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Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.
I cant add new products! When i add a product and click Save (or Save and Close) i get this message: Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information. Description: A ...
David Alexandersson
23/04/2018 16:07:34
Last post: 24/04/2018 09:57:39
Discount settings for giving a free product
Hi guys, I have this request from my customer: "For orders containg at least 50 RON worth of products from an EcomGroup, we want to give a product for free". I have tried to set up this discount using Sales Discounts or Order Discounts. I can set to ...
Adrian Ursu
16/04/2018 12:03:05
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Reverse charge for VAT for shipping fee?
Hi Dynamicweb, We are about to implement "Reverse charge for VAT", but we are having some trouble to figure out how this works with the shipping fee as it seems like tax is still added for the shipping fee. How can we set this up correctly so VAT for ...
Anders Ebdrup
08/01/2017 11:20:39
Last post: 13/04/2018 06:06:54
Order Modified date not updated
Hi, It looks to me that the order modified date is not updated when we add something to the cart. Is this a bug or by design? I am looking for a timestamp for when the order data has changed, whether that's a ...
Nuno Aguiar
10/04/2018 13:46:16
Last post: 12/04/2018 15:35:39
Unique order lines created for different combinations of variant IDs
Hi there, Since a recent update we noticed that separate order lines are created for an empty verus an absent variant ID. Consider these two examples: /cart?productid=ImportedPROD1&variantID=&cartcmd=add /cart?productid=ImportedPROD1&cart ...
Imar Spaanjaars
05/04/2018 14:05:22
Last post: 12/04/2018 10:46:31
Contact in Unifaun shipping documents
Hi DW, In the Unifaun shipping provider we are using a delivery method called PostNord DK MyPack Collect with srvid P19DK. This method requires a contact name in If this field is not filled out, then our client must do manually for ...
Martin Bakken Rickmann
11/04/2018 15:46:00
Last post: 12/04/2018 08:13:11
PromoCodeChecker does not compare dates accurately
Hi, The method Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.SalesDiscounts.PromoCodeChecker.CheckOrderPromoCode is not validating the dates accurately, returning a voucher code to be both valid and expired at the same time, when the Valid To date is set to "Never" Ch ...
Nuno Aguiar
29/03/2018 17:40:24
Last post: 11/04/2018 15:32:15
Runtime Lucene filter
I'm looking to find the best way to add a filter in the index that is based on a database query, but that isn't included in the index. We have a table with about 200 million records and we need to use them in the query. That's obviously too large to ...
Scott Forsyth
28/03/2018 06:52:13
Last post: 10/04/2018 04:46:52
Cart post page
Hi, I'm working on a solution with eCom where I need to create an "instant order" form - so on the page I have a button adding the product to the cart via ajax. When the ajax is done I show the checkout form on the productpage. The productpage (a pag ...
René Poulsen
16/03/2018 11:29:19
Last post: 09/04/2018 16:34:58
Set default sorting order for the backend order screen
Hi Our customer would like to have the order screen in the back end to have the default sort order as "completed date" descending order. May I know is there a way to set this up? Instead of they have to click on the "completed field" right click and ...
Tan Pang Lin
06/04/2018 08:47:16
Last post: 09/04/2018 04:46:08
Bug in Dynamicweb.Ecommerce versions after 1.4.12 (Items with Products are broken)
Hi, we disocvered a bug in the Ecommerce package. After we upgraded a DW core from 9.4.5 to 9.4.7, we got some unexplainable errors. After a lot of testing we discovered the following. We downgraded the core to to 9.4.5 and started updating all indiv ...
Harald Brouwers
29/03/2018 11:13:39
Last post: 06/04/2018 15:07:11
Order status email exception
Hi, I've set an order status email notification. When I change the order status the email is not sent and it retrieves an exception (see attachement). Once I remove the OrderLines loop call the email is sent and no error occurs. Can anyone reproduce ...
Mario Santos
04/04/2018 18:36:27
Last post: 05/04/2018 09:19:21
Related Products by variant/language...
Hi, I noticed that in 9.4.7 (at least) the filtering of Related Products (in other words the ability to set a related product to a specific variant combination only), is not available anymore. Is that a bug or by design (refactoring of Ecommerce.Serv ...
Nuno Aguiar
28/03/2018 17:26:07
Last post: 04/04/2018 13:39:04
Place an Order Report Logic
Hi May I know what is the logic for the below two set of data. Added product to the cart and based on the result of "view the products", I link StatV2ObjectVisitorID to OrderVisitorSessionid (EcommOrder} and link OrderID to OrderLineOrderID then to g ...
Tan Pang Lin
03/04/2018 14:10:44
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DW 9.4.7 - Discount issue
Hi guys, I set up the following discount in a DW 9.4.7 solution: However, when the discount is applied in the front-end, the following error message is showed up: Does any ...
Ricardo Pereira
28/03/2018 11:24:09
Last post: 28/03/2018 12:09:43
Does DynamicWeb support templates for orders?
Hello! I wonder if DynamicWeb supports something like an ordertemplate system, that is a saved order that can be copied into a new order and bought again. So kind of like a cart that's saved for later but never disappears when you've ordered it. Simp ...
Oscar Romin
27/03/2018 14:07:04
Last post: 27/03/2018 16:07:25
Exclude PIM groups from Facets
Hi, Is there a way to exclude/remove the PIM groups from being indexed? Currently we have a Facet pointing to GroupID's (rendering the Group Names) but we noticed that the PIM groups (which mean nothing for Ecommerce, show up as facet options. Is the ...
Nuno Aguiar
20/03/2018 17:33:14
Last post: 27/03/2018 06:41:39
Unsubscribe for only some types of emails
Hi, Is it possible that users can unsubscribe for specified types of mailings, and not for all of them? BR, Manon Wekking ...
Manon Wekking
23/03/2018 15:57:07
Last post: 26/03/2018 08:40:59
MINIMUM as Customer number in price matrix
Trying to determine if the is a hack or a feature or a bug, and how do I fix it? In version ( If price matrix has a line with "Customer number" = MINIMUM and you are loged in with a user that belong to Us ...
Thomas Jensen
15/02/2018 12:26:40
Last post: 22/03/2018 10:36:52
Add to favorites broken
Hi guys, We run into an issue with adding favorites to the cart. It seems it's caused by a recent change introduced in Dynamicweb 9.3.13. Here's what we've witnessed: 1. Add to cart ultimately calls: CustomerProductList.AddToFavorites(string productI ...
Imar Spaanjaars
14/03/2018 16:19:46
Last post: 22/03/2018 09:21:31