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Extensions field for item type "file" is case sensitive
Hi there, I have an item type with a field of type File with the Extensions field set up like this: jpg,png,gif However, this prevents me from uploading files with an upper case extension like image.PNG or image.Png. I can work around an all upper ca ...
Imar Spaanjaars
23/02/2016 23:18:13
Last post: 04/03/2016 15:45:12
Navigation Expand Without Reloading
I am not sure how to implemt this into a XSLT file. I am trying to make a toggle on a mobile menu temlate,my current solution reloads the window when I have to see a subpage, I thought toggling on main page would solve that problem. Here is a fiddle  ...
Aditya Bante
03/03/2016 12:16:32
Last post: 04/03/2016 12:17:18
Forms for editors dropdown required
Hi I am working with the Forms for editors module, and have created a dropdown and added some value to it, is there a way where i can set one value to be the default one so that the user has to select something else before submitting the form ? ...
Casper Andersen
03/03/2016 11:47:09
Last post: 03/03/2016 14:56:55
New Index
Hi I am using the new index for a product list on a product catalog module. I created an Index and Query in the backend, the index is building properly but on the frontend I cant see any products, it's completely empty. I have also selected index que ...
Aditya Bante
29/02/2016 13:23:24
Last post: 03/03/2016 10:25:42
Sitemap with page meta title and description?
Can I make a sitemap write the meta title and description for each page? What should be added to the xslt? ...
Per Søgaard
02/03/2016 23:31:14
Last post: 03/03/2016 09:09:01
ItemList not cached when used on website properties
I am in the process of optimizing the server response time on a DW solution. During my work i noticed that an item is not always cached although caching is enabled. I have the following structure: An item "Website" contains a field "Footer" which is  ...
Jan Schultz
01/03/2016 10:31:30
Last post: 02/03/2016 09:54:58
Friendly URL using API
Hi Guys, I am trying to display a friendly URL in a RSS feed that's generated with an ItemPublisher. I am using Dynamicweb.Frontend.SearchEngineFriendlyURLs.GetFriendlyUrl ({Unfriendly_URL}) but I keep getting the same UnfriendlyURL. Is there any met ...
Adrian Ursu
01/03/2016 19:20:49
Last post: 01/03/2016 23:48:46
Firefox date selector bug
Hi, A client and collegue reported some issues selecting dates in Firefox. I cannot reproduce it but they can. In attachement a video and their system setup. Can anybody else reproduce it? When they select a day, for example, March 10th, the date pic ...
Nuno Aguiar
18/02/2016 20:06:40
Last post: 01/03/2016 16:28:54
Hi everyone Is it possible to remove the tabs in red and collect all the content under the "Content" tab? See the attached picture for a more clear description. ...
Jeppe Jakobsen
01/03/2016 14:54:36
Last post: 01/03/2016 15:06:20
Item Relation List
Hi, We have a paragraph ItemType with a ItemRelationList field with the source set to 'Inline'. (see attached itemtype xmls) We got 2 issues with it. 1. When the ItemList itemtype only is enabled for itemlist it doesn't show up as a option on de Item ...
Jesse Bakker
22/02/2016 17:19:16
Last post: 01/03/2016 15:05:07
Create profile and item
Hi there, We can set an item type to a user through the backoffice. Is there any way to set it up when creating a profile in the frontend? I can't find any tags related to the item in the create profile template. ...
Mario Santos
26/02/2016 18:43:08
Last post: 01/03/2016 14:58:49
GeoLocation ItemType
Hi, i have geolocation Itemtype and it gets latitude and longitude automaticaly while saving the paragraph items. recently i have imported around 700 items using data integration module but it didnt updated the geolocation itemtype in regrads of lati ...
Umar Farooq
29/02/2016 10:49:51
Last post: 01/03/2016 14:50:36
SQL Server 2008 R2 Web edition
Hi guys. I can't seem to find anything about this. Does Dynamicweb support this database? - Can't see why not - just wanted to be sure. ...
Mikkel Høst
29/02/2016 15:45:50
Last post: 29/02/2016 18:17:53
Autologin URL
Hi Guys, A while ago I was using an autologin url with these parameters: ?username={2}&PwToken={3} Username is self explanatory and PwToken used to be the encrypted version of the password. Is this format still valid? Apparently it does not Autol ...
Adrian Ursu
25/02/2016 14:03:18
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SEO - URL redirects, when migrating to new Dynamicweb website
Hi we have a client, where we offering them a new website. One of the main concerns for the client, is if we are able to make SEO effective URL redirects, so that the current pages url will redirect to corresponding pages on the new website. How do I ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
24/02/2016 17:34:55
Last post: 25/02/2016 10:28:54
Item Creator to create pages. Newly created page shown as page after submission, when page is created
Hi We have a situation where a costumer wants a solution, where it is posslble to create pages from front end via Item Creator. When a page is created from front end, it shall be created in the tree structure as a page hidden in menu, and the page sh ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
23/02/2016 16:23:12
Last post: 23/02/2016 16:39:26
User Item Type
Hi Guys, I am trying to find out how to view the fields of an ItemType that was allocated to a user? Also, How can I write information in the ItemType if I want to store some User data in there? If anyone can point to a documantation it would be very ...
Adrian Ursu
01/02/2016 15:57:02
Last post: 23/02/2016 11:52:24
Direct path imports
We have redesigned a website and need to redirect all old pages to the new ones. Can i import a list of direct paths urls and destinations in a csv using Dataintegration or another effective method? ...
Per Søgaard
19/02/2016 16:07:39
Last post: 22/02/2016 15:28:12
Subscribe to newsletter
Hi Guys, What would be the best practice to deal with Newsletter subscription without having to use workarounds? I am trying to subscribe users to newsletter planning to use Email Marketing functionality. I tried to use the Extranet module with the o ...
Adrian Ursu
24/11/2015 15:33:42
Last post: 19/02/2016 13:53:25
Mail from dynamicweb CMS ends up in junk
Hi We have a problem, that all the emails sent from our costumers websites, as well as our own site - end up in junk. We have tried to fix the problem, setting up SPF records etc. as adviced by HostNordic, but this does not solve the problem. So this ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
16/02/2016 17:19:04
Last post: 18/02/2016 14:04:03