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Integrating to PostNord Logistics?

Dmitrij Jazel

Did DW integrated with PostNord Logistics? By any chance?

It is a delivery service (similar to Post Denmark or UPS), used in Norway.


Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

Hi Dmitrij,

Postnordlogistics is part of PostNord which is the owner of Post Danmark which we have en integration with. The system we have an integration with is the same they use in Sweden as well (packsoft) so my fist thought would be, that it might be the same system used in Norway? But I'm not sure and I'm not sure that the service you are asking for?

Postnordlogistics also offers a service with warehouse management - that's another system as far as I can see (IEX). Could you explain what kind of system/service you'll need integration with?


Dmitrij Jazel

Well, since you have several shipping providers, I saw this ones, but no other...

I wanted to know if you ever heard about Postnordlogistics, and I see that you did heard about it. Than - as you said:

>> Postnordlogistics is part of PostNord which is the owner of Post Danmark which we have en integration with.


So this means that I could do something like this, and it would actually work?

With correctly filled in fields accordingly... And I am almost sure that in order to know, I have to try :-) I will do that...

Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

Hi - I assume that would be correct - but again I don't know with what service your customer has an agreement. 


Dmitrij Jazel

Allright, I see now...

Thank for your help so far Asger, as soon as I will have more information, I will come back to you on this one. :-)




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