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Index Query not acting like I expect

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall
On the website, I have set up an Index and a query that works perfectly. But I have tried to expand this with negative keywords - ie. a text box in which you can enter words that will result in the search being applied, no results will be obtained.
The problem is just that it does not work :/ On this page I have attempted to enter value "búsk" (stringbased item field in pagepropterties) which should cause page id = 115 not to be included in the result. But it does this
What am I doing wrong? Attached is the image of my query.




Steffen Kruse Hansen Dynamicweb Employee
Steffen Kruse Hansen

Hi Hans,

I have looked at your site, and I have a couple of suggestions.

1) Have the browsed the Lucene index files with Luke, and I can see that the field 'MyNegativeKeywords' is not present in the index. I think you should use the 'Property_PageSettings_NegativeKeywords' as source instead of 'PageSettings_NegativeKeywords'.

2) When I go to I don't see any results from the 'Ung í læru' query, which is the only one which uses the 'MyNegativeKeywords' in the query. However if you add the 'MyNegativeKeywords' to the 'Ung í skúla' query after (1) is fixed, the page '115' disappear from the search page.

I hope this fixes your problem

Best regards,



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