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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Upgrade to 8.8.
Hi, I need to upgrade one of our solutions from to 8.8. We've got a lot of Item lists - so we can create multiple items of one type on athother item. As an example I've created a "Department" item. On that item I've created an item list wher ...
René Poulsen
09/05/2016 16:25:16
Last post: 09/05/2016 17:32:29
User Sessions got messed up
Hi Guys, I have a customer that reported repeteadly that he (or other users) are logged in by default on other users account when visiting the site. The user account in cause were not accessed form those computers at any point so it's not just a mess ...
Adrian Ursu
06/05/2016 23:43:36
Last post: 09/05/2016 16:02:00
How to handle e-mail bounces
Hello, Does anyone know how to handle e-mail bounces? When a visitor fills in a DW form (DW Forms module), then an e-mail is sent to specific e-mail addresses, but sometimes the e-mail does not get delivered. This form also stores information into a  ...
Jeroen Elias
09/05/2016 09:11:49
Last post: 09/05/2016 14:44:08
RE: getting most viewed pages from different ranges
Hi, How would you go about getting a list of items(pages), sorted by most viewed within certain timeframes(1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks). I know you can use Statv2 in DB and make a direct query. Is it the Session Timestamp You should use to determine the t ...
Jan Sangill
06/05/2016 12:47:09
Last post: 09/05/2016 13:10:56
Ecom product number not rendering on frontend
Hi we have an Item based page and a ecom product catalog with detail view attached on its paragraph, and we would like to display the product number after the host name on the head of the page, for facebook's opengraph. The problem is, it renders eve ...
Aditya Bante
04/05/2016 09:09:41
Last post: 04/05/2016 13:50:52
Item based page field value rendering on frontend
Hi I have an Item based page and a custom field on it (field type: Link) and I would like to render the fields value in a open graph meta tag. So I made some variables @{ var url = GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Host"); var imagetag = GetString("Item ...
Aditya Bante
29/04/2016 14:02:49
Last post: 02/05/2016 15:26:50
Allowing an extranet user to delete own account
I need to allow extranet users to delete or deactivate their profile from frontend. As far as I can see, there is no template tag for that function? If so is there a workaround to make a "Delete profile" in UserManagement? Best regards Tomm ...
Tommy B-Kuhlmann
04/06/2013 11:23:38
Last post: 02/05/2016 12:01:52
Creating scheduled task with invalid characters breaks task list
Hi there, I just created a task with a name like: "Orders: Import". The colon in the name broke the task list (see attachment) as the name is also used to look for log files on disk, where the colon means something else. I had to rename the task in t ...
Imar Spaanjaars
18/02/2016 12:19:28
Last post: 02/05/2016 09:55:45
Nex Index - grouping field with Double
Hi, We were trying to create a grouping filed to be used as a price range, but noticed the grouping field only seemed to work with Strings. Is this accurate? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
27/04/2016 12:59:39
Last post: 27/04/2016 19:09:28
Abandoned Cart emails - wrong schedule time
Hi, We are trying to set up an abandoned cart email, to be sent every day, but it looks like it's picking up on a random time. Could there be a bug in the Email Marketing/Scheduled task that does not calculate/pickup the settings properly? We are usi ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/04/2016 17:05:40
Last post: 26/04/2016 19:09:33
RE: XML Publishing on DW Solution
We have an external news feed XML file which we would like to publish on DW page, Is it even possible ? . If yes, what is the easiest way we can achieve this ? and how do we get started with this ? any suggestions? Best Regards Aditya Bante ...
Aditya Bante
26/04/2016 16:10:23
Last post: 26/04/2016 16:16:55
RE: Navigation Expand all nodes
Hi my navigation xslt is not expanding all the nodes in it . It unfolds the child elements only if the parentItem is checked. Here is my Navigation.xslt <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://w ...
Aditya Bante
26/04/2016 11:58:00
Last post: 26/04/2016 12:47:51
FormSaveProvider Forms for Editors
Hi, We have a solution that uses a FormSaveProvider to manipulates the recipients mails. This works with the Forms (Data Lists) but we want to do something similar for the Forms for Editors. But the module doesn't show any options to use the provider ...
Jesse Bakker
22/04/2016 15:04:52
Last post: 26/04/2016 11:52:44
How do i clear statistics?
Hi I have a solution that says "Solution session statistics exceeds 4 GB - Performance can be affected, purge is recommended" I have tried purgin, but that doesn´t work. I have tried this in the SQL firehose, but no luck. Get this message amongst oth ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
25/04/2016 12:14:59
Last post: 25/04/2016 15:48:46
New Index and very large table
Hi Guys, I am trying to use the new index for creating an SQL index using 2 tables. One of the tables has about 9 milion rows and we expect it to increase considerably over time. I have tried to run the index but so far it times out. Is there any way ...
Adrian Ursu
23/04/2016 00:54:34
Last post: 25/04/2016 10:54:09
Users ItemTypes
Hi Guys, I am trying to use the recently added Users ItemTypes. I have defined 2 separate ItemTypes. One for user and one for group. Is there any way to set an inheritance for them? Like when adding a new UserGroup or a New User? Instead of having to ...
Adrian Ursu
22/04/2016 12:02:53
Last post: 25/04/2016 09:45:34
Copy language pages
Hi I have an item with 6 language versions. I'm setting up personalization with 14 profiles. For this to work I need to make 14 copies of the items. When I copy an item the langauge versions are not copied. Does anybody know if it is possible to keep ...
Thomas Schroll
24/04/2016 10:22:47
Last post: 25/04/2016 09:08:09
Customized urls: replace spaces with underscore not working as expected
Hey, I just activated the URL formatting "Replace spaces with underscores (_)". Since the formatting was "None" before, I figured this wouldn't affect existing links to the website from Google etc. I expected "" to ...
Martin Christensen
21/04/2016 14:29:04
Last post: 21/04/2016 14:36:38
MediaDB substitute
Hi I'm looking into a substitution for the module MediaDB. The customer uses MediaDB on an extranet where media files is available for download. I need a describtion and keywords associated with the files for search (index). For many of the file type ...
Thomas Schroll
11/04/2016 12:53:27
Last post: 20/04/2016 14:33:43
old forms module - what template is default for receipt mail
Hi what template is the default mail template, for the mail that is sent to the submitter of the form (based on the filled in email adress of the submitter). In other words, what is the template for the receipt mail in the old forms module? regards,  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
19/04/2016 17:36:59
Last post: 20/04/2016 14:22:54