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Creating a direct path without getting duplicated content (SEO Concern)

Hans Ravnsfjall


I want a page that eg. has a current url like - I want it to only be accessible on a direct path

The point for not having it acessible at both URL´s, is to avoid duplicated content.

Is this possible, and how can I achieve this?

Thanx, Hans


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Well, first of all, it would not be duplicate content. But that is another talk...

On the page properties, you can specify "Exact url for page" - it is only available if you use the URL scheme "Path". See dump.

That would make sure the page is named /perfectoffer everywhere.

You cannot use direct paths if you want it to always be named /perfectoffer. that would either give you a 301 redirect (avoiding "duplicate content") or a 200 giving you 2 urls (which is still not duplicate content).

Hans Ravnsfjall

Ok, but if I eg try to use this on, i can not get it to work. Is there some setup that is missing?

regards, Hans

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Yes, maybe.

In the installation guide it says how to setup the 404 handler. That is required to make direct paths (and customized urls in some cases) work. The website also needs to run in integrated pipeline mode.

Hans Ravnsfjall

Ok, is there any downside to swithing the website to running integrated pipeline mode, or will this not affect other issues?

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

No downside. It is legacy from IIS 6 which was replaced by integrated in 2008.


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