I have an issue with live integration and my shop.
It seems the creation of an order sets the standard price for an orderline, and not the discountet price from BC. Discounts are handled by BC.
I can see in my log that what is sent to the BC is "almost" correct.
02-16-2024 03:10:45.348 : DebugInfo: Updating order with ID: ORDER5043. Complete: True. Order submitted from the backend: False
02-16-2024 03:10:45.348 : DebugInfo: Request CalculateOrder (ID: ORDER5043, CreateOrder: True) sent: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<tables source="LiveIntegration" submitType="LiveOrderOrCart" referenceName="OrdersPut">
<table tableName="EcomOrders">....OrderLines under here
<column columnName="OrderLineQuantity">83</column>
<column columnName="OrderLinePriceWithoutVat">19944.07</column> WRONG PRICE
<column columnName="OrderLineUnitPriceWithoutVat">122.84</column> CORRECT PRICE
<column columnName="NetPrice">240.29</column> What is NetPrice taken from?
The Response to this is:
<column columnName="OrderLineQuantity"><![CDATA[83]]></column>
<column columnName="OrderLinePriceWithoutVat"><![CDATA[19,944.07]]></column>WRONG PRICE
<column columnName="OrderLineUnitPriceWithoutVat"><![CDATA[240.29]]></column>WRONG PRICE
The totalprice is correct when it is completed for the Order, butr the orderlines are wrong. This only happens when discounts from ERP.
Any ideas?