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Forum » Rapido
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Google Analytics 4 conversions from Rapido
Has anyone managed to implement conversions from Rapido to GA4? Can you share your experience on how you accomplished this in Rapido? ...
Barry Geukdjian
07/07/2023 09:33:44
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Liveprices discount in Rapido Feeds
Hi, We have a customer who are using Rapido on their solution. They are using liveprices as well. I have issues with rendering the discount in the Rapido feeds. If I use a good old style template with templatetags it renders just as expected :) But i ...
Marie Louise Veigert
09/06/2023 07:49:06
Last post: 09/06/2023 09:48:01
Refactor Favorites logic in Rapido feeds
Hi guys, I am trying to refactor the Rapido feed to use the new ProductCatalogViewModels instead of the old ProductCatalog. I have managed to refactor most of the code but I got stuck on the Favorites logic. I have noticed a few new methods and servi ...
Adrian Ursu
05/06/2023 13:14:06
Last post: 06/06/2023 12:29:44
Wrong value in templatetag Ecom:Product:Field.Segment.Label. Dw 9.12.9 - Rapido 3.4.2
Hello I am running a DW version 9.12.9 and Rapido version 3.4.2. When trying to access the template tag Ecom:Product:Field.Segment.Label I receive the Value of the field and not the name. However when I add TemplateTags() to the code I receive the co ...
Tobias Nordvig
14/04/2023 12:27:39
Last post: 17/04/2023 12:24:24
Update a Rapido 3.4 solution to DW 9.15
When trying to Update a Rapido 3.4 solution to Dynamicweb 9.15, the grid/column templates fail. These are standard Rapidop templates I have made a screenshot of the error message here Anyone know how to fix thi ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
02/03/2023 11:28:54
Last post: 13/03/2023 14:58:37
Rapido - Show personal price when logged in
Hi, I have tried to find some documentation to how personal price from the pricematrix is rendered in the frontend. I have at first added customernumber on the price + on the user logged in. Are there a setting, which I could be missing? Running the  ...
Marie Louise Veigert
02/03/2023 15:19:09
Last post: 02/03/2023 15:54:16
Latest version of DW for digital-warehouse
Hi What is the latest version of DW compatible with Rapido digital-warehouse with printable papers? 9.12.7 gives this error message System.Exception: Pdf creator constructor exception ---> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being ab ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
24/02/2023 12:28:38
Last post: 24/02/2023 15:25:01
Azure AD SSO
Hi guys, Is it possible to setup AD SSO pointing to Azure AD? I've taken a look at the documentation but looks like it only support on-prem AD. Thanks, Terri ...
Terri Donahue
16/12/2019 19:56:20
Last post: 07/02/2023 16:09:24
Global Elements - Content Page
Hi there. I have an issue with the standard items belonging to the "Content page" item/pagetype, when i try to add an item like the "Standard Paragraph Three" as an global element. I get the error attached. It says this: "Restriction settings for con ...
Mikkel Hornbech Nielsen
13/01/2021 10:55:25
Last post: 20/01/2023 12:56:49
Tracking Settings
Hi. Is there any documentation on the differences between Enable Tracking and Enable Statistics? All of the Dw stats tables cause some issues with our larger implementations (to the point of causing site failures once those tables grow). Would love t ...
Terri Donahue
21/05/2020 16:03:15
Last post: 20/01/2023 01:24:59
Second cart on Rapido solution
Hi everybody we have request to implement another cart on dw so that the user can select to which cart he will add products. Also this second cart should be automatically completed / converted to order at specific time (for example every friday the c ...
Ivan Marijanović
06/12/2022 11:17:54
Last post: 07/12/2022 13:05:38
ProductList related cookie
Hi! Does anyone know what the following cookies are used for (see attachement)? Are they used for caching templates related to products? ...
Vincent Gercke
02/12/2019 13:32:09
Last post: 09/11/2022 09:29:40
Usage per customer discount setting not honored
Hello, We have an issue where the 'Usage per customer' setting on a discount is not being honored. That is, customers are able to re-use the discount code several times (Fig. 1) despite the 'Usage per customer' being set to a value of ...
Melissa Borgmann
01/11/2022 20:34:55
Last post: 07/11/2022 17:26:26
Default filtering on page
Hi, is there somehow a possibilty to choose predefinend/default filtering option when entering a page fx a category. Or maybe on a higher level. Fx always have 'herre' picked like so, instead of the user having to select it themselves. We hav ...
Eva Sommer
11/10/2022 14:56:35
Last post: 12/10/2022 11:28:34
Apply class/classes to custom row template
I'm fairly new to Dynamicweb and Rapido and was wondering if there is a way to apply a custom class to a content row, or perhaps to the content row item? Current I cant find a way to do this other than to write raw source html in the textbox for  ...
Joakim Sjöbäck
20/07/2022 08:43:22
Last post: 20/07/2022 11:14:14
Related Products are not showing when limitations are applied to a combination of variants
Hi, We are using DW 9.12.9 with Rapido and we are experiencing some issues with Related Products. Related products are not showing when limitations are applied to a combination of variants: Has anyone experienced the same issue? BR, Ricardo P. ...
Ricardo Pereira
30/06/2022 11:44:03
Last post: 11/07/2022 02:21:40
IronPDF Issue
On, go to Goods -> Digital Library and try opening the 2022 Charcuterie PDF. Throws an error and here is a view in the Monitoring: Any idea how to fix this? ...
Ryan Burnham
27/04/2022 16:30:26
Last post: 28/04/2022 08:21:36
Alt-tag to images
Hi, I am wondering whether there is an option to add an alt-tag to images in Dynamicweb’s CMS? This will help us to improve the online visibility of our solutions. Best regards Gerard ...
Gerard Kocks
09/10/2018 14:28:54
Last post: 06/04/2022 00:53:54
Printable papers shows white space, when generated PDF or print
Hi, I'm having issues with the printable papers. It all shows fine, when on the HTML page (Show page) and looks like this: But when either click the "Print" icon or "Download" icon for PDF it shows some whitespace at bottom an ...
Mike Nicolai Bjerregaard
21/02/2022 11:42:38
Last post: 29/03/2022 10:42:57
Maps cluster issues
I'm using the maps module in a rapide application. I checked the 'enable clustering' checkbox on the module, but no clustering happens. I've even: filled a custom cluster marker Set #FF0000 as cluster color (no idea what format is expected: red? #FF0 ...
Peter Leleulya
02/10/2019 11:55:10
Last post: 29/03/2022 09:39:06