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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Loop Products inside ProductGroups

Loop Products inside ProductGroups

Daniel Williams

I am having this problem, which is actually or should be pretty basic.
In a eCommerce Module I select the top categorys "Jeans, Shorts", in the subcategory of Jeans there is "Blue, Green"
- And in here, i wan't to output the products that is Blue Jeans.

            PRODUCTS TO LOOP

I believe the code says itself, but what i wan't is my eCommerce structure to be my navigation in a megamenu.
How can i do this the best way, or any way for that matter?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You cannot have products in the navigation as it is now. You can have all the groups easily though, see this thread:


If you want products in the navigation, you would need to do a Navigation Provider, see this article:


BR Nicolai


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