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Batch integration - import property translations
Hi, Our customer has al her properties and translations in NAV. When I make the request where I specify the languages, I only get the Property field translations values for the main language: "ENU". How should I adjust this request to add t ...
Davy Capiau
30/05/2024 08:58:55
Last post: 03/06/2024 13:46:49
Now an then an error when submitting orders
Hi, Sometimes this error is generated when an order is being submitted from dw to BC with the LiveIntegration. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? ...
Justin Sjouw
31/05/2024 15:04:59
Last post: 03/06/2024 10:01:40
Add fields to codeunit
Hi, We have a solution with a standard BC integration and use Live Integration to retrieve orders and invoices. Now we would need to get a customfield from BC with the orderdata. Its a field that a tracking number for Logtrade. What do we need to do  ...
Aki Ruuskanen
23/05/2024 08:33:33
Last post: 23/05/2024 09:03:13
Prevent jobs from running if ERP connection is down
Hi guys, What would be the best way to account for ERP connection availability before running a batch job? We have seen situations where running a batch job would generate some errors if the ERP endpoint is down. Is there a standard way of handling t ...
Adrian Ursu
08/05/2024 10:08:42
Last post: 17/05/2024 09:18:55
Performance and Zero results clearing cache
Hi, Summary: The EcomProvider (as Destination) seems to be clearing the cache even when there are no results to import. This was found in 9.17.2 Setup: We have many scheduled tasks that run every 5 minutes to get data from the ERP As expected, not ev ...
Nuno Aguiar
08/05/2024 16:03:59
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Lazy loading LI prices loads from db
Hi there, I have a site that uses live prices. When I view a list or details price I get the price from the ERP. All good. When I turn on "Lazy load product info" the prices are loaded lazily (I get a spinner before seeing the price) but th ...
Imar Spaanjaars
23/04/2024 17:51:15
Last post: 06/05/2024 11:33:19
Importing address takes a very long time
Hi there, I have an XML file with user and addresses. When I trim the file to 2K users and 3K addresses, the import completes in under 20 seconds. When I expand the file to 45K addresses, the job never seems to complete (or at least, it's been ru ...
Imar Spaanjaars
23/04/2024 16:31:58
Last post: 02/05/2024 16:57:44
AddInParameter options or Parameter for longer text
Hello (I hope this question is in the right forum part.) I develop a custom batch job and want a parameter to support longer texts. I find no AddInParameter like "LongText" or similar, just TextParameterEditor. I wonder if there is a AddInP ...
26/04/2024 13:07:05
Last post: 26/04/2024 14:14:54
FieldPresentationType use
Hi team, I'm importing attributes and I came across the header 'FieldPresentationType' in table 'EcomProductCategoryField'. When I look to the documentation it tells me it's one the values below, if not you can leave empty (so ...
Davy Capiau
10/04/2024 14:32:06
Last post: 22/04/2024 14:01:29
Update order with 'shipped quantity'
Hi, In our project (DW10, SWIFT & NAV '13) we would like to update orderlines with the 'amount shipped'. Flow: 1. Order placed on DW 2. Order created in NAV 3. Order partially shipped in NAV 4. Orderline in DW gets updated with 'a ...
Davy Capiau
25/03/2024 13:45:02
Last post: 19/04/2024 11:49:34
Integration job fails instantly but work on another site
Hello forums, I have two websites with identical integration jobs using an identical staging table as the source and using dynamicweb provider as the destination provider. The websites use two different databases and the staging table exists in both. ...
Skylar Kennedy
16/04/2024 21:23:57
Last post: 17/04/2024 15:00:55
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - Ecomprovider: Product import - DW10
Hi, When trying to import a very simple file in the EcomProducts table with the Ecomprovider via the ExcelProvider. I get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ". I've tried: - making a very simple file (attac ...
Davy Capiau
12/04/2024 16:00:52
Last post: 16/04/2024 09:38:05
Set custom field before product info request is sent
I would like to temporarily set a product field whenever a request is sent to ERP to get product information. I do not want the field to be saved, it is a dynamic value which depends on the customer and context. I tried something like this, but I fee ...
Martin Moen
10/04/2024 08:44:43
Last post: 10/04/2024 11:19:25
LiveIntegration when order is sumitted, then price is wrong in DW and receipt on orderline
Hi, I have an issue with live integration and my shop. It seems the creation of an order sets the standard price for an orderline, and not the discountet price from BC. Discounts are handled by BC. I can see in my log that what is sent to the BC is & ...
Jan Sangill
16/02/2024 14:23:50
Last post: 08/04/2024 09:25:14
Liveintegration - ERP controls shipping calculations
Hi, We have setup in Dynamicweb to let BC controll the shipping fee calculactions. How do we explain to the ERP partner how they need to setup it on the BC side to return shipping fee? I have looked through doc site but cant find documentation. ...
Magnus Holmberg
22/03/2024 10:50:43
Last post: 28/03/2024 15:59:34
URL handlers with multiple sites and submitting an order from the backend
Hi there, I have multiple live integration connections set up like this:;User.AccessUser_ErpConnectionSource;Company1;User.AccessUser_ErpConnectio ...
Imar Spaanjaars
10/03/2024 17:01:29
Last post: 25/03/2024 14:12:38
Invoice payment status - customer live center
Hi, We're working with the code unit of NAV and the customer live integration. We want to show the payment status (paid/not paid) in the invoice overview. I know it's not possible by default, but is there any way to achieve this? Ideally with ...
Davy Capiau
12/01/2024 11:38:01
Last post: 25/03/2024 13:20:22
Changes in Destination Table Results in Slow Performance in Data Integration Job
I am noticing that if changes are being made to the destination table in a data integration job (i.e. adding, renaming, or removing fields) it is causing significant performance issues. This seems to happen even though the fields are being updated in ...
Byron Head
22/03/2024 16:18:45
Last post: 22/03/2024 16:30:03
Live Integration and custom Shipping Provider
I have a customer where the shipping options are dependent on the items in the cart. This means that even though the the shipping fee is calculated by the ERP (BC), we have created a shipping provider to let the user have access to the different deli ...
Lars Bo Wassini
12/02/2024 11:17:00
Last post: 14/03/2024 16:27:06
Update stock in multi-language site
Hi there, What's the recommended approach to import stock across multiple languages? I have products in 5 languages but they should all share the same stock level. My source data looks like this: <item table="EcomProducts"> <co ...
Imar Spaanjaars
26/10/2021 10:46:43
Last post: 13/03/2024 12:05:28