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Ecom:Order:OrderLine.ID tag
Hi there, I just realized that GetString("Ecom:Order:OrderLine.ID") is returning an empty string. After output all tags I found out that it's now called Ecom:Order:OrderLine.Id (see attached screenshot). Although it's not accurate with the remaining ...
Mario Santos
22/11/2017 11:32:21
Last post: 19/01/2018 03:31:27
DW9 Filemanager – start in latest visited folder like in DW8?
Argh! Someone - Please move this to "CMS - Standard features" Hi, I have a client doing a whole lot of image/and file picking via Filemanager fields on Items that I've created. In DW8, when you first had picked one file from a folder, then next time ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
07/01/2018 00:12:37
Last post: 18/01/2018 05:50:47
Product discount code
Hi, Our customer wants to have a discount code for all the products. This should give €10,- discount on each product in the website. You can create a discount voucher and fill this in, in the shopping cart, but then it gives you onte time the discoun ...
Manon Wekking
16/01/2018 14:19:13
Last post: 17/01/2018 10:52:37
AddToFavorites not accepting quantity?
Is it not possible to add quantity to the Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.CustomerCenter.CustomerProductList.AddToFavorites method? I would like to add 10 x product to my list, but I cant find a way to do that. ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
21/11/2017 09:05:00
Last post: 17/01/2018 10:49:57
ChargeLogic canceling payments
Hi there, I'm trying to use the ChargeLogic Connect payment gateway but the payment is always cancelled. We realized that there is a "?Action" parameter with value Approve but DW is redirecting to the cancel state (and template). If we remove the "?" ...
Mario Santos
08/09/2017 11:00:17
Last post: 16/01/2018 15:44:01
Select variant is overwritten with related products
Hi guys, On product detail the tags on the VariantCombinations and VariantGroups loops are being overwritten when template calls the RelatedProducts loop, even with the VariantID param on the query string. Is anyone experiencing the same behaviour? h ...
Mario Santos
19/12/2017 16:09:30
Last post: 16/01/2018 15:21:31
Free shipping - On Product X
Hi, A customer is asking us to develop Free Shipping for a single/set of product(s). This means that if you have 2 products (1 with free shipping and another one with shipping fee), the shipping fee would be calculated as if there was only 1 product ...
Nuno Aguiar
15/01/2018 12:27:57
Last post: 16/01/2018 12:23:36
product.GetCategories() does not use LanguageId from product
Hello, We have a solution with multiple languages, defaultlanguage English, and category fields coupled to the products on the productgroups. The categories are only coupled to the default language, since they are the same for all languages. When I r ...
Hans Kloppenborg
11/01/2018 13:41:06
Last post: 11/01/2018 13:57:19
Correct the documentation?
Hi At the moment I am working with the Ecom Provider. I would like to sort the products within productgroups in the backend. I didn't know how to do that, so I looked into the documentation. On this page it says: GroupSorting This field should contai ...
Lars Larsen
04/01/2018 15:50:17
Last post: 05/01/2018 08:58:15
Order discounts - Apply discount only once issue
Hi guys, We have a discount applied to a group of products and we selected the option "Apply discount only once" but the discount is applied multiple times in the same order. When the option "Apply discount only once" is selected, the discount should ...
Ricardo Pereira
14/11/2017 12:01:50
Last post: 04/01/2018 09:57:47
Show in product list - in Ecommerce
Hi, Should the "Show in Product list" boolean field be available in Ecommerce or just for PIM? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/12/2017 18:34:18
Last post: 29/12/2017 11:25:49
Product list columns
Hi, In the backend going to "All products" I was surprised to see that the columns values don't render and sometimes don't match: Some fields are just empty - instead of rendering the data Last Edited Date renders as if it was an image ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/12/2017 18:39:26
Last post: 29/12/2017 11:23:34
Hi Guys, I have a project that was upgraded from the version to I had the assortments set up and working in the version and after the upgrade they are not working anymore. In fact they are working in the product list page, b ...
Ricardo Pereira
19/12/2017 12:38:43
Last post: 28/12/2017 16:34:59
How to make index query to only fetch products with a discount
Hi, How can I do that? Or even better how to make index query to only fetch products with a specific sales discount.. Like "black friday" or "januar sale" and use that to link to your special offer/discount Regards Kim ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
27/12/2017 14:30:07
Last post: 28/12/2017 15:03:30
Sort variant options
Hi, When adding a new variant option, the order is not the same as we set in the variant group. With larger sets of options, this makes it difficult for users to find what they are looking for Best Regards, Nu ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/12/2017 20:37:26
Last post: 27/12/2017 11:48:43
Multiple order emails and orders in integration
Hi, I have an issue with some orders sending order email and doing order integration multiple times. DW is v8.9.2.15. Order integreation is standard eConomic. Payment gateway is DIBS Flexwin. Highlights from orderlog: First order is completed succesf ...
Martin Bakken Rickmann
05/12/2017 11:20:34
Last post: 22/12/2017 12:31:01
Duplicate carts in CartsBeforeUserLogin
Hi, We are experiencing a problem when logging in with the following setting (all true): Recalculate a user's cart when the user logs in Keep anonymous cart when user logs in Merge the anonymous cart content with the cart saved on the user when loggi ...
Mikkel Ulstrup
19/12/2017 19:24:01
Last post: 20/12/2017 03:21:18
Variant simple to extended and paging
Hi, While setting up simple variants into extended variants, I noticed the icon changed accurately, but the data in the column did not until I reloaded the page. As much as that is okay, the paging was wrong. I didn't actually have any pages, but it ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/12/2017 21:19:00
Last post: 19/12/2017 06:28:45
Updating OrderLine fields in cart
Hi Guys, I have a case where I need to allow the customer to edit the value in an OrderLineField. Somethign similar with the way I update the orderline for quantity changes. I need to be able to make this update using AJAX. Is this possible using sta ...
Adrian Ursu
20/06/2017 14:33:03
Last post: 14/12/2017 18:30:52
Add to Cart and setting the EcomCustomerEmail in the Cart
Hi, We noticed that, even being logged in, when we simply add a product to the cart, the EcomCustomer info is not populated until you access a page with the shipping cart module. That means some carts are not picked up by the Abandoned Carts Recipien ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/12/2017 16:17:28
Last post: 12/12/2017 17:49:59