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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Skipping payment/completing order with zero or negative value

Skipping payment/completing order with zero or negative value

Thomas Nielsen

Hi guys,


Just wanted to share a way to complete an order with a price/value of 0 or less.


Simply create two payment methods

1) handles normal payments via Quickpay or other

2) blank payment method, that handles orders that does not need to be payed


In the information template, i replaced the normal loop for payment methods with a hardcoded version, that selects the appropriate payment method based on the value of the order.


<input name="EcomCartPaymethodID" id="EcomCartPaymethodID_PAY2" value="PAY2" checked="checked" type="radio"><label for="EcomCartPaymethodID_PAY2">Normal payment</label><br />
<input name="EcomCartPaymethodID" id="EcomCartPaymethodID_PAY3" value="PAY3" checked="checked" type="radio"><label for="EcomCartPaymethodID_PAY3">Skip payment</label>

Hope it helps someone - maybe myself in the future when i forget how i do this ;-)


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas


Thanks for sharing!


BR Nicolai


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