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Mixing ecom menu with "normal" menu

Hans Ravnsfjall


On a solution I am working on, i have a toplevel menu (lets call it topmenu), and under this menu - I have 1 submenu ()

So the three structure is

- submenu


... and both these menus/pages or "normal" page menus.

Now the thing is, that under Submenu - I would like to have ecom menus as from the third level and onwards. And the ecom menu should be set up so, that i select/point to a specific group, and so all the subgroups shall be displayed as the third level menus


- submenu
- - ecom menu1
- - ecom menu2
- - and so on...


I have tried to set this up here,


but this does not do the trick. Problem is i get a level too "many" (duplication, with showing both the pagename and topgroupname, wich are the same), and I would like it to be so that when i am on - submenu (in this example Føroyar), the left menu should show the ecom groups below the group that I have selected in Page Properties/Navigation

Thanx for your help


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Hans

You need to change the underlying XSLT is my guess. It has some things coded in it expecting the ecommerce navigation to be on level 2. See more here:

Hans Ravnsfjall

Ok, I will have a look at that


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