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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues
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Performance issue with first hit
Hi, A few days ago my team started complaining about long wait times when and rebuilding the application. When I investigated this, I noticed that first hit takes a lot of time. Now first hit usually takes a lot longer as caching is buing built, but  ...
Søren Heide Larsen
06/10/2017 22:11:45
Last post: 11/10/2017 21:31:31
Install of Dynamicweb.Admin 9.3.4 package corrupts web.config
Hi Folks, Besides the troubles the upgrading of the dynamicweb.admin package gives normally (script that should copy admin folder files does not do it when files already exist, and thus changes are not implemented) it now also corrupts the web.config ...
Hans Kloppenborg
06/10/2017 11:33:46
Last post: 31/10/2017 10:56:10
Missing pagecount on website and solution (for end user)
There should be a page count shown on the content tab (like before) so that a user on the smaller licenses can see if their limit is reached or close. Like 98 of 100 used or 98/100. I know that you can see this on the website list but it is relativel ...
Per Søgaard
05/10/2017 16:07:38
Last post: 24/10/2017 15:43:25
Issues with Dynamicweb 9.3 Selection lists
We get a null-reference exception when using either item.GetValue("myproperty") as ListViewModel or item.GetValue<ListViewModel>("myproperty") if no properties are selected on the item value. If any other experience this issue, you may use this ...
Søren Heide Larsen
05/10/2017 10:09:04
Last post: 06/10/2017 08:54:29
Redirect not working in cart for 9.3.4
Hi Dynamicweb, After upgrading from 9.3.2 to 9.3.4 the parameter "redirect=false" does not work when adding items to the cart. Now the user is redirected to the frontpage. Can this be fixed soon? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
27/09/2017 22:21:03
Last post: 04/10/2017 10:31:07
DW 9.3.1 Named item list selection doesn't work in an item publisher.
I am unable to select a named item list in an item publisher! I created an item: NewsItem I created a page: News I created a named item list on the page "News": NewsList I added a dozen news items to the item list. I created a paragraph on the page " ...
Peter Leleulya
20/09/2017 10:17:12
Last post: 22/09/2017 11:07:56
Server Error after upgrade
Hi, I was upgrading my local DW9 wrap and got server error indicating a missing field in the area table. I was upgrading it through the "Packages" in Managenement Center. What would be the best way to fix this kind of error. (Attaching a screenshot o ...
Aki Ruuskanen
19/09/2017 11:22:02
Last post: 19/09/2017 12:51:14
Check for currentstep in master template
@GetInteger("Ecom:Checkout.CurrentStep.Index") worked before switching to the new viewmodels, So is there a new way to make this check? ...
Heine Virenfeldt Kristensen
19/09/2017 09:03:51
Last post: 20/09/2017 17:15:41
DW 9.3.1 UpdateLog.log massive errors
Hi folks, We are seeing massive amounts of errors in the updateLog.log after rerunning the updates. Is this normal behaviour? Can it be caused with our use of an Azure database? Or the use of GlobalSettings.config and Database.config? Some examples:  ...
Hans Kloppenborg
15/09/2017 14:56:33
Last post: 15/09/2017 15:43:08
Missing dll's after NuGet install
Hi I have just installed v9.3.1 from NuGet. After that I builded the solution. But the site wouldn't run because the Owin.dll and the ABCpdf9-64.dll were missing in the bin folder. After manually dropping the two dll's into the bin folder and buildin ...
Lars Larsen
15/09/2017 09:29:10
Last post: 22/09/2017 09:07:51
Products field in item type gone missing
Hello, I have a couple of items-types which relate to products. So I addad a field of the type Product to these item-types. After upgrading to 9.3.1 these dont work anymore. After the name is appended _MISSED_TYPE and it's converted to a text field.  ...
Harald Brouwers
13/09/2017 13:43:22
Last post: 21/09/2017 08:04:17
Permissions on Paragraphs and Items
Hello, After a upgrade to 9.3.1 I ran into some unexpected behaviour regarding permissions. We use a similar configuration as described in your manual. But the Deny setting on de default group All, is not overridden by the sub-groups I add below it.  ...
Harald Brouwers
13/09/2017 13:11:36
Last post: 14/09/2017 08:58:35
DW9 log output sorting and paging
Hey folks, Due to DW9 overwriting our own Nlog configuration (see for solution) we found the output of our Nlog logging under the Logs menu option under Configuration. We  ...
Hans Kloppenborg
11/09/2017 16:37:23
Last post: 14/09/2017 16:02:09
Possibility to control rows in Grid Engine
We are missing the possibility to control (add container classes etc.) on rows. if, for example, we would like to add two full with rows and then one contained (a banner) it does not seem to be possible. Is this something you could add to the backlog ...
Mikkel Belchuke
08/09/2017 07:34:01
Last post: 13/09/2017 10:04:28
Where to find the grid configuration file in version 9.3
In your introduction video for Dynamicweb 9.3, you are talking about a configuration file that you need, to be able to use the new grid engine. Is there a place where I can find that file? ...
Mikkel Belchuke
04/09/2017 12:57:51
Last post: 07/09/2017 13:37:48
Horizontal alignment for images
Hi! Is the Horizontal Align function for image settings on a paragraph removed in DW9? It is missing in my solution, which is a version 9.0. Have you brought it back again in later versions, and if so, which version should I upgrade to, to get it bac ...
Eva Rasmussen
30/08/2017 09:59:43
Last post: 04/10/2017 12:56:10
CKEditor issues in apps and ecom
Hi, I've noticed a couple of errors with the CK Editor. It seems to work fine in paragraphs, but in rich text fields in apps (like News) and Ecommerce there might be some issues. Resources relating to Jquery UI are not found; widget.js and sortable.m ...
Martin Christensen
23/08/2017 14:47:47
Last post: 23/08/2017 15:15:34
InPath & Active problems on eCom navigation
We have a site where templates is made with the new viewmodels, and here we have a issue with InPath & Active in the ecom navigation. Have attached two xml files, from the topmenu and from the sidebar. In the sidebar InPath & Active works fin ...
Heine Virenfeldt Kristensen
17/08/2017 08:15:13
Last post: 21/08/2017 11:27:52
Navigation image tags
Hi, In DW 9.2.1 we're still getting the XML node attributes for the navigation images, but not in the UI. Is this: A bug in the UI? OR Deprecated attributres in the XML? Looks like the attributes are the ones that should be removed, is that right? Nu ...
Nuno Aguiar
24/07/2017 11:26:48
Last post: 24/07/2017 11:52:54
DW ExtranetLogOn throws "Samlingen blev ændret efter oprettelse af en forekomst af optælleren."
I've been trying to implement login functionality via a generic http handler, and after some struggling managed to get a user logged in, but then realized it was the wrong user. I cleared the cookies, hoping to try again and debug, but now I'm gettin ...
Evaldas Raisutis
20/07/2017 09:22:53
Last post: 20/07/2017 10:45:04