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Forms module - Textarea placeholder bug?
It seems I've encountered some strange behavior regarding textareas using the forms content module. When adding a new textarea to the form, you get an input field for the placeholder text. When saving, it's all working. When editing the properties of ...
Tymen NNM
17/03/2016 15:17:54
Last post: 29/07/2016 12:27:09
Sender Name Extranet/Intranet
Hi Guys, How can I add a sender name in Extranet/Internet module (with Create profile / Manage subscription option) like we have in cart v2 module? BR Bruno ...
28/07/2016 12:46:00
Last post: 28/07/2016 14:36:54
Hi, We are using the Batch integration to setup users and (re)assigned them to groups. We'd like to exclude Newsletter groups but how do I identify groups as being Newsletter related? I am using, with Email Marketing. Best Regards, Nuno Aguia ...
Nuno Aguiar
25/07/2016 14:01:26
Last post: 25/07/2016 15:10:49
Impersonation and pool recycle
Hi guys, With a user X when we are impersonating a user Y and the pool recycles, the user X remains logged but lost the impersonation from user Y. There is any way to workaround this? Perhaps store the impersonate session in cookie? Best regards, Ant ...
António Ramos
20/07/2016 17:55:07
Last post: 22/07/2016 11:07:52
View personalization profile points
Hello, Is it possible to see somewhere in the backend how many personalization profile points user have? ...
Andrey Kozachuk
19/07/2016 15:35:39
Last post: 19/07/2016 17:15:23
Index cannot be build - gets "cannot store term vector information for a field that is not indexed" error
Hi, I just upgraded a solution from to and now I can't build my index. It worked before I upgraded, but now I get this error: "cannot store term vector information for a field that is not indexed". "at Lucene.Net.Documents.Field..ctor ...
René Poulsen
13/07/2016 09:10:12
Last post: 13/07/2016 10:20:38
RE: Previous/Next on an item - Newslist
Hi, I am using items to display a newslist. When i goto the item(page),k then I need previous/next links to access them fast, Any standard way of doing this? Or would the solution to be to make a DB call into pages myself, and locate the next/prev pa ...
Jan Sangill
06/05/2016 12:43:13
Last post: 13/07/2016 10:19:59
URLs for startpage
Hi, On a solution with language layers, is it possible to get the URL:s for startpage to be like I have played around with the different settings for URLs without success. I end up with: ...
Aki Ruuskanen
30/06/2016 11:10:38
Last post: 12/07/2016 17:55:47
[Usermanagement] - Textarea custom field
Hi Guys, I have a User Custom Field (textarea). When I click ENTER I am redirected to the begining of the page instead of creating a line break. How can I resolve that? DW version: Thank you, Ricardo Pereir ...
Ricardo Pereira
11/07/2016 13:39:57
Last post: 12/07/2016 16:20:35
New index - free text search using String[]
Hi, We are using a free text parameter but I get 0 results is String array (String[]) even when searching for a single word. If I change it to System.String, it works accurate (but I can no longer search for multiple keywords) Is this the expected be ...
Nuno Aguiar
06/07/2016 16:10:23
Last post: 12/07/2016 14:12:20
Filter for Item publisher by query string
Hello, I have a problem with an Item Publisher. I need to filter it by a value taken from query string. This is how I am trying to get the value, but it's not working: @Code(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["category"].ToString().Re ...
Dan Avramescu
06/07/2016 10:45:36
Last post: 07/07/2016 11:27:12
Data integration user provider
If I'm on a User provider destination set to the User key field to other than Auto (AccessUserUserName) it does not work. Meant in the sense that all users are created (Added to the AccessUser table) every time the import is run. DW version:  ...
Thomas Larsen
06/07/2016 10:27:42
Last post: 07/07/2016 10:28:51
Where can i find the files for google merchant feed setup? The link on this page is not working. Where can i find the files for this setup? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
05/07/2016 17:14:42
Last post: 06/07/2016 11:19:29
How can I avoid Dynamicweb adding unwanted statistics javascript to a page?
I am making a page for google merchant center feed, but cant get it to work - because Dynamicweb is adding an unwantet tracking script in the bottom of the file. How can this be removed/avoided? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
05/07/2016 17:28:07
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Direct paths with "-"
Hi, Isn't it possible to create direct paths with "-" in the path? It does not work on a solution running But should it work? ...
René Poulsen
30/06/2016 10:08:48
Last post: 05/07/2016 09:55:30
Create Subscription ApproveURL tag empty
Hi, Using the Extranet/Intranet module with the option "Create profile / Manage subscription", with Approval by the user, and the email already exists, the Approve URL tag in the email confirmation is empty. We need to workaround this, because of sce ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/06/2016 12:19:43
Last post: 04/07/2016 17:43:07
Impersonate and Group frontend start page
Hi, I've two groups of users (Managers and Employees). The Managers can impersonate the Employees, the impersonate mode is set to Replace current user with impersonated user. This is working good. I'm having issues when I set the groups frontend star ...
Mario Santos
01/07/2016 12:01:37
Last post: 04/07/2016 10:25:59
Ecom navigation (menu) performace)
Hi, I have a website, that due to a mega menu structure, we created 7 subpages, each one with a specific eCom menu navigation. Everything works, but sometimes we get a server error that seems somehow related to it (it happens on pages with no content ...
Nuno Aguiar
01/07/2016 11:23:27
Last post: 01/07/2016 16:45:09
Paging in item list
Hi Using a Dynamicweb paragraph item list - is there any way setting up paging in standard dynamicweb, or would I have to do this using jQuery or something similar? regards, Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
30/06/2016 11:21:32
Last post: 30/06/2016 14:53:49
SSL settings
Hi, DW offers the possibility to make a page "http" or "https", forced or not. These buttons at Page Properties (Default/Force SSL/Un-force SSL) are available to me as Administrator, but the customer doesn't see these buttons. What settings determine ...
Ton Martens
28/06/2016 10:21:27
Last post: 29/06/2016 14:11:18