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Setting up less compiler on a non rapido dynamicweb solution
Hi As i see here on the forum, it is possible to set up a solution to render less on-the-fly with a built in less renderer in dynamicweb? How can I configure a solution to run on a less stylesheet file instead of css? br Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
17/01/2018 19:04:33
Last post: 02/03/2018 10:15:02
Tagging content in an editor friendly way
Hi I am logging for an editor friendly solution where it is possible to tag content, reusing the tags - on other content - eventually making it possible to find content of certain themes/tags by a filter on eg. the frontpage. Somewhat like Wordpress  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
01/03/2018 15:13:10
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Blog categories and tags
Hi Guys, I am trying to implement a Blog functionality using Razor and ItemTypes. I need some advice on how to implement categories and tags for blog posts. Ideally, I would need to use the same tags and categories to ecommerce products as well. I am ...
Adrian Ursu
14/08/2014 11:37:37
Last post: 01/03/2018 15:05:17
Item creator checkboxes is not working
Hi. in ItemCreator is it not possible to check "Send a recipient via e-mail" and "send the form over mail" checkboxes and save the choice. The check is simply removed on save. The error is present in both 9.3.2 and 9.3.4. ...
Peter Kristensen
04/10/2017 15:48:46
Last post: 01/03/2018 13:10:14
Error when saving address for newly created user
if you try to create an address for a new, unsaved user, you get a null reference exception. Steps: In User Management, create a new user. Enter a name and other fields but don't save yet Click Addresses on the toolbar Click Add address Enter the add ...
Imar Spaanjaars
20/11/2017 16:00:58
Last post: 01/03/2018 11:37:04
Error when itemtype xml definition is missing
Hi A colleague of mine got the error message attached when he was trying to browse (on his local copy of the site) a page that contains an itemtype paragraph. But he didn't have the itemtype xml definition locally and therefore this error occured. We ...
Lars Larsen
28/02/2018 07:25:10
Last post: 01/03/2018 04:56:18
Password expiration - 30 days label to 20 value
I've noticed that if I set the password expiration to 30 days in the Backoffice it will record in the GlobalSettings the value 20. All the other values match the description to the value saved. Since this value can be used to calculate the remaining  ...
Rui Silva
26/02/2018 14:45:10
Last post: 28/02/2018 16:07:24
Error message with load balancer running on 9.3.8
Hi there, We set up a new load balanced solution. However, it doesn’t seem to work and we’re getting this error: 2018-02-26 12:49:28.1294|ERROR|LoadBalancing_10.21.20.92|Update of cluster node at '' was unsuccessful. Node will be skipped  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
27/02/2018 09:26:04
Last post: 28/02/2018 09:45:54
Date selectors open behind list item frame. (9.3.11)
Hey I think your attempt to fix some of the quirks of the Item Relations list view, have resulted in selectors like the datefield opening up behind the frame: Making it rather hard to use :) ...
Claus Kølbæk
23/01/2018 15:07:30
Last post: 27/02/2018 15:15:51
Files on product fields are prefixed
Hi, We have some product fields where users can fill in a link or a link to a file. When using the the file selector on this fields to select a file. The paths are wrongly being prefixed with '/Files' causing the links to fail. See attached screensho ...
Jesse Bakker
07/02/2018 11:55:03
Last post: 27/02/2018 14:46:49
SSL Certificate and loadbalancer (NetScaler)
Hi there We have a solution behind a Citrix NetScaler. The netscaler handles the SSL certificate (and loadbalancing in the future). This means that when you access the site you see it as a HTTPS site. However, since the solution itself is behind the  ...
Rune Skovbo
24/02/2017 09:58:49
Last post: 26/02/2018 21:44:06
How do I unpublish a page?
This might sound like a stupid question and hopefully it is ... I have a page in the CMS which I do NOT want to be visible in the website. So when I have a root page with name "test" I do NOT want to see it when I go to, this shoud ...
Peter Leleulya
26/02/2018 10:33:57
Last post: 26/02/2018 11:30:05
Possibility to add links in OMC without /link.ashx
Hi, We are currently facing that we want to include a track and trace link in e-mails, however, postnord only uses hash (e.g. Now safari does not include # when redirec ...
Søren Heide Larsen
18/01/2018 12:56:10
Last post: 23/02/2018 08:14:34
Image handler google pagespeed optimizations
Hello Dynamicweb and partners We are trying to figure out how to handle images from our customers, currently when rendering images through the getimage.ashx handler we get terrible scores on pagespeed. Most images are shown as png's and if we use jpe ...
Jakob Kristensen
12/02/2018 14:01:24
Last post: 22/02/2018 17:24:13
Login and Failed Logged in stats
Hi, I am trying to build an audit list per user of the times he logged into the frontend (or tried to). I can find the Login events in StatExtranetAccessUserID I cannot find the failed ones - I came across this thread ...
Nuno Aguiar
20/02/2018 12:50:07
Last post: 22/02/2018 14:40:40
Can I search within Word and PDF using new index?
Hi there, For one of our customers I have an index with a FileIndexBuilder. In the application I have a search functionality which uses an index query that filters on file name containing the search term. Which works just fine. Now, as a new feature, ...
Peter Leleulya
14/02/2018 11:34:22
Last post: 22/02/2018 11:22:27
Can I search within Word and PDF using new index?
Hi there, For one of our customers I have an index with a FileIndexBuilder. In the application I have a search functionality which uses an index query that filters on file name containing the search term. Which works just fine. Now, as a new feature, ...
Peter Leleulya
14/02/2018 11:34:09
Last post: 22/02/2018 11:18:56
DW German URLs for German Language:
Management Center > Web and Http: Customized URLs: Settings: When we set Normalise latin Characters: Wenn Schotterweg auf Bundesstraße trifft -- url link > We Expected: ...
Kevin O'Driscoll
12/02/2018 14:47:26
Last post: 22/02/2018 10:16:17
CKEditor error on paragraph
Hi, I am getting an CKEditor error on a paragraph with only text input items. There is a fair amount of input fields on the page, but it have been working untill recently. Has anyone experienced this error before? I really don't know what to try, to  ...
Martin Gammelholm
19/02/2018 08:36:29
Last post: 20/02/2018 06:41:22
User: repository queries
Hi Dynamicweb, I am looking for an option to use repository queries as an user group which you can do with smart searches. Will that be possible? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
06/02/2018 13:59:03
Last post: 19/02/2018 09:27:07