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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » Products field in item type gone missing

Products field in item type gone missing

Harald Brouwers


I have a couple of items-types which relate to products. So I addad a field of the type Product to these item-types. After upgrading to 9.3.1 these dont work anymore. After the name is appended _MISSED_TYPE and it's converted to a text field.

I can recreate the product field by deleting the MISSED_TYPE, and adding a new product field, but that means that in the production situation. The customer has to add all their related products again. Because the data is lost. Is there a way to fix these fields, so I have my product field again, without the loss of data?

Greetings Harald


Additonal info:

If I look in the database at my itemtype, the original Product field has a Data Type of "nvarchar(255)", the Product field I created with DW 9.3.1 has a datatype of "nvarchar(MAX)". This is updated when the DW update scripts are ran on upgrade.

The probleem seems to be in the ItemDefinition in the database, where the old code is:

      <field name="Related products_MISSED_TYPE" systemName="RelatedProducts" description="" type="System.String, mscorlib" excludeFromSearch="False">
        <editor type="Dynamicweb.Content.Items.Editors.TextEditor, Dynamicweb">
          <editorConfuguration />

And the new code is:

      <field name="Related products new" systemName="RelatedProductsNew" description="" type="System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], mscorlib" excludeFromSearch="False">
        <editor type="Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Content.Items.Editors.ProductEditor, Dynamicweb.Ecommerce">
          <editorConfuguration><Parameters addin="Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Content.Items.Editors.ProductEditor"><Parameter addin="Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Content.Items.Editors.ProductEditor" name="Show on paragraph" value="Default.aspx?Id=4#3" /></Parameters></editorConfuguration>



Hi Harald,
clarify please  2 things:
1. You upgrade from DW8?
2. Settings -> Control panel -> File manager ITEM TYPES Synchronize = Database

If it so, I wll prepare a fix asap
As workaround: change the setting Synchronize = Files (before upgrade)
or if database was upgraded already, replace missed type field in ItemDefinition table:
<field name="Related products_MISSED_TYPE" ... </field>
with a new code - dont forget to keep old system name!


Best regards,



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