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Send email to user after create account or subscribe to newsletter

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I need to be able to send an email to the user after account creation or/and after Newsletter subscribe.

We are currently using the Extranet module that only sends email to Admin and not to the user.

There is an option to send email to user but only if the user has to approve the account which is not our case.
What's the solution for this?

I know the request is not unusual since most CMS/eCommerce systems have this option at least for account creation.



P.S. Happy New Year to all you guys!


Adrian Ursu


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

It is only possible currently by using a notification subscriber. You can use Dynamicweb.Modules.UserManagement.Notifications.UserOnBeforeSave where you get the user passed by on the args object. On the user you can check for .IsNew property that indicates that a user is being created. Then you can check if Dynamicweb.ExecutingContext.IsFrontEnd and then send an email from there.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Understood but not happy with it.

Should I post this as a feature request?

Will you consider it?

It becomes very frustrating when a customer asks for a "standard functionality" that is present in other solutions and I have to postpone the implementation because we need it developed first.

I think that some functionalities are mandatory for any platform that aims at competing on the ecommerce.

But, of course, you know better your plans.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

It is a feature which is not there, so a feature request it is... You do not need to post it again - i've added it to the backlog as a request.

I agree it would be nice if we cover every feature that all customers would have. This one I do not think I've heard before though... We react as much as possible to feature requests, and those we hear often is of course top-of-mind, so it is important to provide us the feedback - thanks for that!

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu

Thank you Nicolai,

This one is new probably because most websites are using User approval for account and in this case the system sends and email.

MBT has requested that the new account will be auto-approved and therefore there is no email option.

Probably if you guys can activate that option, it would be enough.

I will take advantage of your openess and I will keep suggesting standard features when I identify relevant ones.


Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Adrian

The feature "Sending a receipt email to users when creating a user" has now been implemented in version

You are able to get application version from here:

Please let men know if you have any more questions regarding this

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt



Harald Brouwers

Hello Kristian,

I'm running into a problem here. I have a solution where I want an e-mail input field and a submit button, when the user fills in his/her e-mailaddress and submit, they wil receive a confirmation email, with the EmailAllowed link to subscribe to the maillist.

My code is based on this example: and working well in a solution.

Now I want to use the code in another solution, on a core. This isn't working.
After a lot of testing I found the problem. When I fillout the form no user is created, so no mails are send, but also no errors or whatever.

The code is working, but only when I first manually create a user in the backend with for example emailaddress Now when I go to my form and fill and submit, I do get the subscription email(s).

My guess here is that in the bugfix: 20714 something went wrong, what causes users not to be created. Could you help me out here?

Greetings Harald

Harald Brouwers

I finally figured out the problem, this seems to be a bug.

If you have the password complexity setting on high in: Management Center > Control Panel > Modules > User Management > Password security - Extranet > Complexity, no user is created.

If you use the standard email_subscribe.html template, you'll get an password error. Even though the form does not contain password inputs.

The solution is lowering te password complexity to medium. After that, subscribing to emails work's as intended.


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