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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Items values being deleted when working in a group

Items values being deleted when working in a group

Peter Leleulya

Hi there,

We are experiencing issues with items when working as a team on a project.
Does anyone have tips for us, because it is driving us crazy !

Item values constantly get empty.

What I think is happening is the following:

  • An item is being edited by a team member through the CMS, for example adding a text field
  • This results in a newer XML file on this persons local disc
  • This results in an updated table in the database (text field add)
  • The person fills the new text field with a value through the CMS and sees the value frontend
  • Another team member runs the site without doing anything (with the old XML file on local disk)
  • This results in an updated table in the database (newly added fields are being removed)
  • The first person runs the site without doing anything
  • This results in an updated table in the database (text field add)
  • The value is empty


It is impossible to realtime sync every itemchange to all workstations I think ...
How do you guys handle this ??




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Peter

In the newest version of Dynamicweb you can set items type definitions to be synchronized in the database.

See screendump

BR Nicolai

Peter Leleulya

Thanks Nicolai, I've just now set this option to 'database', we will test with this configuration.


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