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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Nex Index query: sort by multiple values
Hi, Can we sort by multiple parameters in the query string in the nex index engine? Here are my assumptions: If we use SortBy & SortOrder, we override all sort parameters in the module I tried setting a array of string with no success. Ex: SortBy ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/04/2016 12:28:35
Last post: 18/04/2016 17:52:36
Creating a direct path without getting duplicated content (SEO Concern)
Hi I want a page that eg. has a current url like - I want it to only be accessible on a direct path The point for not having it acessible at both URL´s, is to avoid duplicated content. Is this possible,  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
15/04/2016 12:54:56
Last post: 18/04/2016 16:37:12
Editor not shown in backend using IE11
Hi, When using IE11 on a DW solution, opening a paragraph does not show the editor. If IE11 is set to Emulate IE10, the backend throws errors. If the Compatibility View of the website is added into the Internet settings, the editor shows, bu ...
Jeroen Elias
15/04/2016 14:53:35
Last post: 18/04/2016 13:33:14
Email marketing - provide absolute path?
Hi guys, I was wondering how do you add a path into here? /Dmitrij ...
Dmitrij Jazel
13/04/2016 13:51:43
Last post: 13/04/2016 21:52:53
Shortcut to PDF results in 404-error
Hi, Customer on Creating a shortcut to a file (PDF) instead of a page, results in an error 404 on the front-end when visiting the page with the shortcut. The error occurs when the original page is at least one level below the root of pages. T ...
Ton Martens
07/04/2016 11:11:44
Last post: 12/04/2016 13:47:28
Item Relation List: missing Item source Inline
Hi. Im trying to add items to a list without it being a page or paragraph but the option isnt there. I have noticed that the Item doesnt show up in the Item type dropdown when "Enable item type for" is set to ItemList only. Am i missing some settings ...
Henning Jensen
11/04/2016 13:08:54
Last post: 11/04/2016 15:13:43
Is the page shortcut a 200 and a 301 redirect?
Hi Please see attachment- When we use the shortcut function on a page, is it correct to assume that if we don´t check the redirect checkmark - it is a 200 "redirect", and if we do check the redirect checkmark, it is a 301 redirect? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
11/04/2016 11:26:57
Last post: 11/04/2016 11:50:30
Hi there, I have a site that was developed for the DK and US market initially. We now manage a US copy of the site. One of the things the customer would like is to see Images and Files in the File Manager rather than Billeder and Filer. How can I do  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
07/04/2016 21:36:17
Last post: 07/04/2016 21:54:31
Change main language
So this question exists of two questions. I have a website with 5 languages. The main node is Dutch and it has the languages English, German, French, Belgian Dutch. Is it possible to change this configuration so the English language website becomes t ...
Tymen NNM
07/04/2016 13:09:15
Last post: 07/04/2016 13:27:15
Resolved: Item with the same key has already been added
Resolved: Duplicate item gave me the following error Server Error in '/' Application. An item with the same key has already been added. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the st ...
Martin Christensen
22/04/2015 12:17:19
Last post: 03/04/2016 15:56:32
How to add Expires headers
The point of using browser caching and expiry headers is to reduce the number of HTTP requests, which improves the performance for your returning visitors. The first time someone visits your site, their browser will fetch all your images, css files,  ...
Tom-Erik Paulsen
14/08/2015 10:29:41
Last post: 01/04/2016 16:12:44
translating error messages in item publisher
Hi Is it possible to translate error messages in the item publsiher? Please see attachment thanx regards, Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
31/03/2016 12:39:06
Last post: 31/03/2016 12:42:33
eCommerce - changing price on all variants of a product in one place.
Hi Is it not possible to set variants up, so that if you change the price on a "Master" product, the prices on the variant also change? Sort of what is possible with language versions (Master/slave) in CMS? regards, Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
30/03/2016 17:21:37
Last post: 30/03/2016 17:32:39
Mixing ecom menu with "normal" menu
Hi On a solution I am working on, i have a toplevel menu (lets call it topmenu), and under this menu - I have 1 submenu () So the three structure is topmenu - submenu ... and both these menus/pages or "normal" page menus. Now the thing is, that under ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
29/03/2016 12:47:59
Last post: 30/03/2016 17:18:47
Candidate security issue that allows full control at admin level
This is only updating a custom field for the current user. But I think we can all see the possibilities. The only thing preventing this from being run from forign websites it the access allow origin header. Otherwise, if you know the field names to u ...
Peter Munkholm
29/03/2016 13:56:55
Last post: 30/03/2016 12:53:42
Automatic generated mails from Dynamicweb end up in our spam box
Most mails from Dynamicweb end-up in our spambox (I think all the automated ones and not the personally sent ones). That can be a bit annoying when you don't see notifications about forum replies and so on. But the mailings sent by Dynamicweb also en ...
Peter Leleulya
22/03/2016 11:13:25
Last post: 30/03/2016 11:59:04
Automatic language selection based on browser settings
Hi, Our website currently has multiple languages which can be switched with a language dropdown box. The switch will add the correct country and language code to the URL e.g. en-US. Now we would like to initially redirect the user to the page in the  ...
Tymen NNM
24/03/2016 10:13:37
Last post: 29/03/2016 09:02:11
Email marketing - Scheduled mails
Hi, do I have to do something special to make the scheduler under marketing to run? I have setup a scheduled mail to run every 10 min but nothing happens. ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
23/03/2016 08:50:07
Last post: 28/03/2016 22:36:46
How to strip html / html decode in razor?
Hi In html templates, it is possible to add .StripHtml().HtmlDecoded().Crop(100) to a tag, to avoid breaking of nordic charachters like Æ and Ø How can i do this in razor to a variable that is declared like this? string Description = product.GetStrin ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
18/03/2016 14:15:15
Last post: 18/03/2016 15:58:52
Default address description not being saved
Hi, On the Manage addresses feature, I can add new addresses and descriptions to the user. Although, I can't set the description to the user's default address. All fields, excluding the description, are being saved. Can anyone help me on this? Dw ver ...
Mario Santos
17/03/2016 19:01:36
Last post: 18/03/2016 10:24:27