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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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Show color variants in lists
Hi all, I have a shop with variants on almost all products (color and size), and we have se display all the individual colors in the product list a separate products and make it possible to filter on both color and filter. Do you have any experience  ...
Anders Ebdrup
09/09/2015 18:13:51
Last post: 10/09/2019 11:17:27
Descrease count in right stock location
Hi, I have set up a test-site, where I created a website in Danish, with a language layer in Swedish. I have created two stock-locations, DK and SE. I have set the default Stock Location in website settings->ecommerce for both sites. I have create ...
Jonas Krarup Dam
06/09/2019 14:31:23
Last post: 09/09/2019 16:03:47
Application version upgrade to 9.7
Dear Sir, After I upgraded the application version to 9.7, I got the server error whenever I try to edit the product. Please refer to the attached file for more details. It will be a pleasure to be answered as soon as possible. Thanks Phu ...
Thet Nong Phu
09/09/2019 09:49:08
Last post: 09/09/2019 15:49:26
Using different languages in different tabs is causing serious problems in Ecommerce and PIM
I don't think this is news, but it is worth looking at. Products can be saved to a different language than is shown I have a website with danish and swedish languages. steps: 1: open a product in swedish 2: then open the same website in a different t ...
Jonas Krarup Dam
26/08/2019 11:29:33
Last post: 06/09/2019 09:32:46
Filter orders by completed date instead of created date
Is it possible to filter based on the Completed date instead of the Created date? In the provided image I filter the month July. But the filter automatically uses the Created date whereas I want the filter based on the Completed date. See the issue i ...
Maik Van Sark
29/08/2019 12:02:22
Last post: 30/08/2019 10:32:43
Assortment based navigation not working properly after upgrade to 9.6.12
Hi guys, I have just upgraded a solution from 9.5.3 to 9.6.12. One of the issues we have after upgrade is the behavior of the Navigation. Nothing changed in how products are defined or how the assortments are defined and still, for some reason, some  ...
Adrian Ursu
21/08/2019 14:08:55
Last post: 26/08/2019 11:32:33
Extending DIBS with orderlines and customer info
Does anyone have a working DIBS Flexwin post template that include orderlines and customer information? ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
22/08/2019 09:21:32
Last post: 26/08/2019 05:33:42
Checkbox order field doesn't return boolean
Hi, I have a custom order field (type checkbox) in my solution and I need to get the value of the field to change my Cart accordingly. However, when I try to get the value of the field as a boolean, it doesn't working (it returns false every time). A ...
Mafalda Correa
23/08/2019 18:40:59
Last post: 26/08/2019 05:06:32
json feed for mini cart and Checkout page empty on DW Cloud hosted solution
Hi, we have been having a problem with a site that was set up on DW cloud hosting platform for many weeks now. Having contacted support many times and not getting any usable solution i will try here!! The site was set up by DW using the rapido..lates ...
22/08/2019 15:24:00
Last post: 23/08/2019 09:28:35
The discount / promo scenario
Hi, I would like to give '$50 off' discount to the customers who already made their first purchase and their minimum purchase is $100 in next 2nd and 3rd orders. How can I configure this discount? Can someone please advise me? Thanks. Regards, KMT. ...
Khaing May Thaw
22/08/2019 11:46:07
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video links and files inside product
Hello: I´m trying to insert a video inside a product images carrousel but i didnt see any configuration inside dynamicweb admin. Inserting a iframe tag inside carrousel template, it doesnt work well, here is a capture: How can i insert videos inside  ...
Jose Caudevilla
21/08/2019 14:49:22
Last post: 22/08/2019 09:45:02
Possible to change sort order of details images/links
Hello, Does anyone know if it is possible to change the sort order details images/links(see attached image)? I can see there is a DetailSortOrder field in the database which dictates the order, but I can't figure out if it is possible to manipulate t ...
Vincent Gercke
21/08/2019 14:02:30
Last post: 22/08/2019 09:41:06
Multiple carts for same user
Hi, If I check the EcomOrders table I can see that for a number of users there are multiple carts. We have the only the "Recalculate a user's cart when the user logs in" checked in the cart settings. What could be the scenarioes where a new cart is c ...
Aki Ruuskanen
25/06/2019 16:01:13
Last post: 20/08/2019 09:51:30
How to hide groups from menu with no products
Hi guys On one installation we have defined groups whihc currently do not have any product. Is it possible not to display those groups in menus since now when we click on this group we get ba ck your seaqrch gave 0 results. Ivan ...
Ivan Marijanović
19/08/2019 12:34:40
Last post: 19/08/2019 14:18:06
Quickpay - saved cards
Hi there DW Forum. I am having some trouble configuring Quickpay to be able to pay with an already saved card on user level. Is this possible at all, and how would i configure it? Kind regards. Mikkel Hornbech Nielsen Frontend Developer No Zebra ...
Mikkel Hornbech Nielsen
19/08/2019 09:44:23
Last post: 19/08/2019 14:16:51
Dynamicweb Provider have an error.
Good day, I am currently working on the integration with ERP and I wanted to also integrate the Product Group structure of the ERP side. So I use the Dynamicweb Provider since it has the complete access to the database tables. When I try to mapped an ...
Suzette Cruz
19/08/2019 05:51:28
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Currency issue
Hi, We have a solution, where we get a PriceInfoCurrencyException when accessing the cart (not everytime). The user har DKK as currency, the cart has DKK, the prices in EcomPrices for the products and the usergroup are all DKK. Still I see this in th ...
Mikkel Ulstrup
10/07/2019 09:26:09
Last post: 16/08/2019 11:34:33
Extremely slow startup when using product categories
Hi, While waiting more then 15 minutes now for the startup of our application I found time to make this post. We have a solution with products in product groups and product categories linked to those product groups. Somehow the first time we start ou ...
Hans Kloppenborg
06/06/2019 15:40:08
Last post: 15/08/2019 09:46:59
Custom Field type as a Product group field
Hi, I try to create a custom Field type as a Product group field, but the custom field is not displayed in the edit group page. The steps to reproduce this issue in Rapido are: Create a new field of the custom type in the Product group fields, e.g. " ...
Tomas Gomez
09/08/2019 12:35:48
Last post: 14/08/2019 11:37:25
Addresses by CustomerNumber
Hi guys, We see pretty often situations where we need to support addresses by CustomerNumber. Meaning that we get from ERP some generic contacts (mainly contact details for companies) that have multiple addresses assigned to them, but in DW we have m ...
Adrian Ursu
29/05/2019 15:18:15
Last post: 14/08/2019 09:21:53