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Sort by Product Category field
Hi, Is there a way to sort a product list by a product category field in the frontend? And if so, can we add multiple criterias, comma separeted or multiple parameters? Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
03/02/2014 16:12:25
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List all items in a group on details view
I need to list all other items in a group, when the users clicks on a product. How do I achive this? (I'm using Razor) ...
Martin Skov Nielsen
20/01/2014 11:17:51
Last post: 03/02/2014 09:52:13
Custom parameter to payment module
Hi there, I have a question regarding payment module... is it possible to add custom parameter to payment module...? I want to by default add "AddFee" parameter, since it is DIBS who is calculating transaction fee based on which card is will be paid ...
Shahid Hussain
30/01/2014 16:28:02
Last post: 02/02/2014 19:18:21
eCom Free text search
Hi, We am trying to filter down search results, by deactivating a the checkbox to perform wildcard results, however it does nothing Ex. The first Product (PATÊ DE A ...
Nuno Aguiar
31/01/2014 13:47:48
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URL supress
Hi... Its possible to supress the URL?
Ecomm Products structure -ShopBR
-------Product3 (selected)
-- ...
George Nelzo Pereira
29/01/2014 14:49:55
Last post: 29/01/2014 16:04:27
Hi all I need some feedback and/or suggestions to a specific issue we have. We have a client with 36.000+ products including variants (they sell clothes). They have a lot of different types of products, so they also have a lot of different types of s ...
Michael Nielsen
27/01/2014 10:53:13
Last post: 28/01/2014 08:19:35
Language independant stock.
Hi DW, We're building a new webshop for a customer. They are currently in DW, and we're building the new site in DW. On their old site that had multiple languages and there for had each product in 3-4 languages. The problem they had on the old site w ...
Martin Nielsen
26/01/2014 12:12:08
Last post: 26/01/2014 13:46:56
Edit All address - Extranet/Intranet (Extended)
Hi, it's possible in account (Edit user account - Module Extranet/Intranet (Extended)) to change the address ?
I saw just the main address. ...
George Nelzo Pereira
22/01/2014 19:41:52
Last post: 23/01/2014 08:24:35
Render order, orderline and product templates
I've been searching everywhere and can't seem to find a way i can render and order, orderline or products.
The "Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Frontend.Renderer" doesn't seem to include methods for rendering the afformentioned. Is it just not possibl ...
Morten Fink Eriksen
10/01/2014 14:58:55
Last post: 17/01/2014 12:32:12
I want to show a product list as a list and as a grid.
I have made a template for each, but I would like a customer to be able to switch between them when they are in the catalog.
What would be the best way of doing this? ...
Jim Trebbien
15/01/2014 12:15:34
Last post: 16/01/2014 12:23:21
Problem accessing Shops module
I recently encountered a problem when trying to access the Shop module. (see image) I get the following output: Serverfel i tillämpningsprogrammet /. Known bug: Der er invalid bruger i accessuser tabellen som skal slettes med id: 60563 Beskrivni ...
Grant Menzies
10/01/2014 16:46:25
Last post: 16/01/2014 08:19:06
Filepath from custom field
On my products I have a custom field (file manager) containing a the path to a file: ../Files/pdf/filename.pdf.
In my template I want to link to that file so the user can view it. I tried with the .Fullpath on the tag but i am not getting an output. ...
Jim Trebbien
13/01/2014 12:56:51
Last post: 13/01/2014 13:08:30
Product search
Hi When I add eComSearch=1&eComQuery=yellow to the url, I got a list of products matching the word "yellow". But it only works when I am in a specific product group. What do I need to add to the url if I want to search within all produc ...
Kasper Birk Nielsen
07/01/2014 14:01:51
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How to clear cached product group relations in eCommerce
Hi, I got a question regarding cached product group relations in the eCommerce. I am importing new product group relations and I want to remove the old ones - maybe using the StorageManager for this - but its an internal class. Dynamicweb.Content.Cac ...
Allan Iversen
06/01/2014 10:10:50
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Google analytics eCommerce tracking
I have set up Google analytics tracking on the eCom receipt page.
The Google script sends orderinformation and prices to analytics and it works.
Problem is that prices are output with danish separators like 12.111,00 and Google only understands ameri ...
Per Søgaard
03/12/2013 14:56:41
Last post: 27/12/2013 19:56:59
Multiple product catalog lists on the same page
Hi there, I have a page that shows three lists of products, each with their own Product Catalog module on a paragraph: a set coming from a group, and two sets coming from a smart search. However, it seems that the second and third set don't display t ...
Imar Spaanjaars
23/12/2013 20:57:54
Last post: 24/12/2013 11:27:52
Detect that a review has been written
Hi there, Is there a way to detect if the previous request was a submitted review? I am trying to open up the tab with reviews after a user has submitted a review. However, I see a post to /Default.aspx and then a redirect to the page that contained ...
Imar Spaanjaars
23/12/2013 14:04:58
Last post: 24/12/2013 10:35:08
Missing Rabatter
Hi, I just made a custom discount provider. But I can't find "Rabatter" under "Produktkatalog"
Is anyone know how to find it? ...
Judy Zhang
19/12/2013 14:01:12
Last post: 19/12/2013 15:20:48
Dataintegration wont delete products
When we run our Dataintegratiin Activity, we cannot make i delete products not found in XML, nor make it mark the products as in-active. No matter what setting we try, obsolete and unattached products still remains in the ALL Products list with a red ...
Lars Bruun
17/12/2013 14:58:12
Last post: 18/12/2013 10:49:19
Solutionset doesnt work on a Windows Phone device?
It is not possible to complete an order on a Windows Phone in the solutionset ? (Nokia Lumia) When checking out, and I want to go to the payment, it seems like you are stuck.... When clicking the "checkout" button, it loads, but not quite a ...
Nicky Christensen
29/10/2013 11:24:44
Last post: 16/12/2013 14:25:35