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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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Confirmation email being sent from disabled Cart module
In my solution I have both One step checkout and Multi step checkout cart modules under the Cart page. One step checkout module is disabled, however I'm getting the email confirmations from the notification set up in One step checkout, instead of the ...
Mafalda Correa
25/06/2019 16:30:08
Last post: 03/05/2021 17:58:15
Sort by Price behavior in Rapido
Hi guys, I have a project that is based on Rapido 3.x. and I have inconsistent behavior of the Sort by Price functionality. I get results like this: Or like this: The sorting loginc is the default one from Rapido, using this Querystring: /produse?Sor ...
Adrian Ursu
23/04/2021 10:23:13
Last post: 29/04/2021 10:58:25
Differentiate shipping options based on products
Hello, Does anyone have an idea for differentiate shipping options based on products in the cart? Say I have a GLS parcelshop and I have some products (e.g. a couch) which is not suitable for a parcelshop and now I need to change the default shipping ...
Anders Ebdrup
04/09/2017 15:30:17
Last post: 28/04/2021 22:21:33
Issue rebuilding index
Hi Team, We upgraded a solution from Dw 9.3.3 to Dw 9.10.4 this morning. The product indexer will not run. The error being returned when trying to run the index is: Product index builder experienced a fatal error.. System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueEx ...
Terri Donahue
28/04/2021 16:04:17
Last post: 28/04/2021 17:10:55
Adding Consent to SignIn Page
Hello DW Community, We would like to add ability to track User Conset at Login. Ideally like to add a Checkbox on the Signin page for user to "Consent" to the Website Terms and Use policy. Tracking the Consent is an integral part. What is the best wa ...
Michael Sedlock
27/04/2021 17:20:50
Last post: 28/04/2021 14:50:37
Authorize.NET API duplicates name
Hi, While using the Authorize.NET API checkout handler we realized that name is wrongly set. Here's the order data: Here's how it got saved in Authorize.NET After some investigation, we realized that lastName property is getting the order customer fu ...
Mario Santos
13/04/2021 19:21:02
Last post: 28/04/2021 08:14:59
Quickpay/ Mastercard 3-D secure issue
On an old DW solution (DW – And right now upgrading is not an option. When Quickpay redirect to 3-D secure it makes a callback to the Dynamicweb checkout handler. (Se attachment) This callback don’t contain success=True and therefore the fol ...
Thomas Larsen
15/02/2021 16:59:32
Last post: 28/04/2021 07:50:22
Shipping Fee rules not applied correctly according to weight
Hi, I have a customer who is experiencing some problems with the shipping fee rules. Basically, if the order (in the database i assume) of the fee rules are this: Then the last rule is always applied regardless of the weight. However if the order is  ...
Mads Jensen
27/04/2021 14:53:53
Last post: 28/04/2021 05:39:00
Taxes and question
Hi, I have a client that has 3 products. These products when added to cart - need to have a tax on them. So if the product itself cost 20,-, there should be applied a fixed cost of 5,- in tax. if I buy 5 - the cost for the product would be 100,- and  ...
Jan Sangill
22/04/2021 10:42:20
Last post: 26/04/2021 09:28:22
Guidance on a price filter with prices in the PriceMatrix
Hi there, I am trying to set up a price filter / facet but run into some issues. My products (they are all variants) don't have a fallback price (it's always zero) and all prices are stored in EcomPrices. They are all in a single currency. What do I  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
22/04/2021 08:56:45
Last post: 22/04/2021 09:29:46
Using variants in Related products
Hi guys, I have a request from one of our customers (actually we had this request a few times before) about making a specific relation with a variant of a product instead of relating only to the Master product. Right now, the interface for adding a r ...
Adrian Ursu
19/04/2021 12:52:03
Last post: 19/04/2021 13:03:03
Dashboard - Show graph of order by day for a specific shop
Hi guys, I have a solution where we have implemented 2 separate websites with 2 different webshops. The admin wants to see the Orders by day filter by the shop they have to manage. I see there is no way I can change the Shop on the default Graph widg ...
Adrian Ursu
16/04/2021 15:32:33
Last post: 19/04/2021 12:02:54
Product field of type image with focal point
Hi, I am working very enriched/custom product detail templates. Among a lot of little things I need the ability to have focal points on images. Is there a quick way, just like on Items, for me to create field of type Image with focal point? Best Rega ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/04/2021 16:07:56
Last post: 19/04/2021 11:05:56
AddWithPoints adding with dollars
Hi, I have an issue on a website where cartcmd=AddWithPoints is adding with dollars/currency. It's working fine in Dev, but when we move to QA, something is off. I've checked that the product has points I've checked the request headers The cart log s ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/04/2021 17:47:12
Last post: 16/04/2021 20:47:26
How to hide products in list but show them in related group
Hi We have a client who has a group of products that cannot be sold by itself. So we put them in group we are not rendering in menus and we are showing htis products as related products that can be only added to cart together with main product (for e ...
Ivan Marijanović
13/04/2021 12:03:29
Last post: 13/04/2021 16:39:09
Order totals seems to be off
Hello, The order totals in the backend seems to be off or labels are not properly set. In the following example VAT is set to 0%, shouldn't the last total be $258? DW version: 9.10.4. BR, Mario ...
Mario Santos
12/04/2021 12:21:21
Last post: 13/04/2021 02:42:03
Scoring in PLP
Hi, In my PLP, I'm sorting the products by Score and then by Name. In a normal situation, where I have no search, I expected my products to simply be ordered alphabetically, however I have a product that is jumping to the top of the list because whil ...
Mafalda Correa
12/04/2021 13:29:10
Last post: 12/04/2021 15:51:37
Editable quantity on RMA
Hi guys, I am trying to implement an RMA flow where the user can select the quantity he wants to return. I see that the default Rapido templates for RMA don't have the option to edit the quantity. Before digging too far, is this editable quantity sce ...
Adrian Ursu
12/04/2021 11:08:09
Last post: 12/04/2021 12:08:11
Data integration export issues with EcomProvider and Excel
Hi guys, I have a project running on DW 9.9.8. I have set up an export for the products in the database using EcomProivider as Source and Exvcel provider as destination. For some reason, I get an exception when running the export and the log does not ...
Adrian Ursu
07/04/2021 14:55:11
Last post: 12/04/2021 10:27:40
Log for all cart activities
Hi guys, I have a repetitive problem with authenticated users losing their carts (emptied carts) in various steps of the process. I am trying to find out the issue but I don;t know if and where I can find traces of the carts. History of carts for a u ...
Adrian Ursu
08/04/2021 15:31:55
Last post: 08/04/2021 18:48:19