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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues
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Restriction settings prevents global element insertion
Hi I insert a global element (paragraph) into a page. The inserted global element is inserted into the first contentplaceholder on the page (eventhough it's not permitted to live there because of items-alllowed restrictions). Now it's not possible to ...
Lars Larsen
15/06/2017 09:05:19
Last post: 20/09/2017 15:30:32
Group Image has double slash
Hi there, When I assign an image to an Ecommerce group, Dynamicweb stores the path as follows: /Files/Images/GroupImages/Closeoutheader.jpg When I retrieve the path using GetString("Ecom:Group.LargeImage") I get this: /Files//Files/Images/GroupImages ...
Imar Spaanjaars
30/05/2017 12:31:24
Last post: 20/09/2017 15:11:54
Cookie warning missing in DW9
Hi, I am using the new page view model but I am unable to get the cookie warning. I tried to use the @Model.GetCookieWarningContent() but this returns blank even through I clear all my cookies. Any advice? /Søren ...
Søren Heide Larsen
30/05/2017 15:21:07
Last post: 20/09/2017 15:10:08
Howto setup Load Balancing?
Hi Dynamicweb, How do we setup Load Balancing after upgrading a solution to DW9? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
19/09/2017 20:41:37
Last post: 20/09/2017 08:27:01
Server Error after upgrade
Hi, I was upgrading my local DW9 wrap and got server error indicating a missing field in the area table. I was upgrading it through the "Packages" in Managenement Center. What would be the best way to fix this kind of error. (Attaching a screenshot o ...
Aki Ruuskanen
19/09/2017 11:22:02
Last post: 19/09/2017 12:51:14
DW 9.3.1 UpdateLog.log massive errors
Hi folks, We are seeing massive amounts of errors in the updateLog.log after rerunning the updates. Is this normal behaviour? Can it be caused with our use of an Azure database? Or the use of GlobalSettings.config and Database.config? Some examples:  ...
Hans Kloppenborg
15/09/2017 14:56:33
Last post: 15/09/2017 15:43:08
DW9 log output sorting and paging
Hey folks, Due to DW9 overwriting our own Nlog configuration (see for solution) we found the output of our Nlog logging under the Logs menu option under Configuration. We  ...
Hans Kloppenborg
11/09/2017 16:37:23
Last post: 14/09/2017 16:02:09
Permissions on Paragraphs and Items
Hello, After a upgrade to 9.3.1 I ran into some unexpected behaviour regarding permissions. We use a similar configuration as described in your manual. But the Deny setting on de default group All, is not overridden by the sub-groups I add below it.  ...
Harald Brouwers
13/09/2017 13:11:36
Last post: 14/09/2017 08:58:35
HTTP Compression
Hi On a DW9.2 solution I can see that http compression is enabled in web.config (see attachment). But in the backend it is possible to set compression (SETTINGS - Web and HTTP - HTTP Compression) and it is set to GZip as default. Which compression ty ...
Lars Larsen
13/09/2017 11:50:35
Last post: 13/09/2017 12:23:16
Possibility to control rows in Grid Engine
We are missing the possibility to control (add container classes etc.) on rows. if, for example, we would like to add two full with rows and then one contained (a banner) it does not seem to be possible. Is this something you could add to the backlog ...
Mikkel Belchuke
08/09/2017 07:34:01
Last post: 13/09/2017 10:04:28
Ecom page not working
At the moment we cannot visit the Ecom node in the DW 9.3.1 backend, it seems a widget on the dashboard uses a non existing function in the api: Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Shops.Shop.ProductCountByShopsForBackendTree(). [MissingMethodException: Methode not ...
Hans Kloppenborg
11/09/2017 17:46:26
Last post: 12/09/2017 11:58:43
Where to find the grid configuration file in version 9.3
In your introduction video for Dynamicweb 9.3, you are talking about a configuration file that you need, to be able to use the new grid engine. Is there a place where I can find that file? ...
Mikkel Belchuke
04/09/2017 12:57:51
Last post: 07/09/2017 13:37:48
Why denying .php requests in DW9?
Web.config ships this: <security> <requestFiltering> <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="2048000000" /> <denyUrlSequences> <add sequence=".php" /> </denyUrlSequences> </requestFiltering> </security> ...
Kevin Steffer
06/09/2017 08:52:05
Last post: 06/09/2017 10:15:19
Backend interface - page tree options
Hi, There is an issue with the new backend interface in DW 9.3 in Chrome + Firefox (not sure if any other browsers have this issue?). The option menu slides up behind the website selection. Right click on one of the top pages, or just click the three ...
Jens Jakob Kristensen
05/09/2017 10:45:49
Last post: 05/09/2017 15:40:20
.Net error after upgrading to DW9.3.1
Hi I have a nameditemlist which fails to render in the backend if I try to show it for editing. The nameditemlist could be shown without this error on DW9.2.17. Any ideas why this error occurs? ...
Lars Larsen
04/09/2017 14:24:27
Last post: 05/09/2017 14:48:37
Issues with NLog
Hi Dynamicweb, After spending hours trying to figure out why NLog suddenly stops working, i realize that it is due to the fact that Dynamicweb overrides the NLog.Configuration and that some complex rules in their targets seems to cause issues with wh ...
Søren Heide Larsen
17/07/2017 13:52:39
Last post: 05/09/2017 09:32:12
Horisontal scrollbar is missing - Sitetree window
Hi In DW8 you will get a horisontal scrollbar if the content in the sitetree window (in the backend) gets wider than its container. This horisontal scrollbar is missing in DW9.2. Quite annoying to editors. ...
Lars Larsen
29/03/2017 09:24:36
Last post: 25/08/2017 14:22:20
Missing solution name in title
Hi DW, After upgrading solutions to DW9 we are missing the "Solution Name" from backend in the title tag of the administration page which makes it hard to distinguish between different backends - see example here: ...
Anders Ebdrup
23/08/2017 14:53:14
Last post: 23/08/2017 15:21:31
CKEditor issues in apps and ecom
Hi, I've noticed a couple of errors with the CK Editor. It seems to work fine in paragraphs, but in rich text fields in apps (like News) and Ecommerce there might be some issues. Resources relating to Jquery UI are not found; widget.js and sortable.m ...
Martin Christensen
23/08/2017 14:47:47
Last post: 23/08/2017 15:15:34
InPath & Active problems on eCom navigation
We have a site where templates is made with the new viewmodels, and here we have a issue with InPath & Active in the ecom navigation. Have attached two xml files, from the topmenu and from the sidebar. In the sidebar InPath & Active works fin ...
Heine Virenfeldt Kristensen
17/08/2017 08:15:13
Last post: 21/08/2017 11:27:52