate links in it's master template. Shouldn't they be filtered on active area? When I disable the Danish language the Danish alternate link still resides in the English output. foreach (var language in languages). ...
Peter Leleulya
09/02/2022 08:38:34
Last post: 09/02/2022 15:36:34
Issue with stock level
Hello, I'm having issues with the stock value that is rendered with the tag: @product.StockLevel where product is defined like this: ProductViewModel product = new ProductViewModel(); I have a product which initially had 8 stock and then I've ...
Daniel Voicu
03/02/2022 09:27:46
Last post: 03/02/2022 18:49:10
Google Console Search : Errors As Missing Name, Brand, SKU,...
Hi everybody, We just launched a store in swif and validation errors appear on all pages with products (lists and product details). They are the pages where the itemtype="" tag is. In the Swift_Master file I have fo ...
Cristina Santos
03/02/2022 07:09:38
Last post: 03/02/2022 11:30:29
change quality of webp format
Hi In your documentation for the image handler, i can see that the default quality for webp images are 50. We want to set a higher quality, which can be done ind the Image.cshtml file in Templates/Designs/Swift/Components. But if we add it like in th ...
Tina Engelsen Pedersen
02/02/2022 11:52:39
Last post: 03/02/2022 09:02:09
Custom Swift_Master and Swift_Page template not working
Im working on a swift solution for a customer, and made a copy of the Swift_Master and Swift_Page templates to do some changes. I added the new page template in website settings, but it still shows the old swift:page and swift_master template on the  ...
Tina Engelsen Pedersen
12/01/2022 11:27:02
Last post: 31/01/2022 11:02:26