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Ecom:Product.CategoryField.Value in danish
Hi I'm using custom product categories in my filters. On the details page of my product I would like to show the values of the product categories. To do that I loop through the ProductCategoryFields and show the Ecom:Product.CategoryField.Value. The ...
Thomas Schroll
08/08/2014 12:20:56
Last post: 16/08/2014 15:35:52
Bug in the Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.Order.DowngradeToCart() Method
Here is a decompiled version of the method (please be advised, that original variable names might have gotten lost in the compilation process): // Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Orders.Order
public void DowngradeToCart()
{ string id = this.ID; string number = ...
Alexander P.
12/08/2014 15:10:40
Last post: 15/08/2014 10:48:23
Ecom Catalog Publishing
Hi, I am using a catalog publisher and I am encountring two main problems. 1. I am using generate pdf link on a web page with quries pdf=true&landscape=true which is working perfect for me. Now i am trying to change the pdf orientation to lanscap ...
Umar Farooq
13/08/2014 11:07:34
Last post: 15/08/2014 10:31:17
Issue with ecommerce category urls
Hy Dynamicweb, I have an issue with category urls. We have 2 level category structure and this was working just fine - for example the following url: Then I went to admin -> web and http -> cust ...
Davor Zlotrg
13/08/2014 13:26:23
Last post: 13/08/2014 14:12:36
Empty order created when a users cart does not exists
Hi Dynamicweb, I have a problem where an empty order is created when a user is logged in. It is due to the property "IsCart" in the "Order"-object, which is not initialized when creating a new cart, so it will then be "false" instead of "true", and w ...
Anders Ebdrup
08/08/2014 13:27:07
Last post: 13/08/2014 12:57:59
Omvendt momspligt i DK
Findes der en smart måde at udføre nedenstående ændring på: I dag er det således for både b2b og b2c: Man køber: 1 telefon til 100 kr + moms 1 taske til 100 kr + moms I alt 200 Moms 50 kroner I alt til betaling, fx med dankort: 250 kroner Efter 1/7 e ...
Henrik Degn
27/06/2014 08:54:03
Last post: 13/08/2014 12:52:34
eCom limit product detail
Hi, I have a solution with multiple shops, groups, products... I want to limit the detail template to only load products that belong to the groups specified: The paragraph loads any product as long as I set the correct URL If at some point the produc ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/08/2014 10:54:36
Last post: 13/08/2014 11:25:28
Ecom search product number
Hi, Simple question:
Is it possible to limit eCom search (not Lucene search), only to search in product numbers? We have a situation with one of our customers, who have a webshop with some adverse product numbers. So a product number could be fx. DIA ...
Martin Gammelholm
12/08/2014 09:17:16
Last post: 12/08/2014 16:08:08
Search index update fails 1 out the 2 times
Hello, In a shop we import new products every night. To update the catalog and the filters we re-index every night. We scheduled it twice a night because it fails often. How can we improve this? We use core Version: (Thu, 08 May 2014 14:56) ...
Jurgen van Kreij
11/07/2014 11:53:08
Last post: 09/08/2014 09:22:44
Variationpicking gone mad
Hi there. I have two variationgroups assigned to a product Size and Color Now. Lets say i pick Size 7 and Color 12 VariantId=VO12.VO7 This will mark the variation with id "VO1" as selected aswell. How do i fix that? That functionality seems to be a l ...
Jonas Mersholm
30/07/2014 08:35:17
Last post: 08/08/2014 16:15:36
Sort by and results pr. page on frontend
Hi there. Ive been searching the forum and documentation, but could not find anything about this. Is it possible to add a "sort by" and "results pr. page" frontend selectbox controller for the ecom module? Thanks Jonas ...
Jonas Mersholm
29/07/2014 10:37:55
Last post: 08/08/2014 16:09:26
Searching and filtering
Hi there. Lets say i have alot of products. These products could have the following tags ( clothes, shoes, accessories ) ( unisex, Male, Female, children ) Now. I tried a few different ways. 1) Creating groups and making relations 2) Making custom-fi ...
Jonas Mersholm
01/07/2014 14:55:58
Last post: 08/08/2014 15:28:33
Friendly URL's in multiple languages
Hi Guys, I have a multi website/multi-language project and I am experiencing some issues with friendly URL's. I have the following case: First website: Second website ...
Adrian Ursu
29/07/2014 09:50:36
Last post: 30/07/2014 12:50:27
Adding products to catalog - different languages.
Hello all, I am trying to extend the CatalogPublishing option in the eCommerce module. I have a product list, which contains x-amount of products. These product do have multiple versions (one with English description(default), one with Danish etc.). ...
Mikkel Toustrup Olsen
23/07/2014 13:49:34
Last post: 23/07/2014 15:48:12
Connect to facebook Social Media Publisher
Hi DWs I am going to show the new media module to a client. In the settings in the module it says: Please make sure you also enable "Website with Facebook Login" in the app settings. The URL must point to the root of this website, e.g. http://sandbox ...
Peter Bille Larsen
21/02/2014 09:41:21
Last post: 22/07/2014 12:35:56
Alt. images in ecom
Hi I'm trying to override the alt. images functionality in ecom by placing an image on a product. In the cookbook it says: "This will not conflict with images already attached to products but simply run "on top" of the normal image handling in Dynami ...
Thomas Schroll
17/07/2014 15:13:09
Last post: 17/07/2014 15:51:18
Select ecom language in frontend
Hi Does anybody know if it is possible to show products from multiple languages on the same product list? I would like to show the lanuages much like variants, so that the user can filter the product list based on language. Regards Thomas ...
Thomas Schroll
15/07/2014 10:09:07
Last post: 15/07/2014 20:20:13
custom fields are not showing when use search filter
Hi people,
I have a eComm setup with some product custom fields... when i'm listing the products is there, I can use this custom fields, but when I filter the products (search filter) I cannot see some custom fields.
Exist some configuration for this ...
George Nelzo Pereira
11/07/2014 14:50:10
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Product catalog (ecom) module templates issue after upgrade
Hi DynamicWeb, After I upgraded version from to I have an issue with "Product catalog (ecom)" module templates. Templates I have defined: List, Groups and Product. Everything was working berfore upgrade and now it is always showing me ...
Davor Zlotrg
10/07/2014 14:27:43
Last post: 10/07/2014 16:20:11
Media images loop
Hi Guys, I need to know if it;s possible to store more images for each product and display them using a loop in the product detail page. So far I have not found a loop that does this. Each product can have a different number of images and I cannot us ...
Adrian Ursu
10/07/2014 09:00:50
Last post: 10/07/2014 09:17:46