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George Nelzo Pereira

Hi. Someone knows when is recommended to use a solution with NLB ?

And what is the maximum users or sessions we can have in one single solution at the same time?
I`m looking to one solution with 250.000 users to access the solution in the same day.
The solution will be very simple with 3 or 4 pages with a extranet login and one Data list with one form, but the amount of users at the same time can be the problem.


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi George

It depends - with your numbers it approximates to 500-1000 concurrent users (given that the users are distributed evenly over 24/12 hours). So that is possible if you 'code it right'.

It all boils down to

  • Number of http requests per visitor/pageview (how many images, css, js etc. are used). Or move them to a CDN
  • Do they log in? (Sesssions are heavy on the server)
  • Distribution of visitors during the day - what is the maximum amount of expected concurrent users. Are all 250.000 in one minute or during the entire day?
  • Sizing of the server - small servers can handle little traffic, large servers more traffic)
  • Settings in IIS (Default is 2000 concurrent requests including images etc. - that would be too little)

My recommendation would be

  • Create the site,
  • build the servers (one IIS and one SQL), at least 12 gb ram for web, 8 gb for SQL)
  • tweak IIS settings
  • Add CDN for static ressources
  • Let us stress test the site under load and see what numbers we can handle (
  • Add web servers if needed

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
George Nelzo Pereira

Hi Nicolai.
Thanks for your reply.
I will try do this.


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