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Automatic redirect when link changes

Martin Grønbekk Moen
Martin Grønbekk Moen

We have a case where the customer has changed a lot of the links in the solution, and now users that have bookmarked the old links get a 404.
That is as expected, but the customer says that "all other CMS-systems" manage to remember link changes, and redirect to the new link automatically.

Is this possible in DW? If not, then it might be a feature request :)


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Martin

It would be a nice feature, but Dynamicweb does not have it. We have "Direct paths" setting in Settings section of Dynamicweb where you can manually map old incoming links to new ones.

And "All other systems can do x & y" is the classic argumentation of many customers... And usually that is not true. Anyways - it would be a nice feature - it would also potentially cause a lot of problems though.

Also I would like to see how many users actually bookmarked several (many) different pages of a website... I can understand if there is one or more key pages. But users and pages in general ??

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Martin Grønbekk Moen
Martin Grønbekk Moen

Thanks Nicolai, we tried the "Direct paths" but they didnt want to do it manually...
Issue is that they have a lot of ad-campaigns in social media where the link to the products have changed, and its a big job to change them all.

We will try to create a custom redirect solution on the 404-page where we can write rules that match instead of having to create each redirect link individually.
Maybe a good solution in DW would be to make "Direct paths" support reg-ex rules.

Change to

Then a rule could be all links that match* should redirect to*
In that case we have one rule instead of 5.000 (as there are 5.000 products).


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