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Force choose variant, before add to cart is active
Hi I don´t know if this is general Dynamicweb, or wrap specific. But I am working on a solution that is based on Wrap, and the products have different variants (different sizes, and colors) As it is now, it is possible to add product to cart, without ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
31/03/2016 15:47:15
Last post: 06/06/2016 18:29:21
Forms for editor (textarea)
Hi guys, In there was a change in the textarea control in the forms for editor that replace the old <textarea> by input type="textarea". Is this the correct behaviour? Best regards, António Ramos ...
António Ramos
29/04/2016 16:59:44
Last post: 06/06/2016 15:41:15
Automatic value in Forms for editors
Hi there, On Forms for editors we can set automatic values to fields based on logged user info. Although, the "Automatic value" dropdown is missing fields (e.g.: First name, Middle name, Phone, etc). The user custom fields should be listed under the  ...
Mario Santos
06/06/2016 12:22:20
Last post: 06/06/2016 15:28:23
Search suggestions for the new index
Hi Guys, I remmeber in the old indes there was a set of tags available for spelling suggestions (see below). Are they available for the new index as well? I believe they were based on some Spell Checker module in Lucene. Template tag Description Ecom ...
Adrian Ursu
03/06/2016 09:42:33
Last post: 03/06/2016 11:56:32
Automatic Handling of Bounced Emails
Hello DW Community, I use version 8.6.1 to send an email blast to about 1,500 recipients. After the blast, about 50 of those emails arrive in the email associated with the blast, as "Mail Undeliverable." Is there a way to either automatically identif ...
Richard D. Lee
07/04/2016 21:45:16
Last post: 02/06/2016 08:53:30
The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool
Hi! We are running out of connections in the connection pool for one of our sites. The error occurs when Items are being retrieved and rendered and it only occurs occasionally. We haven't modifeid any settings for the connection string, and I'm not e ...
Mats Lycken
26/05/2016 10:23:36
Last post: 01/06/2016 13:34:38
Is it possible to have at default image for all products in productgroup?
Hi We have a solution that sells products, where all the products in a product group is to have the same image. Is it possible, in a productlist - to set a default image for all products in a group, and display them in a list? Maybe the product group ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
16/05/2016 16:25:31
Last post: 01/06/2016 13:00:14
Sorting in Query Publisher [New Index]
Hi Guys, I have a new index, built using SQL Index Builder. I am publishing the result using Query Publisher. I have not figured out how to sort the results. I have defined 2 default sorting criterias in the Query definition but I am not sure how to  ...
Adrian Ursu
31/05/2016 13:50:16
Last post: 31/05/2016 16:18:14
Email Marketing
Hi Team, I am seeing Conversion errors on multiple implementations running different versions of Dynamicweb. I found this thread ( but the answer does not work for either of these. One solutio ...
Terri Donahue
26/05/2016 18:39:41
Last post: 27/05/2016 20:36:49
New index cant loop products
Hi, I've set up a new repository, to query products, and set up a product-list with the given index. The problem is, that the "Products" loop is empty, altough the Ecom:ProductList.TotalPages equals 65. A QueryPublisher with an schemaextender yields  ...
Jonas Mersholm
24/05/2016 10:51:35
Last post: 27/05/2016 12:06:54
Is there a quick way of assigning a photo, and product text to all products in one group?
We have a costumer that has a webshop, containing 3 product groups. All products that are in a group, shall have the same image and the same product text - if not a product specific text and image has been specified on a product. Is there a way to so ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
25/05/2016 15:12:08
Last post: 27/05/2016 08:17:00
Repository index facets from comma splitted values
I have a custom product field, containing a comma separated list of values. How do I get the values divided on comma in my facets. I've tried to create a custom type using the CommaAnalyzer without any luck. ...
Thomas Larsen
17/05/2016 17:08:24
Last post: 25/05/2016 20:51:29
Ecom - in productlisting, is there a TAG that shows the stock number?
I want to show how many products are in stock in productlisting, but I cant find a tag for this in the product loop using @TemplateTags() Does anyone know how I can do this and/or if there is a tag, and what it is? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
25/05/2016 14:44:50
Last post: 25/05/2016 14:53:54
Multiple sites with Subdomains (login share)
Hi guys, We have a client that have one website for public access (e.g. and other only for catalog access with user restrictions (e.g. They can sign in either in the public or catalog website (when they go with direct ...
António Ramos
01/04/2016 14:03:23
Last post: 24/05/2016 20:41:27
Best practices adding Items from External source
Hi, I was wondering what best practice is on handling Items from other sources. Lets say I have made an itemType ( table: ItemType_companies ) And lets say I have made a script that checks an external source ( xml or json ) for new entries. And I wan ...
Tom-Erik Paulsen
20/05/2016 15:01:48
Last post: 24/05/2016 10:57:19
Possible to edit a newsitem frontend
Hi I wonder if it is possible to edit a newsitem frontend. You can create a newsitem frontend, but can you also edit that newsitem somehow? Thanks Regards Rasmus ...
Rasmus Sørensen
02/04/2012 09:28:05
Last post: 18/05/2016 15:54:34
Date and time filter for ecom productlist
Hi I have a productlist, that has a Date and Time field. Is it possible somehow, withour really hairy code - to show only the products where the current date and time is before the date and time value of the product? This can easily be done in item p ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
16/05/2016 17:33:47
Last post: 17/05/2016 22:03:05
Product field date and time as a variant?
Hi i have a product that is trip seat reservartions. All aspects of the product is the same across all variants, except for the stock amount and date & time, that is a custom product field. I was looking at making the different dates as a variant ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
17/05/2016 16:09:26
No replies yet
Error editing the default address
Hi, When editing the default address in the address ribbon it wont let me save without specifing the Title but this is a read-only field. Best regards, António Ramos ...
António Ramos
25/04/2016 10:37:28
Last post: 17/05/2016 12:41:10
Add information to empty cart
Hi Guys, I would like to add information to cart (like address and email) before the users ads anything to cart. I have noticed that this works only if the user has anything in cart. Otherwise the information from the form is not submitted to the car ...
Adrian Ursu
14/05/2016 14:00:25
Last post: 16/05/2016 13:22:49