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Best practices adding Items from External source
Hi, I was wondering what best practice is on handling Items from other sources. Lets say I have made an itemType ( table: ItemType_companies ) And lets say I have made a script that checks an external source ( xml or json ) for new entries. And I wan ...
Tom-Erik Paulsen
20/05/2016 15:01:48
Last post: 24/05/2016 10:57:19
Possible to edit a newsitem frontend
Hi I wonder if it is possible to edit a newsitem frontend. You can create a newsitem frontend, but can you also edit that newsitem somehow? Thanks Regards Rasmus ...
Rasmus Sørensen
02/04/2012 09:28:05
Last post: 18/05/2016 15:54:34
Date and time filter for ecom productlist
Hi I have a productlist, that has a Date and Time field. Is it possible somehow, withour really hairy code - to show only the products where the current date and time is before the date and time value of the product? This can easily be done in item p ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
16/05/2016 17:33:47
Last post: 17/05/2016 22:03:05
Product field date and time as a variant?
Hi i have a product that is trip seat reservartions. All aspects of the product is the same across all variants, except for the stock amount and date & time, that is a custom product field. I was looking at making the different dates as a variant ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
17/05/2016 16:09:26
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Error editing the default address
Hi, When editing the default address in the address ribbon it wont let me save without specifing the Title but this is a read-only field. Best regards, António Ramos ...
António Ramos
25/04/2016 10:37:28
Last post: 17/05/2016 12:41:10
Add information to empty cart
Hi Guys, I would like to add information to cart (like address and email) before the users ads anything to cart. I have noticed that this works only if the user has anything in cart. Otherwise the information from the form is not submitted to the car ...
Adrian Ursu
14/05/2016 14:00:25
Last post: 16/05/2016 13:22:49
Repository index build setting?
What is the purpose of the build settings on the repository index? /Thomas ...
Thomas Larsen
15/05/2016 12:35:20
Last post: 16/05/2016 10:59:46
SynonymAnalyzer in Index
Hi, How could I add a Synonym Analyzer to my index? A customer is asking for a replacement list, for example "4" = "four". I am guessing the Synonym Analyzer would be the best option, unless anybody has a better idea. My only other idea is to process ...
Nuno Aguiar
11/05/2016 13:07:07
Last post: 12/05/2016 19:13:11
Add Stop words - index
Hi, Is there a way in the new index to add stop words? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
11/05/2016 12:47:19
Last post: 12/05/2016 17:24:36
Search-result with paragraphID or maybe itemID
I have just read this old thread: and I have kind of same problem. Only my paragraphs is created as items, and the opens and closes on click - but I still want that "product" which  ...
Lise T. Pedersen
12/05/2016 11:10:55
Last post: 12/05/2016 14:45:23
Adding multiple photos to an item type
Hi DynamicWeb I made my own itemtype that has some basic information on it like name, rich text editor and so on. But i would now like to add something that can take multiple images which i can then output on the item. Many thanks in advance ...
Casper Andersen
12/05/2016 09:28:54
Last post: 12/05/2016 11:27:12
Query Publisher - get array values
Hi, Using the Query Publisher, how can I have access to values in an array? I tried to use TemplateTags in the deafult template, but only got back the field type Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
27/04/2016 14:02:29
Last post: 11/05/2016 19:16:42
Can't add items in itemlist
Hi, I have an itemtype that contains a field of type "Item type". The itemtype of that field contains a field of type "Item List". But there seems to be an error when trying to add rows to the itemlist, because nothing happens when clicking the "Add  ...
Lars Larsen
10/02/2016 10:24:08
Last post: 10/05/2016 16:16:35
Upgrade to 8.8.
Hi, I need to upgrade one of our solutions from to 8.8. We've got a lot of Item lists - so we can create multiple items of one type on athother item. As an example I've created a "Department" item. On that item I've created an item list wher ...
René Poulsen
09/05/2016 16:25:16
Last post: 09/05/2016 17:32:29
User Sessions got messed up
Hi Guys, I have a customer that reported repeteadly that he (or other users) are logged in by default on other users account when visiting the site. The user account in cause were not accessed form those computers at any point so it's not just a mess ...
Adrian Ursu
06/05/2016 23:43:36
Last post: 09/05/2016 16:02:00
How to handle e-mail bounces
Hello, Does anyone know how to handle e-mail bounces? When a visitor fills in a DW form (DW Forms module), then an e-mail is sent to specific e-mail addresses, but sometimes the e-mail does not get delivered. This form also stores information into a  ...
Jeroen Elias
09/05/2016 09:11:49
Last post: 09/05/2016 14:44:08
RE: getting most viewed pages from different ranges
Hi, How would you go about getting a list of items(pages), sorted by most viewed within certain timeframes(1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks). I know you can use Statv2 in DB and make a direct query. Is it the Session Timestamp You should use to determine the t ...
Jan Sangill
06/05/2016 12:47:09
Last post: 09/05/2016 13:10:56
Ecom product number not rendering on frontend
Hi we have an Item based page and a ecom product catalog with detail view attached on its paragraph, and we would like to display the product number after the host name on the head of the page, for facebook's opengraph. The problem is, it renders eve ...
Aditya Bante
04/05/2016 09:09:41
Last post: 04/05/2016 13:50:52
Item based page field value rendering on frontend
Hi I have an Item based page and a custom field on it (field type: Link) and I would like to render the fields value in a open graph meta tag. So I made some variables @{ var url = GetGlobalValue("Global:Request.Host"); var imagetag = GetString("Item ...
Aditya Bante
29/04/2016 14:02:49
Last post: 02/05/2016 15:26:50
Allowing an extranet user to delete own account
I need to allow extranet users to delete or deactivate their profile from frontend. As far as I can see, there is no template tag for that function? If so is there a workaround to make a "Delete profile" in UserManagement? Best regards Tomm ...
Tommy B-Kuhlmann
04/06/2013 11:23:38
Last post: 02/05/2016 12:01:52