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Item type default template not being applied

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

I have a paragraph-based item type that I am showing on a page. Under frontpage I selected a template to be the default template for that item type. However, the template is not applied, and I have to manually select it at the paragraph level.

Could there be something else that overrides the template selection or could this be a bug?



Peter Leleulya

Try to keep the template name equal to the item system name, then it will use it by default automaticly.
Have not experienced your problem yet ...

Mikkel Ricky

As Peter points out, in Dynamicweb 8.4.1 an item based page/paragraph will automatically be rendered with a template with the same name as the item system name if such a template exists. However, you should be able to override the template used by using the "Item/Paragraph page layouts" and by selecting a template on the page/paragraph itself.

You may have found a bug, but we need more details to confirm this.

Best regards,

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi Mikkel,

Do you need a URL? I can e-mail you one with a few simple steps to reproduce the problem.


Mikkel Ricky

Yes, please send me a url and steps to reproduce.

Best regards,

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars
This post has been marked as an answer

Answer from Mikkel over e-mail:

Excerpt from /Templates/Designs/DesignName/top-menu.html on the site:

<div id="dwcontent-featured-span12" class="dwcontent featured span12" title="Main (12 columns)" settings="template:Top Bottom 100 pct.html;default:true”>

This makes "Top Bottom 100 pct.html” the default template for any paragraphs in this content placeholder overriding everything but an explicitly defined template on the paragraph.

Thanks Mikkel!


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