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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Product teaser and description texts not saving

Product teaser and description texts not saving

Henning Jensen


I'm having problems saving the description (and teaser) text on a product. When i press save the text field is emptied.

The text has been saved somewhere as its in a hidden textarea box on the same page, im guessing its storing the history in a comma seperated string.

The description field has not been set as write protected in Management center.

Am i missing a setting or using somthing wrong?


Running version





Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It could be a browser caching issue. Clear your browser cache and try again. It might be a js file from DW that needs to be reloaded or something like that.

Henning Jensen

I tried that but no luck.

There are also multiple people having the same issue on the site and its not a new problem.


Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Henning

Could you create a supportcase about this so we could look into the website from here.

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt


Kim Søjborg Pedersen

Hi Kristian & Henning,

Did you solve this issue? I'm having the same problem going from a DW 8.7 to a 8.8.x.x and no matter what 8.8 I pick it's the same result. I have also tried the 8.9 but its the same, so I'm stuck with my 8.7 :)

Kim Søjborg Pedersen

this checkbox saved my day "Use provider based editors"

Henning Jensen

Yes the error was that it was using the old editor


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