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Difference between

Jacob Bertelsen

Silly question probably, but:

There is quite a gap between numbers in the "recipients"-field, and the "Subscribed recipients"-field, in sent newsletters in the Newsletter V3 "Sent items" folder.
A recent example can be seen here:
Recipients: 83012
Subscribed recipients: 56880

Does anybody know what the difference between being a "recipient" and a "subscribed recipient" is?


Lars Britz

Since it is not possible in your screenshot to see how many newsletter-groups you have been sending to, my best guess is that there are quite a few lists and that the recipients are represented in various newsletter-groups, thereby overlapping.

If a recipient is a member of more than one newsletter-group the newsletter is only sent once to this recipient, so you could have 100 groups 1 recipient in each of them. The total recipient-number would then be 100 but when the actual newsletter is sent, it is only sent to one recipient - not a very realistic example, but you get the point.


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