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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Currency on User
Hi Dw, It is possible to set the currency on a user in the administration, but this does not seem to have effect on the frontend as prices is shown in the default currency on the site. How is this supposed to work? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
07/05/2014 14:55:40
Last post: 07/05/2014 15:02:18
RE: Page keeps caching old PageID
Hej guys, I have a question here, I recently was working on a website, and at the same time client was moving some pages back and forward, there was some pages that did redirrect. And as a result, not sure how but old page name got "reserved". We cre ...
Dmitrij Jazel
11/03/2014 14:16:11
Last post: 07/05/2014 13:19:10
Items: set ParagraphHeader as default value?
Hi, is it not possible to get the ParagraphHeader (Paragraph Name) as the default value in an item text field? Something like @Paragraph(ParagraphHeader) ?? Or @Code(SOMETHING). ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
11/02/2014 21:44:47
Last post: 07/05/2014 12:45:15
Search Weighted not working in ?
Hi Just updated a solution to version Checking the functions, the Search module throws an error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index ...
Martijn Bokhove
05/05/2014 14:42:25
Last post: 07/05/2014 09:20:55
Creating new language variant of website fails .
Hi , We are trying to set up a new language on one of our customers webshops. The problem is that when we do so It runs fast and as normal until “updating links” then gets stuck. The site structure is created but paragraphs is missing . It works on o ...
Manfred Nilsson
21/03/2014 14:49:28
Last post: 06/05/2014 11:56:25
Order by random in item publisher list/news list
Hi I created at feature request on this a while back, but don´t think this has been added as a functionality. The request was to make it possible to order by random when showing a newslist. This would also be useful in Item Publisher list. Till now,  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
22/04/2014 14:53:34
Last post: 30/04/2014 10:30:06
Email Marketing and News Content Subscription
Hi We have a customer that is very happy with the way email content subscription works in the old way, regarding NewsV2 and the old Newsletter modules. The great part with this, is that it is very simple and userfriendly for the editor. I would hope  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
20/03/2014 12:11:19
Last post: 30/04/2014 10:27:13
Unable to retrieve ParagraphHeader from item on a paragraph with razor?
Hello, I stumbled upon a quite annoying issue. When creating x-amount of items on seperate paragraphs under a given placeholder I'm unable to get it by @GetValue("ParagraphHeader") which in my case would be the translation when comparing it to the "r ...
Mikkel Toustrup Olsen
30/01/2014 16:15:14
Last post: 29/04/2014 17:53:17
Error copying website
Hi, Is there a place where we can see what error happened when creating a new language? We have a website with 156 pages that's not creating the first language version. Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/04/2014 18:00:44
Last post: 29/04/2014 14:16:21
Databank page image header update
Does any one have a script that could change the path of all page headers image (composition - Top Image) on a particular language layer, same priciple as this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run ...
Andrew Mannell
28/04/2014 16:45:58
Last post: 29/04/2014 12:55:30
Clean op database with Solution Report, should it work?
Hi Just installed the default empty database with DW version With the configuration of the settings, I also tried to clean up the existing data in the database. If I try it in my own language (Dutch), it keeps running forever saying to wait ...
Martijn Bokhove
14/04/2014 14:20:02
Last post: 29/04/2014 09:43:10
User Management rights for regular user
Is there a way to grant a regular user (not admin) partial access to User Management? ...
Ilja Alaoja
23/04/2014 10:41:39
Last post: 28/04/2014 15:16:09
Selecting the Item Type Id is not an option
We have an Item Type for Ski Resort and we have an Item Type for Resort Hotel In this we want to select the Resort the hotel is in. We add a Field Hotel Resort in Resort Hotel and type: DropdownList > Source Type: Item Type We select Ski Resort as ...
Kevin O''Driscoll
09/04/2014 15:02:26
Last post: 28/04/2014 14:51:22
Folder and Navigation
Hi there, I experimented a bit with the new Folder option in the navigation structure, and observed the following: 1. Pages inside a folder are always place in the root, regardless of the folder structure. 2. Pages inside a folder not the folder itse ...
Imar Spaanjaars
24/03/2014 22:45:35
Last post: 24/04/2014 12:27:05
Email marketing css
Hi When I inline css to use in an email template I have a problem with everything from a rich text editor. It is no problem inlining css in templates (though a bit tedious), but the CKEditor will strip every manual inserted layout. I could edit the C ...
Thomas Schroll
22/04/2014 09:31:50
Last post: 23/04/2014 09:11:18
Application renders Razor different?
I have several problems with ... For a simple example, in my headsection: <html lang="@GetValue("Lang")"> When I have attached it renders: <html lang="en"> When I have attached it renders: <html=""> Am I d ...
Peter Leleulya
16/04/2014 10:29:37
Last post: 22/04/2014 21:04:33
Files disappearing in items
Hi Has anybody experienced problems when using file fields and rich text editor fields in the same item? Every time I edit a rich text field and hit save, the link to a file in File Manager disappears. Regards Thomas ...
Thomas Schroll
20/04/2014 16:55:19
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Delete language page
Hi It is possible to create more languages on a page than there is languages in the website settings by restoring a master language. Does anybody know how I can delete these extra languages? Regards Thomas ...
Thomas Schroll
16/04/2014 10:24:39
No replies yet
Datalist MSsql failing
Hi there. I have the following MSsql SELECT, TillidsmandsPortal_UserGroups.deleted, TillidsmandsPortal_UserGroups.UserID, TillidsmandsPortal_UserGroupUsers.UserID AS UID FROM TillidsmandsPortal_UserGroups LEFT JOIN  ...
Jonas Mersholm
11/04/2014 14:24:55
Last post: 14/04/2014 14:50:53
No Shippingfee on a specific user?
When a specific user (who is logged in) places an order I want the shippingfee to be free (zero). What's the best practice on how to do this? Other users who are also logged in will not have this option. So it is not enough to chek if the user is log ...
Torben Bak Jensen
08/04/2014 11:24:57
Last post: 14/04/2014 10:41:31