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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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Import of variants via data integration
Hey I have some questions regarding import of variants via data integration, if have the following XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tables> <table tableName="EcomProducts"> <item table=&q ...
Morten Fink Eriksen
01/05/2013 13:47:26
Last post: 07/05/2013 12:45:44
Discount order fields - one discount
Hi DWs Is it possible not to use discount order lines and instead have one output for all discounts? I cant find in DwTemplateTags an output for all collected discount. Thanks Peter ...
Peter Bille Larsen
01/05/2013 13:08:59
Last post: 08/05/2013 14:41:05
Lucene searching in customfields
Hey Is it possible to search in customfields for product via Lucene, or are these fields not indexed by Lucene? ...
Morten Fink Eriksen
01/05/2013 12:51:07
Last post: 12/06/2013 09:19:14
Import throws variant association/refernece in ecom list
Hey Im trying to import the following: <tables> <table tableName="EcomProducts"> <item table="EcomProducts"> <column columnName="ProductID"><![CDATA[PROD983]]></column> <column colu ...
Morten Fink Eriksen
01/05/2013 10:08:43
Last post: 01/05/2013 10:44:40
eCom groups - Do not include URL in subpage URLs
Hi, How do I make the setting, "Do not include URL in subpage URLs", work for the eCom groups? Even though I have checked the setting the name "produktkatalog" is included in the urls for the groups. The thing is that all the grou ...
Anders Ebdrup
30/04/2013 11:48:39
Last post: 18/03/2014 11:57:09
Dublin Core extended
Hi, Is there anyone who tried to extend Dublin Core to eCommerce categories? Is it even worth trying? Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
29/04/2013 16:03:29
Last post: 06/05/2013 13:32:18
Loop Products inside ProductGroups
I am having this problem, which is actually or should be pretty basic. In a eCommerce Module I select the top categorys "Jeans, Shorts", in the subcategory of Jeans there is "Blue, Green" - And in here, i wan't to output the produ ...
Daniel Williams
29/04/2013 16:00:10
Last post: 06/05/2013 13:31:05
Order Backend
Hi, someone know if is possible to change this screen? I mean change the template to hide some informations. ...
George Nelzo Pereira
26/04/2013 22:26:06
Last post: 06/05/2013 13:27:49
Display full product catalog on page
Hello Do someone have experience with printing the entire product catalog on a page? (without having to select the desired groups to be printed as it is an integrated shop) I have tried to create a page with a "Navigationtag" (products) and ...
Anders Ebdrup
19/04/2013 10:06:24
Last post: 22/04/2013 09:47:53
Skipping payment/completing order with zero or negative value
Hi guys, Just wanted to share a way to complete an order with a price/value of 0 or less. Simply create two payment methods 1) handles normal payments via Quickpay or other 2) blank payment method, that handles orders that does not need to be payed I ...
Thomas Nielsen
26/03/2013 10:40:57
Last post: 02/04/2013 15:53:08
URL parameter (or other way) to change Shipping method
Hello DW guys, What if I want to change shipping method "on the fly", for example, if I add something to the cart - depending on what it is - I want to choose 1 or another shipping method. I would imagine this thing could maybe be possible  ...
Dmitrij Jazel
25/03/2013 10:58:10
Last post: 25/03/2013 11:12:28
Product page always Active
In my breadcrumb, the product page is always active. Look at my example breadcrumb (screenshot), and below is my XML. <Page MenuText="Produkter" MouseOver="" Image="" ImageActive="" ImageMouseOver="&quo ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
23/03/2013 16:14:26
Last post: 02/04/2013 13:37:43
URGENT!! Post Danmark Shipping Provider - the workflow?
Hi, I'm setting up a Post Danmark shipping provider and my client has got a pacsoft account + the appropriate permissions is set in the pacsoft interface... But when/how is the shipping document created/sent to pacsoft? I can't seem to get this worki ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
15/03/2013 15:31:00
Last post: 21/03/2013 13:38:28
Possible to define own variantID on import?
Hi My question is relativly simple, is it possible to define our own variantID's on import, say i wanted to use the productnumber as variantID, could i do that in the mapping etc.? and if i could, would it conflict with other things in the solution i ...
Morten Fink Eriksen
07/03/2013 11:00:24
Last post: 07/03/2013 11:38:39
Create Order to Another User
Hi people, I need create one order to another user... Like... I'm a salesperson and I work behind phone, then one user can call me to buy something... I will make my login (salesperson) but I need create this order for that especific user (userXPTO). ...
George Nelzo Pereira
28/02/2013 16:58:51
Last post: 31/07/2013 20:16:36
Separate product page
Would like to know what the easiest solution to this problem is. I have one page with two paragraphs, one banner paragraph on the top, and a paragraph at the bottom that display a product catalog (eCom) module. In the product listing view everything  ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
17/02/2013 19:34:38
Last post: 18/02/2013 09:40:31
Lucene product search - language, stemming, stopwords
Sometimes the search results and suggestions presented in product search (lucene index search) can be a bit weird and I suspect that it has something to do with how languages are handled. Is the language setting on each product used when indexing pro ...
Morten Bengtson
14/02/2013 09:16:52
Last post: 18/02/2013 10:12:50
Accessing User Custom fields during checkout
Hej Guys, I am having trouble retrieving one of the User custom fields during checkout... I thought there should be <!--@LoopStart(UserManagement:User.CustomFields)--> <!--@LoopEnd(UserManagement:User.CustomFields)--> Accessible in Cart,  ...
Dmitrij Jazel
07/02/2013 22:50:11
Last post: 08/02/2013 20:48:03
Highest discount is still being aggregated!?
Hello DW guys, Hope I can get some collaboration on this one... I have a eCom here, users are using "Quantity discount". (see attachment) There are 2 quantity discounts created with same conditions (same users and same products selected) On ...
Dmitrij Jazel
07/02/2013 14:12:43
Last post: 30/05/2014 12:35:48
1 product - multiple prices
Hi, We have a client that uses the same product but has different prices (all in €) Right now we are duplicating products in order to work with them correctly, apply discounts, so on and so forth, but it's very time consuming to update text and  ...
Nuno Aguiar
01/02/2013 11:18:33
Last post: 05/02/2013 10:43:28