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Forum » Rapido
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Release date for 4.0
Hi, Is there any release date for Rapido 4.0. I would need it for some project planning. Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
20/11/2020 09:42:29
Last post: 14/01/2021 10:15:58
Modifying the main tag
Hi I want to add a custom class to the main tag. Therefore I have added this pice of code to Designs\Rapido\MasterBlocks\Custom__Blocks.cshtml BlocksPage customMasterBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); var newMasterMainBlock = new Block { ...
Lars Larsen
06/01/2021 12:10:44
Last post: 13/01/2021 15:23:27
How can i trigger minicart (sliding side cart) and trigger cart update from a custom template?
Hi We have a custom - not rapido based template - to show products. Is there any info on how we can trigger the sliding minicart from the side, and update topcart - without reloading the page? Maybe by triggering some standard javascriptfunctions lik ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
08/01/2021 13:56:31
Last post: 08/01/2021 15:23:28
Quote - Order
I am just unable to grasp how to setup quote - order flow. We need for customer to create quote request. after the employee update quote he will have to be able to accept or decline quote and based on that the quote status should be changed to declin ...
Ivan Marijanović
04/01/2021 14:29:29
Last post: 08/01/2021 12:48:50
Maps app
Hi all! I setup maps app on one of pages. It displays map but there is no data about locations even thou I selected Users group with geo locations data which should be used. I use this same group for selection of delivery location in cart and it work ...
Ivan Marijanović
10/01/2020 16:29:19
Last post: 29/12/2020 14:49:18
Bug in QuoteDetails.cshtml template RR3.3
Hi We noticed a bug in the QuoteDetails.cshtml template where it was including the Custom__Blocks.cshtml template from within the OrderDetails folder instead from the QuoteDetails folder Have a look at the screendump from the changes we fixed. ...
Fabio Monte
28/12/2020 16:28:03
Last post: 29/12/2020 05:41:11
form fields after the text
Hi there, I have an issue with the forms for editors. Suddenly in the form some fields appear after the text and the font is suddenly changing. Must be a setting or something but I can't find it. Can someone please help me? Thanks! Best regards Gerar ...
Gerard Kocks
18/12/2020 15:38:57
Last post: 18/12/2020 15:52:59
Overlay rendering no image as background image
Hi, I noticed there's a small bug in the Overlay.cshtml code, which is forcing a placeholder image as background image when the user doesn't choose any image. In the code, the imagePath variable is defined as: string imagePath = Model.Item.GetFile("I ...
Mafalda Correa
14/12/2020 15:08:33
Last post: 18/12/2020 10:34:29
Create user no mail sent to admin
Hi, On our solution we setup registration of users from front end. When user registers he got email but no mail is sent to Admin Notification emails setup on app (Extranet ) Ivan ...
Ivan Marijanović
17/12/2020 11:42:17
Last post: 17/12/2020 13:32:40
Maps App not rendering country
Hi, I'm using the Maps app to render a group of Dealers in Google maps, but I noticed that the country is not being rendered. Even though I set up the Shipping / Billing Country for my dealers, the GetLoop("Locations") is returning an empty string on ...
Mafalda Correa
16/12/2020 11:11:04
Last post: 16/12/2020 15:40:14
No shipping details - avoid being set automatically
Hi I have a Rapido solution where we don't use shipping details in the checkout flow. Therefore I have removed the block "ShippingAddress". But when an order is completed and it is being shown in the backend the billing details are automatically copi ...
Lars Larsen
16/12/2020 14:51:26
Last post: 16/12/2020 15:39:42
activated template for IMPERSONATION and now my site has wrong css
Preparation for tomorrow's workshop with clients, and I changed the layout of the IMPERSONATION, And now my ignite/rapido css is not loading and my website is all gray. This was the only change I did. I have no ide how these two things are related. t ...
Siv Lillevik
14/12/2020 19:44:52
Last post: 15/12/2020 09:56:09
View user activity
Good afternoon, How can I view a user his or her activity log via the backend? I would like to view the activity of one of the users of our partner portal to do some checks. Thanks in advance! ...
14/12/2020 14:05:06
Last post: 14/12/2020 14:21:01
purchase dataLayer
Hello, I have come over a issue with the datalayer "purchase" for ecommerce tracking. When we have a order over 1000 NOK the datalayer shows 0 in revenue and because of this we get 0 in the reports in analytics. The standard code is: "revenue": "@Get ...
Alexander Tømmerholen
10/12/2020 10:07:39
Last post: 10/12/2020 17:08:26
Request - _variables.less additional variables
Hi, Working on custom solutions, we can tell how to get layout-brand-color-one as LESS variables, which is great. Our request is to also have the following variables available in /Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/ignite/abstract/_variables.less file: lay ...
Nuno Aguiar
03/06/2020 23:02:32
Last post: 09/12/2020 22:58:17
Mobile menu not mobile friendly
Hi we are workning on our first Rapido Solution, and it is 100% configured from standard Rapido But the mobile navigation is not very mobile friendly. No hamburger menu, and all the menu items are visible all the ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
08/12/2020 16:28:57
Last post: 08/12/2020 17:31:48
Variants dont show all images
For our store we do not have images changing with the variants. For example, we have a 'blue jacket' in s-xl. On the main product 'blue jacket' we've added several images and selected one 'standard image', they are shown correctly when browsing the s ...
Ambert van Unen
19/11/2020 12:08:04
Last post: 07/12/2020 13:04:10
User Permissions - Issue with Visual Editor (Rows)
I was recently asked to set-up a new User with "Read-Only" permissions to the backend (in 9.9.2). I created a new User Group and assigned READ (or NONE) permissions. I created a new login for the new backend user and assigned him to the new Read-Only ...
Nancy Morano
02/12/2020 18:09:44
Last post: 03/12/2020 11:19:00
Videoes on the Product/detail page in Rapido 3.x
Hi The description of how to get videos from eg. YouTube on a product as it is in the following link is that only valid for Rapido 3.0? I tryed to get vid ...
Thomas Jensen
30/11/2020 17:29:11
Last post: 02/12/2020 12:56:51
Recurring Orders datetime bug
Hi, I came across a bug in the implementation of the Recurring Orders in Rapido. Dynamicweb is only expecting to get a Date in Ecom:Order.Recurring.StartDate, but Rapido is sending Datetime. It seems like in DW code, TimeOfDay is then being added to  ...
Mafalda Correa
20/11/2020 17:00:41
Last post: 24/11/2020 07:50:51