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Losing backoffice session

Mario Santos


Due some custom login requests by the customer, I have the following code on my master template:

if (Dynamicweb.ExecutingContext.IsFrontEnd()){
    if (!Dynamicweb.Security.IsCurrentUserAllowed(Pageview.Page)){
      var newSecurity = new Dynamicweb.Security();
      // more stuff here

I was expecting that it will only logoff user on frontend, althought when I try to upload a document or delete a page I am being logged out from backoffice. Is this the correct behaviour?

DW version:

Thanks, Mário


Nicolai Pedersen

Yes, that is correct behavior. Session is abbandoned.

You can instead loop all items in session starting with "DW_extranet" and remove those from the session collection.

Mario Santos

Hi Nicolai,


Thank you for the other approach, but I think I did not made myself understand on the issue.


I have a master template with that piece of code, but I get looged out when I am in the backend (not the frontend). Funny thing is that I am not touching that template.

When I remove that code from the master template, the problem no longer occours.


Check screencast:


Thanks, Mário Santos

Nicolai Pedersen

The backend can make pageview instances in the backend when editing. I.e. in paragraph lists etc.

Nicolai Pedersen

You can add a ExecutingContext.IsFrontend() to your code.

Mario Santos

Hi Nicolai,

I have ExecutingContext.IsFrontend() as you can see at first seconds of screencast or first comment on this post.

BR, Mário


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