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Change password success notification

Dan Avramescu


I want to show the user a notification when he changes his password successfully. I am using the Extranet Module, the Edit profile Template. 

Is there any tag/trigger/session that I can use so I know when it was changed? TemplateTags does not show anything usefull and the url is the same (the page is just refreshed)




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

You have a tag called "UserManagement:User.Login.Action" that has the value "PasswordChanged" if everything is good.

BR Nicolai

Jens Jakob Kristensen
Jens Jakob Kristensen

Hi Nicolai,

Is there any restrictions / guidelines as to where this tag should be placed in an Extranet template for changing password?

When I insert the tag according to the documentation the tag does not render any data.

I have tried placing the tag in the form, before and after form with no luck.

Nicolai Pedersen

It has to be in the login template - users/extranet/login means, users module, extranet app, login template.

If you are in edit user/profile, you have the validation loop:

BR Nicolai

Jens Jakob Kristensen
Jens Jakob Kristensen

Hi Nocolai,

Thank you for the quick response.

But what we need is not feedback regarding a validation error. We need feedback on succesfull password change.

Which tag can we insert in that loop to render some data/value after succesfull password change? I can't seem to find the info on this in the template tag section?


Nicolai Pedersen

If there are no errors and a password was submitted, the password was changed...? My best option right now.

Can add a request to give you a specific message.

Otherwise instead of having change password as part of the edit profile, you can create a link called "Change password" that links to the login page in a change password mode. And then use the message from there.

BR Nicolai

Jens Jakob Kristensen
Jens Jakob Kristensen

Hi Nicolai,

It has been some time, but just a quick follow up on your suggestion above.

You mention the login page in a "change password mode". I am not familiar with such a configuration. Could you please elaborate a bit on how to set this up?

"Change password mode" is this a page setting og paragraph/app setting? Or is it configured in a template (page, paragraph or app?)?

Do you have any documentation or template example?

Thank you in advance

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Jens Jakob

It is a setting of the users module in login mode - see the settings here:

Tags and examples here:

BR Nicolai


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