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Facet terms behaviour
Hi, How do facet terms behave? Do we get the list of terms from the product list set? OR Do we always get all of the terms that have been indexed? I can see a performance hit if the options are only related to the product list collection, but I could ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/10/2016 12:31:36
Last post: 15/11/2016 14:30:10
Filtered search
Hi we are working on a solution for a real estate that wants a live filtered search, that will eventually work like this one ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
14/11/2016 13:03:33
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Design folder name
Hi, How can I get the current design folder's name in Razor? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
11/01/2016 10:52:45
Last post: 14/11/2016 10:38:11
Repositories index query with datetime
How do I build an index query that uses DateTime? An example: I wants to build an query that only includes products where the current date is between two custom fields on the product (ProductActiveFrom and ProductActiveTo) ...
Thomas Larsen
11/11/2016 12:45:33
Last post: 11/11/2016 15:59:33
Hide sections for specific users
Hi Guys, Can I completely hide back-end sections for specific Users or User groups? Like Marketing or Files for example. I want to completely hide them. At the same time, is there any way to give permissions just to a single node in "Management Cente ...
Adrian Ursu
11/11/2016 09:12:33
Last post: 11/11/2016 10:45:43
What can I use Prepend and Apend for fields in forms for editors?
I have tried filling out these fields, but it does not output the values i type in. What is the purpose of these fields? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
10/11/2016 12:24:29
Last post: 10/11/2016 13:04:29
New Index - Instances not used based on time
Hi, We noticed that the new index always uses the first instance, instead of getting the most recently built. Shouldn't it pull from the most recently built? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/06/2016 16:31:37
Last post: 09/11/2016 15:24:02
Move preheader before the tracking pixel - not moved
Hi, I was tracking Improvement 21397 (Move preheader before the tracking pixel), released in, but in it does not seems available. I was under the impression that was also in the 8.8.1 branch (not sure which hotfix), but recent test d ...
Nuno Aguiar
06/09/2016 19:09:22
Last post: 07/11/2016 23:27:04
Forms for editors validation - can it validate other than html5 validation out of the box?
The forms for editors uses HTML5 validation. Is it possible to set it to use javascript/jquery validation out of the box, or do I have to do it manually? regards, Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
07/11/2016 11:44:28
Last post: 07/11/2016 13:02:21
Newsletter v3 issue
Hi, I have a customer running with Newsletter v3 in and everything works except when try to check Recipients for a sent newsletter. We get this error C:\SitesPublicos\DynamicWebSiteNL\Application\Admin\Module\NewsLetterV3\Statistics.aspx(87)  ...
Nuno Aguiar
02/11/2016 12:18:12
Last post: 03/11/2016 16:04:32
Page and Paragraph permissions for Anonymous users
Hi Guys, Although this might end up as a feature request, I think I still have to ask. I need to create a separation between B2B and B2C users based on permission at page or paragraph level. The problem I have is the mix of anonymous and registered u ...
Adrian Ursu
02/11/2016 14:17:57
Last post: 02/11/2016 17:59:13
Custom Meta Title
Hi guys, I have this situation where I need to create a custom value of the Meta Title for Groups and Products. I am facing the problem of overwriting done by DW. If I place a <title> tag in the head, it is automatically overwritten by DW no ma ...
Adrian Ursu
02/11/2016 11:45:52
Last post: 02/11/2016 16:44:23
RE: Meta title page in RAZOR
Hi, How can i change the meta title page in RAZOR? ...
Ricardo Pereira
06/02/2015 12:46:20
Last post: 02/11/2016 11:50:01
New index add instance error
Hi guys ... I was trying to create an item repository in I added a repository, I added an index, Then I wanted to add an instance ... But the OK button doesn't respond to anything ... I upgraded to but it still won't work ... I even ...
Peter Leleulya
25/10/2016 16:21:25
Last post: 28/10/2016 09:41:58
New Index - Create boolean field based on input empty or not
Hi, Is there a way to (through the UI) create a boolean field based on another (string) field being emtpy or not? I tried to create a Boolean field (analyzed) from a String field (as source) in the hope that empty/null would convert to False and ever ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/10/2016 12:27:43
Last post: 26/10/2016 17:41:29
New Index Dropdown options not sorted
Hi, In the index, when creating a new field, the "Source" dropdown options are not alphabetically sorted (they are everywhere else) . Sometimes makes it harder to find a field. Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
24/10/2016 13:13:59
Last post: 25/10/2016 15:20:36
DW admin - IP address and Domain restrictions
Hi all, We need to hide the DW admin part behind a IP address and Domain restriction on the IIS. But when we do so. the website cant access the ADMIN/public folder, creating an issue with the /admin/public/getimage.ashx? scaler, resulting in the imag ...
Rasmus Sørensen
25/10/2016 10:14:21
Last post: 25/10/2016 14:31:17
Automatic Admin Notificationmail
Hi, Is it in some way possible to send a mail from backend to admin, when one of these conditions are met: 1. A user has clicked any link from newsletter. 2. Content on a page has changed (Ideally, this is what I want, to get the content of the page  ...
Dan Mortensen
18/10/2016 14:02:37
Last post: 25/10/2016 14:01:57
ABCpdf to Generate a PDF form to be able to fill
Hi, Someone know if is possible to have a page with a form, and the client can be able to print this (using ABCpdf) but in some fields we need to be able to edit or fill in this PDF... like this example: ...
George Nelzo Pereira
19/10/2016 19:58:10
Last post: 25/10/2016 13:48:25
Calendar V2 module - is it possible to set event dates that are behond 5 years from now?
The Calendar V2 and NewsV2 module allow dates that are five years from now. Is it possible to give the editors the option of choosing dates that are beyond 5 years from now? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
20/10/2016 16:22:55
Last post: 25/10/2016 13:41:53